Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I got mail

I got some Royal Mail, it took six weeks to get here, it must have been on one of those tall ships or a row boat.

Mail from Alan

Alan collects postcards, earlier in the summer I found a postcard of Blackpool at a Flea Market and sent to off to him.  He in turn sent me a postcard from Pittsburg, PA of the Machesney Building that is now called The Benedum-Trees Building that was built in 1905.  The postcard has horses and carriages going up and down the street.  Doesn’t Alan have wonderful penmanship?  Thanks Alan!  He writes the blog News From Nowhere.

A few days later I got a box in the mail.  Johnson Cottonwood Bark from Colorado, from Linda.  She lost a huge branch in her yard and when I asked her about the bark she mailed me not one box but two.  Thanks Linda!  I will carve something for her…eventually.  Linda writes the blog Life on a Colorado Farm.

One of the great things about blogging is that I have wonderful friends from all corners of the world.

Colorado Bark

It is always great to get something in the mail other than bills:)

Blog Signature


  1. Indeed. I'll have to try that sometime. You did forget to mention the junk mail that there is no end to also.....

  2. The only snail mail we get now a days is bills lol some bills most are on line . WOW ! that's wonderful all that bark she sent . I will have to pop over to her blog and take a peek . Oh looking forward to what you carve out that bark. Thanks for sharing .. Have a good day !

  3. That is very nice that via blogging we can have friends from all over the world. Can't wait to see what you carve out of the bark.

  4. I also love the fact that I have friends all over the world. Glad to count YOU among them. And Chance. :-)

  5. I've discovered that bloggers are wonderful people (thanks again for the acorns, last year!)

  6. OMG - how funny! I think the PO workers would really wonder about both you and Linda... sending and receiving bark! I can't wait until I see what you do carve.
    Yes, blog friends are wonderful. It is great fun to 'collect' them and now, on our travels, I get to meet a few in person. That is a fantastic experience!

  7. My wife's art business has us shipping all over the world and I am surprised how fast it gets there. But shipping to Canada is a different story as it takes customers up there four to six weeks sometimes to get the shipped artwork. We have never had anything shipped to us from outside the United States but it must be slow. Nice bark!

  8. Love my circle of friends in the blogosphere! You given me ideas!!

  9. What delightful mail! More fodder for your creative spirit.

  10. Wonderful to get surprises from blog friends.

  11. That is wonderful.

    Do you want some lightning struck Tulip Poplar or will it be too hard to carve?

    1. Thanks Gail yes I would probably wear out my fingers. Thanks anyway:)

  12. Now it's the Johnson Cottonwood Bark that I'd be interested in. Hope you will post some "before and after" photos :)

  13. I follow Allan and he can drag amazing things out of a post card. With only a few more days work you need something like a good piece of bark to work on.

  14. So now I am to understand that you are a carver too? Please show us what you make out of the bark.

  15. What fun mail you get!
    I was born in Yorkshire, although not Huddersfield.
    I received a letter from my uncle who lives just outside Blackpool (and I've been to Blackpool myself), and his letter took about three days to get to me here in Canada. I was very impressed by that:)

  16. Oh, good! They got there! The last bark package is of Chinese Elm (who knows how it will carve) and Rio Grande Cottonwood. We have two kinds of cottonwood and I wanted you to have a go at both kinds!


  17. That is just plain great! Especially love the boxes of bark--LOL! I know you will make something out of them eventually. So cool! And, yes--he has really nice handwriting. :) There are just the most amazing, wonderful, generous people online.


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