Thursday, June 27, 2024


 The buds are about to open on the Japanese Tree Lilac. 

Fun to see the blooms, although the trees in town are covered in blooms.  I believe ours has seven blooms:) Which is better than none.   I cannot even blame the deer...who found she who sees robins first raised garden and ate most of her beans and some radishes:(

Far Side


  1. Rabbits ate all of our tomatoes, so we had to fence that area and spend money on plants and replant. Now we have to fence the other garden. Not sure when that will happen due to cost.

  2. We have some neighbors who have built rather intricate deer fencing for their gardens. They had to make two lines of hot wire fencing around their garden to combat raccoon and deer.

    The deer ruined a lot of field crops last year because of the drought we had and there wasn't good browsing in the forest.


  3. Sorry to hear that those good veggies were purloined by the deer.

  4. The first year our neighbors moved in - - about three years ago, he believed he should plant enough so he could share with the wildlife. I saw him standing outside one day looking in disbelief and almost shock at the plants that were gone almost overnight. The next year, they had wire fencing built on a frame about five feet high around their raised beds. It of course, has a door, for entry. What is so cool is they have a waterline from their stream to a faucet and hose at that area. Now their produce is about seven feet tall. The wife has multiple flower gardens, too. She is truly talented with her green thumb and her husband will build whatever she envisions. Great neighbors who are quiet and have beautified the neighborhood!

  5. It will be great to see some blooms. Are Japenese lilacs like regular lilacs and require pruning. I'm sure the deer would be happy to do that for you. :p

  6. We have a young deer living in the treelined. So far it has left my plants alone. I haven't heard of a Japanese lilac. Until now.

  7. You have some of the most unusual and interesting plants there! :)

  8. Oh no! Such a bummer when critters help themselves to gardens. Deer munched on our raised strawberries again this year, but with the use of a double bug net (bought for cicada's that never found there way to us) they made a full recovery. We are debating on fencing.

    Enjoy your blooms!!

  9. I guess some years you can bloom profusely and some years you don't. Your lilac has been having some you don't years. :(

  10. We fortunately don't have animals eating our crops, just lack of sun and heat and too much rain. We bought a few basil, cucumber and marigold starts today to have something hopefully growing. The seeds we planted didn't do well.

  11. It must be so hard struggling with deer in your garden like that. It is not a problem you hear of here - our worst garden raiders are rabbits and opossums (an introduced Australian marsupial that loves eatinng roses).

  12. Yes seven is better then none, nice photos

  13. Deer can destroy a garden in one night. The only thing that worked for us was electric fence. I really don’t miss gardening. You work so hard and many things can ruin your harvest.

  14. I can imagine how amazing a lilac tree full of blooms would look...and smell💜.

  15. You have to be stouthearted to be a gardener! I can't wait to see the blooms.


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