Monday, September 23, 2013

Museum Mystery Monday: A Box

A very nice lady dropped off this box at the museum.  It was one of the last things that I accessioned this year.

We did not have this item in our collection.  It is a great addition to one of our rooms.Mystery Box

The latch on the door did not work so  someone taped it.  Far Guy has removed the tape marks with goo gone and cleaned up the box inside and out.  It is now out on display along with the contents.

It is from the 1930’s. There is a handle on the top of the box.  What do you think is inside?  I know how to use one.  I rather enjoyed learning how to use one.  I would have enjoyed having one of my own because I am a curious person.

The mystery item is temporarily sitting on the counter in my office that holds some hands on items.  A muff for children to try ( black seal skin), the yellow paper is for the nib pen, and the small container partially filled with coins encourages people to get rid of their pocket change…and my Pheasant that has a sign that says “Touch me gently.” 

I have three days of work left.  I have more vacation time coming at the end of the week.  Probably a good thing too, as I have caught a cold and right now my throat is on fire.  I am attempting to fight it off with naps, Zicam and fluids.  Far Guy has it too, he is on his fifth day…I am just on my first.

I will be back later in the day to post a photo of the mystery item…guess away:)


Yes, many of you guessed it.  It is a microscope.  It belonged to a lady doctor who practiced medicine in Brainerd Minnesota, her daughter lives in Park Rapids.


  1. No idea... but very curious!

  2. So sorry you both are sick. I'll be checking back in on the mystery.

  3. Can't imagine - but looking forward to the answer.
    And take care of that throat. Make sure you're not headed to the land of strep!

  4. Morning, oh hope you two feel better soon....not to sure but very curious too, Francine.

  5. At fist I thought it might have been a milk box. But I think it is too small for that. Looking forward to finding out.Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.

  6. Maybe it's a bread box? I do hope you are able to fight off the cold. They are no fun at all! :-)

  7. I am gonna guess that there is a microscope in there. Looks to be about the right size. Hard to tell from just the box unless you had one just like it once upon a time.

  8. Could it be a box holding a microscope?

  9. I have no clue, but I think those that guessed a microscope might be on to something! Hope your cold doesn't hit you too hard, poor you:(

  10. I won't even try to guess. I hope you are both feeling better soon!

  11. I am thinking it's a telephone? Maybe? Now you have me guessing...hope that you feel better soon.


  12. I first thought "telescope," but I think microscope is a better fit. Feel better soon! I had a sore throat last week because of allergies. Allegra is helping.

  13. I think microscope, too. Take care of your cols, and get well, soon.

  14. Telephone box maybe ? Oh I hope you feel better soon . Get plenty of R&R when you can and hope you have a good day !

  15. The colds and the stomach flu, mild but irritating seems to be going around school right now. Those who have the cold get hit really hard like you two.

  16. I sure hope the zicam works and you don't get any worse! I don't have a clue what that box is, I am on pins and needles waiting to find out what it is.

  17. I think it's a cabinet for holding one's personal, refillable jug of 'shine.

  18. Get well soon!
    At first I thought a small child's locker, but I think Microscope box is probably the right guess.
    Have a wonderful week!

  19. I had no idea what was in the box. You have a real treasure with this high quality microscope from long ago.

  20. Well, I'm too late to guess, but before I scrolled down, that was my guess.
    My daughter and grand kids had colds last week. it seems going back to school means setting germs loose to share and bring home.

  21. Almost forgot to check back ~ very neat find in that old box!

  22. Wow - that microscope is a beauty!

  23. Sending you magic thoughts for healing!!!


  24. How cool is that!!! wow!
    So sorry you are both sick. Makes me extra glad you only have a few days left.


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