Sunday, September 1, 2013

Last of the Summer Skies

We can bid adieu to August.  She was dry and cool and then dry and scorching hot. 

Around these parts August is the last of summer.  September is when school starts and everyone closes up their cabins for the winter.  Most of the tourists will have exited the State by Monday afternoon.  All that will be left of tourists is the older retired couples who like the cool nights and fall colors.


The skies were quite dramatic last evening.  A storm was heading our way carrying a little bit of much needed rain.  Chance hates the thunder…he ended up on the floor in the back seat…poor boy is such a fraidy cat dog when it comes to thunder.


We drove around looking at the clouds.  It doesn’t take much to entertain us anymore.


We headed up to the prairie.  From the cemetery we watched the storm come in and the sun try to burn it’s way through the clouds.  By the time we made it back home it was raining!  I hoped to photograph some luck this time:)

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  1. I think Chance is smart to be afraid of lightning and thunder. Love your sky pictures, especially that first one. :-)

  2. Our family use to migrate south from Grand Rapids to return Iowa and go back to school. That was a long time ago but the memories are fresh. The trees were starting to turn and the older people would stick around a few more weeks to close up their cabin.

  3. Poor Chance. He and my cat (Magic) could console each other in a thunderstorm!
    Glad you got the much needed rain.
    These are pretty pictures of the changing sky.

  4. Are you happiest when the summer folks leave? We used to enjoy the quiet when we lived in a vacation area.
    Beautiful pictures!

  5. I am glad you got some much needed rain. We really need some here too.
    Poor Chance.

  6. The heat/humidity buster has arrived here too. We've had so much rain this past week, hubby went down to the dock a few times to make sure the pontoon was not floating above the dock!! As far as tourists leaving, its an exciting day in northern Wis too!! In fact the residents of the Minoqua area gather at a parking lot along hwy 51. They have a cookout, drink some state beverage, and line their lawn chairs along the highway. They bid a fond farewell to the tourist, while anticipating having the northwoods peace and quiet back!!!

    1. I love the picture of the natives gathering to party and send the tourists on their way! I feel a little like that when the big yellow school buses come through and take away all the kids, and peace and quiet return.
      Used to have a cabin near Manitowish Waters. Went back for a look-see a couple years ago and barely recognized the lake. More like a subdivision.
      Enjoy the fall!

  7. We missed the storm here at home ~ we were at an outside wedding... at the wedding everything got dark, darker then windy and windier and then it began to sprinkle as the last of the guests went through to meet and greet the bride and groom.... good timing :)

  8. I've been around hundreds of dogs and almost all of the big dogs have been afraid of thunder and fireworks and I can't remember a single little dog afraid of them. I don't know if it has to do with their size or some other factor. Anyway you have incredible skies.

  9. Many doges are the same as Chance and are terrified of thunder. We are having a hot spell for the next week so we won't be reminded of fall just yet.

  10. Most of the tourists have exited Wyoming, too. While I love sharing the State's scenery and attractions as well as the boost they give the economy, I like having roads that are not clogged with RVs and motor homes.

    Glad your area is now receiving some moisture and that the temperatures are cooling.

    Just like Chance, our farm dogs did not like thunder storms.

  11. Your photos are gorgeous. Kind of sad seeing summer end, but I am ready for cooler weather. I wanted to go out and take end of summer photos this weekend but am afraid to leave home right now. An intruder tried to break-in, but Riley saved me. I posted it on my blog today. Sure ruined my holiday weekend. :(

  12. The rain missed us again. Some with north and some went south. We really need the rain but at least the temps and humidity have dropped.

  13. Same here . Kids back to school on Tuesday . The weather here is topsy turby still humid with a mix of sun and rain but fall is slowly showing it's self . Miggs doesn't like thunder either . Yes the sun is changing in it's direction and colour . I love this time of year . Love your photos and header ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  14. Glad to hear you got some rain!:-)

  15. Beautiful photos! The clouds were impressive out our way last night, too--especially during the sunset. But no rain here.

    I always get melancholy over another lost summer. Around here, kids are back in school now for over two weeks by the time September hits. Sometimes summer doesn't even feel like summer anymore :(

    Glad some rain is coming your way. After seeing yesterday's pics, it was pretty obvious the farms around you could use some more water.

  16. And here, in southwest VA, it rained so much my back teeth were floating. Good riddance to August and Summer!

  17. Spent the weekend in hot humid Rochester. Drove back today and had to change out of my shorts. Doesn't look like there was much rain though. :(

  18. Forgot to mention that the corn looks a lot better down there. Not shriveled up at all. They must have had more rain that up here.

  19. You are so right, Connie. It really doesn't take much to entertain Terry and I anymore either.

    Fuzzy says he totally understands Chance. TOTALLY!


  20. I am constantly entertained by clouds. These were great shots. I have never been able to capture lightning...yet. ;) Poor Chance. Karma doesn't mind thunder unless it is super loud and feels like it is right overhead, but she hates the tornado sirens and the fire alarm in the building. End of tourist season...the museum closing can't be far behind. ;)


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