Sunday, September 22, 2013

Winey Snob

I do like a glass of champagne every once in awhile.  I have about 4 small one serving bottles in the fridge …they have been there about a year.  Cooks I believe is the brand. I must be ageing them. I love the bubbles in a half way decent champagne.

The last time I had a glass of wine?  Easter.

I heard it with my own ears.  “I keep an opener in the car, just in case of a wine emergency.”  What I wondered would constitute a wine emergency?  A flat tire?

I keep an extra couple of blankets in my car just in case I might be freezing to death and a small bag with necessities; an extra collar and lead for Chance, in the summertime a bottle of water and a dish again for Chance just incase he needs a drink, Kleenex, a couple of plastic bags to clean up after you know who in case he poops away from home, hand sanitizers and a couple of pens oh yes and some toothpicks. Not a wine corkscrew to be found.


Perhaps the wine emergency gal and this gardener are related?

Creative vines and bottles

No probably not, the Black Eyed Susan Vine is climbing up a piece of wood with dowels that holds old pop bottles. I am sure the wine emergency gal probably only drinks designer coffee and wine.

This recycling gardener had some beautiful sunflowers.


It was worth stopping for.  I wish they had been out in the garden working I would have you whooed and wrangled an invitation to get a closer look.  As it was I stood at the edge of their property and leaned in as far as I could without falling over.

Yesterday we had a leisurely day together just the three of us, going to garage sales and looking over different parts of the county, then we came home and had a nap:)

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  1. Cute post. I love those sunflowers. We had an all day, slow rain yesterday and I napped too.

  2. Given the choice, I think I'd prefer your company to the wine emergency gal!

  3. Wine snob, I'm not. Used to drink Boone's Farm right out of the bottle. Oh I've cleaned up my act a bit, since those years. Oh and if you only drink wine with screw on caps, no need for cork screws.

  4. I disgust my dad, my brother and my husband with my poor taste in wine. I don't have wine emergencies, either - I take it, or leave it.
    But, I do like seeing the colored glass in the sunshine, bringing a different spot of interest in a fun garden.

  5. Sounds like a good emergency kit you've got there, but you know, thinking of the other person, the opener isn't much good if you don't have any wine! :-)

  6. Ha Ha, any wine will do, :) love the sunflowers, Francine.

  7. I, too, have wine in my refrigerator that has been "aging." I have no idea how long it has been there, but it's more than a year.

    My emergency kit in the car - toilet paper, snack, candle and matches, deck of cards, spare pair of socks, jacket, hat, gloves, and a wool blanket.

  8. Smooth introduction to your gardening story!

  9. My emergency kit amounts to poop bags, paper napkins and straws from a fast food joint, and that's about it. Of course we might take a few extra things like you mentioned, depending on the trip and the time of year.
    I have a few sunflowers like the ones you photographed. Volunteers,that must have been a few seeds dropped by the birds.

  10. I do have a few wine bottles in my garden - blue ones, from a cheap, sweet Oregon wine that we loved and that wine snobs would turn their noses up at. We bought the wine because we liked the blue bottles. I guess that tells you how wine hip we are.

  11. I'm with you, bigger chance of my freezing to death out here, then running out of


  12. Hear you about the chances of freezing to death! And I do love champagne.

  13. Up north we need emergency supplies like you have in your car, but a wine emergency...never heard of that on--LOL! Glad you had some time off and a nap!! :)


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