Thursday, September 12, 2013

Frogs of a different kind

Flower frogs are really cool, they can help you arrange flimsy limp flowers in a vase  or you can discover a new use for a vintage item.

Flower Frogs

Funny lookin’ frogs


Hold things in place

They can hold things in place.  In my case they can hold vintage photographs, I have just a few.  I can change them with the seasons.

Frog Flower Holder one

They can hold long forgotten moments.

Holding someone elses moments in time

Yes, I guess I have found something else to look for in antique shops and garage sales.

Of course they will display other things besides photographs.  Cards is one thought that comes to mind.  I usually display cards I get in the mail on the window ledge until I tuck them away in a hatbox. (That is a whole other thought to share someday.) 

My smallest frog was just 50 cents at a garage sale over the weekend…a good buy.  My other frog was considerably more expensive. Frogs come in all shapes and sizes and some are different colors.  The frog is made of metal possibly lead and the pointy things look like nails. A grouping is supposed to be odd…three…five…seven…nine.  Two just seems strangely odd somehow.  I was trying my hardest to stave off this newest thing to collect  but it seems I am a goner:)

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  1. Morning, oh Connie, be still my beating heart, one of my loves, great collection......I adore and collect old flower frogs too, Blessings Francine.

  2. I didn't know that's what you call them, but they are such a good idea. I have a vase that contains one but it's permanently in there.

  3. Those old frogs are so cool. I never thought of using one for pictures - clever idea.

  4. You are a clever lady, I would have never thought to use frogs for anything other than flowers!! Keep looking, you'll find that third frog!!

  5. Frogs are wonderful although be careful. I have been poked.

  6. I have never seen one of these before. Good luck collecting.

  7. I have a lead frog that I purchased in Japan - I used it once or twice to arrange flowers. Now, I have another use for it. Thanks!

  8. I sure never thought that flower frogs would come to be a collector's item. Maybe these days they are made of plastic?
    Shirley H.

  9. Oooooooooh... I thought you meant "ribbit" frogs that ate bugs!!


  10. How cool - never seen these before.

  11. Wonderful . I have never seen or heard of these ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  12. I think you can probably find plastic ones in garden and craft centers...unless you just want the antique kind.

  13. We see this pretty often in antique stores. You got a good deal on the one over the weekend. Great idea to display your photos and/or cards.

  14. I have a few from my grandmother - and then I also have some glass flower holders. Are they also called frogs?
    What a fun way to use them! And, I agree - displays must have at least 3; flowers and shrubs, too!

  15. I have a few glass frogs that my mom had picked up at the dime stores. I think she had the metal ones too but they probably got pretty rusty and dirty from being in vases that never got cleaned out. You have some great uses for sure.

  16. That's cool, I've only used mine for flower arrangements.

  17. I don't have any flower frogs. I started downsizing a few years back and threw out old cards, etc. I don't display much anymore, but that is a great idea.

  18. My mom had several. Now I have to see whether I have any. Nice idea for displaying pix and cards.

  19. I love frogs too...and have a few of them, both in glass, and metal, yes they are highly addictive to collect..we're both goner's for sure.


  20. I learn something new on this blog every day. I've never heard of frogs like these, but I think I've seen something like this.

  21. great way to "re-purpose" them... I think you may be hooked!

  22. I have 2 or 3 of these. Now if I could just find where I put them I could get them out to decorate with.

  23. OH...I thought you where talking about the OTHER frog!!!


  24. Brilliant!!! Absolutely brilliant! And the older frogs fit especially well with the old photos. You are so clever. :)


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