Saturday, June 22, 2024

Peach is one!

 Happy Birthday to our youngest Great-granddaughter...Ree better known as Peach.  She was one year old earlier this week.

Great Auntie Jen took some photos! 

Peach is a real doll!   I can hardly believe she is one already.  

Great Auntie Jen is one of her favorite people! AND Peach is one of Jen's favorite people too! 

The birthday pool party is today, there will be too many people for us to attend.  We facetimed with Peach on her birthday.  We will see her in person one day next week. 

Happy Birthday Peach!  You are one well loved little girl! 

Far Side


  1. What a perfect name for that little sweetie!

  2. She is such a little doll. Perfection. That's a great photo of her and Jen. I love how your family is so close.

  3. Oh my, what a cutie! Happy Birthday wee Peach.

  4. Sorry you can't attend, but you'll see her soon. That is the perfect nickname for her. That year went by so quickly! Cute photos. :)

  5. Sweet little girl. Glad you are going to see her in a few days.

  6. What an adorable little girl, who there is no doubt is loved by her family

  7. Excellent photos! I understand why you are avoiding crowds. We are doing some of that ourselves. COVID is going around this area again. There are been varying degrees of severity but those who have gotten very sick are super sick!

  8. More family, more fun, fuller life. Love the Lacey tent.

  9. She really is a doll. How nice that she is close enough to get some cuddles in.

  10. Such a cutie pie! Seeing her in a small group will be much more fun. I bet you can't wait!

  11. Such a beautiful child. Happy Birthday!

  12. How precious she looks. I hope her party was perfect. Happy Birthday to Peach.

  13. Happy Birthday to your sweet g-granddaughter💗

  14. What a cutie! She is pretty special!

  15. She is the sweetest! So precious and Jen did a great job with the photos. I love the picture of Jen and Peach together.


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