Monday, April 21, 2014


The tall get taller.  With much practice a boy can wander all over the neighborhood in stilts. He can make over 150 steps without falling down. Adam and the stilts

Stilts must have been a challenge for the young boy that happens to dwell in Far Guys old body.  The stilts were irresistible. They were calling his name.

Gene on stilts

He was doing pretty good, jumping to the ground when he lost his balance.

Gene falling off stilts

Then he got just a little bit off balance…it might have been Miney wanting to play ball that distracted him. He hollered at the dogs to move as he was falling.

Gene on the ground

I figured for sure he broke his hip or something. Luckily all the dogs scampered to safety and once he was on the ground they had to see if he was okay.  After a bit of laying around assessing his situation…

He is okay

He decided he was okay and wouldn’t require hip surgery or a trip to the home. 

Boys will be boys.

Adam on the stilts

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  1. Oh my gosh! I've always thought stilts look so scary! But then, I have no sense of balance at all and would never get both my feet on a pair of stilts never mind get to walk anywhere. Some children round the corner from me still play on even scarier (and very old fashioned) pogo sticks. How come my fairy godmother never wished balance on me?

  2. Yikes, Far Guy! Glad that no bones were broken and that only egos were bruised.

  3. I loved stilts when I was a kid. I'd probably be tempted to have a go again and end up on my back like Far Guy because they were pretty fun. Glad he bounced and no broken bones!

  4. A blast from the past !! Simple pleasures....I wonder how many children, today, entertain themselves with stilts.

  5. Sounds like fun since there were no broken bones. We older folks need to be daring once in a while.

  6. I like seeing stilts. Those are something not often seen as frequently when we were younger. Praise God that Far Guy is okay. Any number of bones could have been broken. Wasn't it great you were able to get pictures of both their "walks" for us?!!

  7. I bet those doggie kisses made him all better!!

  8. I don't care how old they get, they will never age past 10 years of age. Glad Far Guy didn't get hurt - he must have remembered how to "drop and roll".

  9. Oh my! This is all too familiar. The boys will be boys part....:)

  10. Glad he got out of that okay. I remember playing with stilts when I was much, much younger. But you're right: boys will be boys. :-)

  11. Yikes! But good for the young'un for nailing it! Our son liked using the 'stilts' or whatever it is they are called when plastering drywall. He got quite adept at walking around on those things!

  12. Oh my, that Far Guy's lucky nothing broke. Great pictures, Francine.

  13. Gee Far Guy - I am sure glad you are OK and nothing broken. Keep drinking the milk! There are some things we have to stop doing as the years pass. Stilts might be one of them

    Shirley H.

  14. We had a neighbor kid who walked around with stilts and he always looked like a circus performer. He kept raising his feet blocks high so he had to get onto a garbage can to get onto his stilts. I fall forward just standing still so I won't be doing the stilts things even though Barney and Button would be there if I fell.You had sweatshirt weather which is great. I am learning not to be tied down to a coat anymore.

  15. I remember having a pair of those. My pawpaw made all of his grandkids a pair when I was in the 2nd grade. I never learned how to walk on them.

  16. Oh my, glad Far Guy is okay. At least he was able/had the sense to head to the grass instead of falling on the concrete. I think even with my history of falling, I wouldn't have been able to resist giving the stilts a try:)

  17. So glad Far Guy was okay!

  18. Both these characters are awesome on their stilts. Far Guy has great balance for his age. I notice he was lucky and fell on the grass.

  19. Love that Far Guy is still channeling his inner boy...just be careful with him!

  20. That must have been a scary moment. Luckily FG was Ok. Great that he even tried such a daring feat. I must admit - seniors ROCK! Cheers!!

  21. Oh my goodness! I am sure glad Far Guy didn't break a bone!

  22. He just wanted to prove he still had it. ;-) Glad he was okay. Have a blessed week! ♥

  23. I'm glad it all turned out as something to laugh about!

  24. Sometimes, ya just gotta know how to take a fall. Looks like Far Guy knows how to handle it. Bet that was a relief--and not just for him!

  25. Looks like fun if you can keep your balance. Something I wouldn't attempt now, but would when I was younger!

  26. That was fun! Glad he didn't get hurt! Before my Dad died in the 1970's, he made stilts for all the grandchildren!

  27. That was fun! Glad he didn't get hurt! Before my Dad died in the 1970's, he made stilts for all the grandchildren!

  28. Whew!! I'm so glad he was okay!!


  29. I couldn't stay upright on ice skates or roller skates. Stilts were out of the question. ;)
    I'm glad FarGuy was okay! And that the dogs got out of the way--LOL!

  30. OMG! I saw it coming before I even saw the picture.....that is exactly why there are so many female widows all over the place...because their husbands needed to "prove they still had it". I'm telling you, first it's the fall, then the hip, them the home and in that order. LOL! I think of that every time I'm up there painting that dang ceiling! Hope all is well the next day too...ouch!


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