Thursday, May 2, 2024

May basket delivery

 Last night we went for a Ranger Blue ride to deliver May Baskets to neighbors.  We have some to deliver to in town children today.  It was a nice evening for a ride. 

Only one May Basket had to be hung on a bag from the door. 

Opie and Teeter barked at us ...the horses paid no attention. 

Fun to see that our area is greening up after the rains. 

Hope you all had a fun May Day! 

Far Side


  1. It's so beautiful there...We've really had a wet Spring so far here in central Texas...raining right now.
    Your rose is so pretty! Mine were blooming but all this rain has put a stop to that.
    Have a sweet day!

  2. Looks like you had a beautiful day!

    I spent the afternoon hiking and looking for spring wildflowers with Charlie!

  3. Looks like a lovely evening for a ride. We had a cloudy, rainy day here but the sun is shining this morning.

  4. Love the fact that you do May Day baskets!

  5. I am glad you got to get out and that your weather is getting more like spring/summer.

  6. You are so wonderful to do that for your friends and neighbors. I stopped doing for my neighbors here after dropping off Christmas cards and cookies when I first moved here and I never heard a peep back from anyone. I think they're all in the witness protection program! LOL!

  7. What a fun thing to do. Nobody does May baskets here, haven't even seen any since I was a child.
    Hope your husband continues to improve and your stove gets hooked up properly.

  8. Your sheep May baskets are adorable! That is such a fun tradition, and brings back lots of fun childhood memories of making and delivering them.

  9. I have never heard of May baskets. I looked this up and it seems this tradition goes wayyy back. this is such a great thing and I love the idea. So Neat!! Hope far guy is better today...

  10. It’s a lot of fun to get out and give fun things. Old blue is a lot of fun to have in Minnesota.

  11. It's beautiful there! I'm so glad you got out and took a ride. Helps lift the spirit!

  12. May Day—I always wondered why May-day! Owing to the difficulty of distinguishing the letter "S" by telephone, the international distress signal "S.O.S." Are the words "May-day", the phonetic equivalent of "M'aidez", the French for "Help me."

  13. It looks beautiful there! You are kind and generous. I hope your neighbors are appreciative.

  14. Lucky recipients.

    We used to make May Baskets as kids and put them on my gramma's door knob. We usually wove them from paper into triangles with strips and stuffed them with dandelions.

    When I worked for the library in the 1980's, I had a Saturday craft afternoon where the children and I made May Baskets and I told them to put them on neighbors doors on the first of May. Not one family had ever heard of this. . .
    Such a great tradition and where did it go? Thank you for continuing it!

  15. I forgot to comment yesterday on how much I like your May baskets and I love the fact that you still keep this tradition.
    We spent most of May Day with my sister Laurie, delivering a van full of plants for her garden club plant sale. She showed us photos of the two highschool girls who got scholarships this year from the proceeds of last year's sale, which we also contributed to. A good cause.
    Then we had lunch out at a hundred year old tavern with the locals and visited two fun nurseries. Yes, we bought plants. It was a good May Day.

  16. It looks so green and gorgeous!! :)

  17. Interesting if only I knew more about May baskets

  18. Sounds like yours was a really fun May day. Good for you!

  19. How fortunate that you had lovely weather for the ride in Ranger Blue to deliver the May basket (s).

  20. Thank you so much for the little surprise! Sorry we missed you, it would have been nice to chat for a moment ~ Gosh our grass looks like it is really getting green, we will soon be mowing!

  21. How fortunate that you had lovely weather for a ride in Ranger Blue to deliver the May basket.


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