Thursday, May 23, 2024

25 plus one day

 Noah was 25 years old yesterday, I must have been off in la la land, or forgetful city. 

Anyways our oldest Grand Noah is now 25 years old plus one day.  We celebrated with him last week, we went out to his favorite Mexican Place!  We had a good visit and he talked about his work and a very scary project that he thought was the best thing ever...I believe he said he was up 360 feet in the air and he would do it again!  He is happy with his job and is looking to buy a house. 

Photo of Noah and his dog Aurora taken last December

Happy Birthday Noah, I hope you had the best day ever! We are so proud of you!  Love you always and forever! 



  1. Happy Birthday Noah! Best wishes finding the perfect house!

  2. I am sure Noah will forgive you. Our oldest is only 13.

  3. Happy Birthday to Noah! He sounds like a very enterprising and hard working young man.

  4. 360' in the air? Yikes!! Happy Grandson's Birthday to you.

  5. Aww, Happy Birthday to your Noah!! 25 is a great age...

  6. 360 feet in the air is nothing if you're on an airplane but there would be some situations where 360 ft would be scary.

  7. WAtching our grands grow up is a wonderful thing.

  8. A house sounds like a great birthday gift for oneself... So glad he will get to own rather than rent. He sounds like a hard-working man.

  9. Happy birthday to Noah! Isn't it great to see our kids/grandkids enjoying their career choices?

  10. What was he doing up so high? Happy Birthday, Noah!!!

  11. My Astrid is 24. Happy Birthday to Noah.

  12. Happy belated birthday to Noah!
    360 feet in the air? What in the world was he doing up there!

  13. He was replacing a shield that was high in a tower on a really tall building.

  14. I imagine he had all safety measures in place when he was up there. Just thinking about it makes me cringe ( I'm not good with heights).

  15. Handsome and successful young man! Happy Birthday Noah!

  16. Happy Birthday to your Noah. Sounds like he has a scary job! Although sounds like he doesn't think it's too scary. Yikes.


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