Monday, April 7, 2014

Cousin’s Gathering

The girl cousins on my Dad’s side of the family have been hosting a family picnic during the summer.  Attendance has been dwindling the past couple of years.  We decided to try a get together in April this year…yesterday was the day.  We planned a brunch for after church.  Gluten Free egg bakes (we have a number of Celiac sufferers) sausages, ham, cinnamon rolls, caramel rolls, gluten free muffins and juice and coffee were on the menu.

The turn out was not great …there were 32 of us.  We still had a good time.   We gave away a quilt and table decorations.  My parents won the quilt.

Mom and Dad and the quilt from the cousins

Dad and Mom April 6, 2014

My contribution

This was my contribution to the quilt.  I cross stitched this a number of years ago. We have no more quilts in the works…although I think we have two quilts ready to go should a family member have a house fire.  I have one upstairs and someone else has another one. I hope those quilts are never used.

Appleblossom Begonia

This was a beautiful  Non Stop Appleblossom Begonia that Aunt Lila won.   I can appreciate these blooms, I used to grow them in the greenhouse and always marveled at their beautiful blooms.  The Non Stop Series of Begonias is hard to beat.

Aunt Lila, Aunt Grace, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Anna and my parents are the remnant of the oldest generation and all were in attendance.  Eighteen have gone on to heaven and six remain… we are thankful that the six were all well enough to join us. 

It was another beautiful day! The snow is melting fast! 

Snowstick 5 inches

We might have a winner this week!

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  1. The turn-out was not great - there were 32 of us! That says so much about families and keeping in touch with everyone doesn't it. I suspect if I were able to gather together the cousins on my Dad's family together there would not be enough for a decent game of chess if everyone attended. I do rather like the idea of big families - and prize quilts.

  2. I thought the same thing as Alan above. 32 is a great turnout for most families. Glad to hear the snow is on the way out in your area. The loons have made it as far as our part of Ohio. We have seen more this year than we have ever seen in the past.

  3. Yes, I marvel at the comment of not much of a turnout. What would make it a HUGE turnout? Love that pretty quilt, and congratulations to your parents for winning! :-)

  4. I only had one cousin, and she died 30 years ago. You are lucky to have so many relatives. :)

  5. The quilt is beautiful! I'm so glad your parents won it. How nice! I grew up with lots of relatives nearby. My kids, on the other hand, had very few cousins in the neighborhood.

  6. Like DJan's comment...What would be a huge turnout?? :) 32 wow! I live a pretty dull life. Hardly ever go anywhere or see anybody! We are planning an Easter get-together at my sister's old fashioned "dinner on the ground"! My youngest daughter said, "what's that?" :)

  7. What a beautiful quilt! Do you want to adopt me for the next drawing? :-). I have a few second cousins, but zero first cousins.

  8. Oops! I wanted to say how much I love the quilt, and the picture of your parents!

  9. Family gatherings are all too rare these days. You are the generation where the action is for having reunions. My winning guess is getting closer all the time. I forget what it is but I know it was the middle of April.

  10. Lovely quilt! And so nice to see the snow finally melting.

  11. I don't even HAVE 32 cousins on both of my families' sides! That sounds like such fun. I really loved that quilt, and would love to have won something so pretty. I already lost the snow contest.

  12. I have many cousins that I've never even met - age differences being the main reason.

    Good to hear that your family plans these events and that 32 attended. That's probably 25 more than would gather if my family planned the event.

  13. That is a beautiful quilt!! You folks look good!!!

    Go snow... MELT!!!!!!!!!

  14. I think an attendance of 32 is amazing! I love your ideas to give away the quilt and the blossoms.
    I will look for NONStoP begonias now that you declare them so great!!! hooray for a good bloom tip.

  15. Wonderful family get together . Pretty quilts . Oh finally the snow there is melting WOOHOO !! Thanks for sharing . Have a god day !

  16. It is strange that I had nightmares last night about all my mom's quilts and what I am going to do with them. The group quilt did turn out to be very good looking. I like the goldfinch and I remember when you stitched it. Our cousin's group would not be so large if we could pull them all back to Iowa. We do have a cousins mail group that lets everyone know when someone comes down with something serious or theire is a birth in the family. Our snow is gone but nothing is green.

  17. Afternoon, such a beautiful quilt, love the colors.... Finally warmer weather here too, melt snow melt, Blessings Francine.

  18. Sorry you had such a small turnout. Lucky parents to win that beautiful quilt. Glad the snow stick is starting to lean. I packed my first load to go down to the truck. We're winding down!!

  19. I loved the Non stop as well. Great for shady spot here on Oak Hill.....

  20. Lovely Quilt, I like your cross stitch addition. I too used to do cross stitching. My grand parents, parents and all my Aunts and Uncles have passed. I am blessed with many cousins :)

  21. One of the sad things is when the younger generations of the family doesn't want to take up where the older generation did and have the family get togethers. We talk about it all the time on the hubbies side of the family. We have had a couple of family get togethers, but sometimes it is hard to get everyone together at a certain time.

  22. Doing the happy dance at your soon to be lack of snow.


  23. What struck me is that it seems like your dad's family all still lives in the same area. Most families are spread out these days. It's great that the cousins are still holding the family together.

  24. Like others, I am in awe of 32 family members getting together. The Begonia is beautiful, as is the quilt. How wonderful that your parents won it. As families drift to all corners of the world, it is hard to get all together.

  25. Beautiful cross stitch! I could never do that...make me go cross eyed!

  26. Beautiful quilt.

    This may be your new schedule for bugs.

  27. That is so wonderful that you have your parents still and such a large and connected family. I have 5 cousins, only 2 of which I stay connected...that's it! Everyone else is gone and I was an only child.
    So neat that your parent's won the quilt as it is a beauty! I think I remember when you stitched that bird. Have I really been following you that long? Time flies when you're having fun! Glad Spring is finally arriving for you. It has been cold and wet here so it's not much different.

  28. Pretty quilt, and your parents look great, lucky you:) I too laughed at the 'only 32'. We have some family gatherings, but nothing like the size of yours.

  29. I'm so happy for you and your parents. I miss mine every single day! Linda


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