Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Oak Buds and More

 The Oaks are budding out...the ones high in the trees show up nicely against the sky. 

Here are some buds close up.

Awesome start on their way to the leaves that make our yard cooler in the summer. 

Far Guy's Doctor wanted him to be seen in the ER yesterday, we spent the afternoon there, he had a CAT scan and it was revealed that he has a 3 mm stone about to dump into his bladder....from there he should be able to pass it on out.  It all takes time and lots of water. He got some pain meds that seem to take the edge off the pain.   One day at a time. 

Yesterday the stove guy came and looked over our new stove situation, he had to order some special venting so maybe if the part comes and all goes well we can cook on the new stove tonight!!

Real exciting things happening at our place!

Far Side


  1. Oh y goodness! I'm so sorry your hubby is having so much pain. Thank goodness he has pain meds!

  2. It's amazing the difference in our seasons. We're getting ready to go into summer with our trees fully leafed out & yall are just starting spring. Kevin just said we'll need to pick strawberries this evening. That also means getting strawberry pie ingredients at the grocery store this evening too.

  3. Oh...yep, that is exciting. I sure hope FG can pass that stone easily.
    I can't imagine the pain.

    I have one of those very basic stoves and hubby said I didn't really need much of an oven because I don't bake much.
    Miss Merry on her blog described a pretty neat device for cooking!

    All right, off I go....

  4. Barb planted 3 oak twigs last year, it is hard to tell if they made it through the winter. They look dead but we are going to give them one more year to see.

  5. Hopefully FG will pass the stone this afternoon so he can enjoy the new stove tonight, too. Sounds like a better day! Hooray. Life is like a roller coaster - - isn't it - - the ups and downs and really scary parts.

  6. Well hopefully you will finally have a working stove today - and cook something special to celebrate a passed (fingers crossed) kidney stone.

  7. Kidney stones sound horrible. Hope this too will pass soon.

  8. I remember something about it being time to plant something when the oak leaves are as big as squirrels ears. Yours are getting there.
    Good news about the stove, and maybe FG's kidney stone.

  9. Here's hoping that stone passes quickly. Glad Far Guy was able to get some pain meds to take the edge off.

    We're seeing hints of green in the tree out back, an elm I suspect. The front tree is just budding now. With all the rain we've had, and with the heat in the forecast I suspect we'll see more leaves shortly.

    Good luck with the stove venting!

  10. I always enjoy watching the buds form and unfold in the spring. Hope Far Guy is ok!

  11. I would not like to have a kidney stone and as you said it takes time to pass it and it is painful to do so, hope he copes well with it.

  12. I really hope that darn stone passes quickly and FarGuy feels so much better afterwards. He's had a rough winter. Deserves a much better summer. :)

    I'm curious what the first thing is that you will be making when that stove is finally working! I hope things settle down for you guys and you have a calmer summer. :)

  13. Fingers crossed on both counts. Hope the stone passes first, then the vent install. You have been remarkedly patient with that stove!

  14. Most of us have the same exciting things going on in our lives.

  15. Take care you guys. Praying for both of you and your new stove too.

  16. I hope the stove guy can get that problem solved...that would be awful to have a brand new stove but not be able to use it.

    I don't even like to think of a kidney stone...I don't have them but have family that does and it is not fun.

  17. So glad they gave him something for the pain and hopefully you will have a working stove real soon!


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