Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Construction is happening in Osage.  

Far Guy took this photo near the Dam.   It was a mess on Thursday, but the wait was not long to get through. 

Yesterday Far Guy worked on his old Car Tilly, I did some laundry and cleaned out one of the grates in the walkway that catches dirt.  One more to go.   After doing one I had a nap.  We made supper together.   I am not feeling terrific....lightheaded and I hurt all over.  

One day at a time. 

Far Side


  1. Hooray for some normal regular stuff around the house - - - but I truly hate you feel so badly.

  2. I admire your determination. I sure hope something is done for you soon. Like right away soon.

  3. Naps are good, especially when one is feeling so much pain. Take care!

  4. I'm amazed that you still get so much done with so much pain. I hope the meds start working and you're feeling better very soon.

  5. I'm so sorry! It sucks when you don't feel well, and it's worse if it's the meds that are supposed to help you that are making you not feel well! Yes, the cost of these meds is unbelievable. I don't know what people do that are not covered by insurance. And the paperwork is beyond terrible. We are lucky that we have insurance, but it's still hard. Sending hugs.

  6. Naps should be mandated!
    The scene on my road is much the same. OH MY GOODNESS, the dust it terrible! And the noise! The gravel is so loose one has to crawl along the road. Some of these side by sides and single ATVs that go roaring by here are taking their life in their hands!

  7. Construction work, like road works can be frustrating in the short term but worth it the end generally speaking

  8. I suppose you don't have much choice but to keep soldiering on despite feeling awful. Hopefully soon.....

  9. I wish they would find you a medicine that works for you without making it worse. It does take a long time to adjust and get the medicine working in your system. I was on steroids (major dosage...I looked like the incredible hulk!) for along time and I still take a small dosage with my hydrochlorquine but that's it. It works for me but it took many years before it went into remission of sorts. I was on the expensive drugs for years and almost went bankrupt!
    But all's well that ends well. Get your rest and don't overdo it. No drama or stress either...that's what did me in! LOL!

  10. I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well. Rest up and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.

  11. I have been praying for your pain to be lessened....sure hope that happens soon. So sorry to hear about your tiredness and pain. Men sure love to work on their cars...mine is like that too.


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