Friday, December 23, 2022


 It is so cold.  I managed to get Far Guy to his Infusion appointment and I ran errands.  It was forty something below zero windchills and getting colder by the was dangerous out there. 

I went out to take a photo of the newly decorated sled and told Jen that if I didn't come back in right away then come and look for me! 

We could be florists!  It was a fun project! 

The dogs make quick trips outside to do their duties and Sadie is part snow plow. 

We made soup yesterday...everyone pitched in to prepare the vegetables; parsnips, rutabaga, carrots, cabbage, potatoes and tomatoes joined beef that was warmed us on a cold day. 

Far Side


  1. Absolutely dangerous out there!
    That soup sounds perfect!! :)

  2. Here's hoping this cold snap snaps soon. It makes every trip out of the house miserable.
    The sled is gorgeous! You could be florists for sure.

  3. Wow, you guys are so creative! My MIL used to decorate her sled all of the time and set it out on her porch.

  4. The sled looks wonderful. Great job! I have the old wooden sled from my childhood, and want to do something similar with it.

    Stay warm!

  5. It is very difficult for many to combine two households for any length of time but your families seem to do well with it. It is so refreshing to see the good relationships and love you all have for each other. You craft together and cook together and enjoy the pets together. Thanks for such a positive testimony while you all are coping with the harsh winter weather.

  6. Now that is cold! Our weather is warming up but it means freezing rain on top of the snow. Your soup sounds divine! Stay safe, stay warm, dear friend.

  7. Fancy looking sled. You could a florist, it's very pretty! Love the big bell. I added very simple decor to two old sleds. The sled by our front door is husband Brad's childhood sled. He said it is 45-50 yrs old. I think it is probably a little older, but I wasn't there lol. The one by the barn is my kids sled (25+ years old).

    I struggled with attaching my decor (fresh pine branches, one with bells, one horseshoe, small bows on both). This year I bought florist wire and florist twisty tie on a roll. Worked a little better, but still not great.

    Creative decorating is fun! Even more so when you have someone to be creative with.

  8. I’ve been whining abt it only being 5 degrees. I’m such a wimp.

  9. With our temps of -37C the last few days, and a little bit of wind with it, I can sympathize! However- Christmas day it is supposed to start warming up.
    On the west coast they got about a foot and a half of snow, and next week they are supposed to get rain... can you say flooding?

  10. Great job on the sled decoration! I’m glad you and FG made it to his appointment safely.

  11. the sled looks gorgeous!
    We are getting walloped right now. Fingers crossed the roads are clear on Christmas day. We've got a three hour trek north to do

  12. You have the artistic eye. That soup sounds wonderful, especially after venturing outside. We are starting to get the worst of the storm now into this evening, but it isn't going to be near as bad as it was for you. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.

  13. Your soup sounds delicious and much needed in such awful weather (I am having trouble getting my mind around it being so cold as we never get anything like that here.)
    Take care and stay safe and warm :)

  14. The sled turned out beautiful! Stay warm, it is so cold, now windy and drifting here! The flag is blowing but the snow isn't really come off the trees.

  15. Yes, you could be a florist. The decorated looks awesome! Good thing you didn't freeze out there while arranging it. It's not nearly as cold here but as DJan commented, we now have freezing rain on the existing snow.
    Soup sounds like the perfect supper and ours will be Broccoli & Cheese.

  16. Cold is a hazard when you have to be out and have appointments to meet. Keep safe. Someone with your experience would never get lost!

  17. That kind of cold is something I have never experienced. We are happy to be warming up from a low of 18.
    Your decorated sled is beautiful and very professional looking. Your soup sounds yummy.

  18. The soup sound like a nice family get together . More fun and goes faster if all can help a bit. Glad you all enjoy cooking .Have fun.

  19. Chilly here too. Minus 23 windchill...or so they say. It's just plain cold to me. Stay warm! And toss some coffee in the air outside just for fun.... it never gets old for me.

  20. Your soup sounds just delicious! And what a beautiful job you did on that sled. Wow. Wishing you all a Blessed and Merry Christmas. Take good care and stay warm.

  21. It's cold here too but not as cold as you...-2 F with windchill of -22 which has got to set a record for this area. The soup sounds wonderful!

  22. Your sled is wonderful!!!!! Stay warm and be careful!

  23. The cold up there is colder than outs but I too thought I was going to die going to the mailbox. I have a sled that needs to be refinished and then decorate at Christmas. Someday....Jen did a great job with her sled decoration.

  24. That sled is freaking awesome my friend!


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