Thursday, June 20, 2024


 A bear visited us early morning on June 19th.  He just wanted the suet out of the bird he bent the pole and took the suet. 

This is a photo of a photo but you can see him/her sitting there happily munching away at our bird feeders.  He/she was at our place about 2:30 AM.

Earlier about 11:30 PM he/she visited my baby brothers bird feeders.  He got a much better photo than we did. 

Such is life in the Northwoods. 
Far Side


  1. And I think sparrows and raccoons are pest! I'm glad we don't have bears to contend with!

  2. Nice bear!
    We've had to put our feeders away. My composter as well!

  3. Rut Ro...

    We only have a little bit of bird seed out in the day and none at night. But I don't live in your wild wild country where the bears roam quite a bit.
    Our biggest problem can be squirrels and eventually perhaps racoon after the seed.

  4. Oh wow! That must be frustrating with them ruining things too.

  5. don't have to live in north woods to see bears...they have been seen here in urban areas as well...

  6. I’m ashamed to be gripping about a little squirrel.

  7. I hope you're being careful in the daytime when you're four wheeling on Ranger Blue. We used to have black bear in the campground in Washington. Not often, but often enough that I gave up my nightly before bed walks with Chloe. I'm sorry about the damage to the bird feeders, but it's still fun to see them. We sometimes watch "The Pet Collective" on TV and see bears playing in peoples pools and lounging on their decks. They can be comical but also deadly.

  8. Yikes! Hopefully it finds another source of food soon.

  9. Bears are opportunists. If they roam around enough they will find enough to eat.

  10. Fascinating to see them, but scary too. Guess a bear definitely beats out the deer, raccoons, and squirrels messing with our feeders.

  11. While we have had a black bear here, just passing through, we don't have them LIVING here and raiding our bird feeders. Uffduh!

  12. We don't have bears, but I don't live in the Northwoods. I live in the west metro! I have a raccoon living happily on my farm, eating cat food! We share their space!

  13. Wow! I hear so much more about bears invading people's property now. But, hey, it was the bear's property first.

  14. Looks like a big boy! We had a big one over here back on May 25th.

  15. They sure can be destructive.

  16. I bet that bear is so happy that you put food out for birds - probably thinks you do it just for it! Stay safe :)

  17. I have never seen a bear and since we don't have bears in Australia I am unlikely to see one

  18. I wonder if that bear will be coming around regularly now that it has found yummy stuff.

  19. I know that this can be quite scary. I have wanted to see a bear for several years now. From a distance of course. We traveled to Alaska last year in hopes of seeing one, but we did not. It is way too hot for Bears in Texas. Something we just don't ever see.

  20. I love bears but not in my yard! I would be afraid to go out! LOL! I know most are mild-mannered but there are a few who have attacked and harmed and you never know which one you might run into. The problem is usually people that feed them or leave garbage out from what I hear.


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