Saturday, April 26, 2014

The snow skipped a day

The sun was glorious on Friday, but it was still cool.  Musta been all that snow that had to melt. It was 48 F for a high or 8 C eh!

Ashleys Horses

Toward evening we all went for a drive.  Little Elvis sat on my lap the entire time…someone growled at him when he went to get into the back seat.  His heart was beating ninety miles an hour while I took this photo of Ashley’s horses.

We saw about 20 deer and everyone barked.  Part of the herd went into the fields and part went back into the woods.  There were deer everywhere!

Deer April 25


Back at home we played ball.

Search for the Border Collie

Can you see the cleverly hidden Border Collie waiting to leap out at the ball?  The Shelties play ball differently than a Border Collie.  Each to his own, the end result is the same.

As you can see there is barely a hint of green in the grass.  I am not so sure that spring has arrived…I think it might be too cold for her yet.

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  1. It's so hard to imagine you with snow in late April....yesterday, it was 86 degrees in my part of Texas !

  2. We had an unpredicted freeze and frost yesterday morning. Bah! You certainly show the visiting dogs a good time!

  3. Lovely photos. I like your header to ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  4. It has to be coming soon! At least you are above freezing, and it's almost May. Love that picture of Chance in your new header. :-)

  5. Miney & Little Elvis are definitely eager to play ball. I agree that Border Collie's like to play ball differently.

  6. We had one of those days, snow then the next day it was gone. We have been anywhere from 48 to 70, it still has not really settled down to a pattern as of yet. I am thinking about coming to see you in June if I go home. How far are you from the Illinois border?

  7. Oh ya, I can relate my friend. Love your pictures, the horses grazing in the sun looks so beautiful, Blessings Francine.

  8. Spring has finally come to Illinois. I hope it comes soon for you too!

  9. Days like that you have to find a warm sunny corner and convince yourself that it's warmer than it is. I think you just skip from Winter to Summer.

  10. What beautiful animals your Shelties are - love their markings.
    And how interesting that Chance has a different ball-chasing tactic.

  11. As I rise to a lovely sunny morning in full spring green I send wishes for more sunny, warm days for you and your beautiful furry friends.

  12. Funny Chance, waiting to pounce! So glad you got a nice day to lift your spirits.

  13. Haha. Dogs and their games. :-)
    Glad you got to have some sun! Hoping I can push a little more heat your way. ;-)

  14. With all the ball playing, you should be on some baseball teams prospect list!!!

  15. Maybe not green yet but at least the ground is not white! I am sure hoping spring will get to your place soon. Chance is so cute waiting for the ball to come his way.

  16. I love that shot of the horses in the golden light! Cute doggies waiting to play ball, too. Hope you get some green soon! Have a nice weekend!

  17. It sure has been a Winter to remember, or forget, depending on your point of view. When all turns green in a few weeks you will bask in its warmth.

    Too bad the dogs scared the deer away. They must have been a sight to behold.

  18. CHANCE Is going to get that ball FIRST!!!!


  19. We have the heat on here, right now. Still cold like winter. Burrrrrrr.

  20. Chilly and raining here...and in the foreseeable future, it appears. Now we have flood warnings, so spring must be here. Then again, we've had flooding and snow at the same time before--LOL! ;)
    Love seeing pictures of the dog gang! :)

  21. That border collie is really addicted to playing ball. Our guy is addicted to barking at cats and walkers on the street.


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