Monday, March 21, 2022

Old Houses

 Parts of our "Winter Town " have very old homes. 

This is a house we admire on our trips to the Clinic.  At Christmas time there were red bows in all the windows.  

This house got new siding during the winter, it took them about 10 of the coldest days.   We admired their persistence!

This house was visited by Far Guy when he was little...his cousins Bonnie and Jay lived there.  He said the house was much smaller than he recalled. 

As you can see we still have some snow, it melted rapidly yesterday in the 53 F or 12 C eh weather. 

Happy Spring, now that it is officially here according to the calendar!

Far Side


  1. I love all the old houses. We have some like that here and they have so much charm. Happy Spring!!

  2. My husband grew up in New York state. When we go back to visit, unfortunately mostly funerals these days, we always take a drive to see the old family homes.

  3. That top house - wow! That is a huge, interesting old house. I wonder if it has kept it's original feel inside? I can picture it full of antiques. My younger daughter's family bought a 105 year old Craftsman house a couple of years ago. And they are gradually trying to return it to it's glory. But it's a money pit.

  4. Older homes have so much more character than the new McMansions.

  5. The house in the first photo is very, very large. They certainly had to have a few servants.

  6. I love old houses. That first one is HUGE! I would prefer living in the house that Far Guy's cousins lived in. Smaller is better these days.
    Our snow is gone here and has been for a long while. In fact, we barely got any this year and that's fine with me, but not the farmers. :-) I miss the snow stick reports this year.

  7. I never saw privacy screens on a porch like those in the first house! What a treat it would be to tour the inside - it must be fabulous, with front and back stairs, etc. I wonder why the people in the gray house chose to cover the attic dormer windows - I hope they have others up there that can open for air and circulation in hot weather. Old houses are the best! Thank you for showing them.

  8. We love old houses, and love to watch the tv shows where they restore them. Our fave is "Restored"

  9. One could probably fit 3 small houses ( last pic) into that very large first one.
    I wonder if the inside has been kept as it was. Old houses fascinate me.

  10. That White House is gorgeous! Imagine heating that back in the day ….

  11. I love driving around looking at old houses - and it is always interesting to imagine what sort of occupants might by living there :)

  12. I love old houses, like old barns. I went back to a town I lived in when I was 5 to 10 years old once, a long time ago, and drove by the 2 places we lived. One of them was already an old house when we moved in. My parents were the 2nd owners. I loved that house. I kinda want to get invited in now to see it, but I also want to preserve my memories. I'm sure it's much smaller than I remember.

  13. My daughter and husband are near you today, a suburb of Minneapolis. They are visiting Eric’s grandfather. Pretty sure he’s 94. He’s in assisted living. They try to go at least twice a year. He has very few left in family.
    I want to be restored like one of those beautiful old houses.

  14. Oooh, I’d love to have a porch like the first house! Still mounds of snow around here, too. It should melt in the coming week.

  15. That first house is massive, it would be amazing restored. I love the porches

  16. That first house looks like it's part of sea captains row, or lumber barons, or the town bankers or some such important historical character.

  17. I love those old two and three story homes! It's funny he remembered the one house being larger. Everything seems larger when we are kids doesn't it!

  18. Our snow is disappearing too, but not quite as quickly as yours. Just 4C here today but it is getting there.

    I love old houses, I just wouldn't want the maintenance that goes with them.

  19. I love big old two story houses. Not sure why it is still a fantasy because I have never lived in one and could no longer climb those stairs very easily at all--LOL!

  20. I love checking out houses when we are traveling around. I love that first big old house. Bet it was pretty with all the red bows. Have a great week!

  21. Love seeing the old houses! Yep....we still have huge piles of snow everywhere too. It's going to take a little time to melt it all. Hope the sun perseveres at that!

  22. I like the little house it has a unique look to it. Sure it is small but I live in a cottage so small is perfect. Beautiful little town you are staying in!

  23. That one first house is large. It takes a lot of up keep.

  24. I love old houses. If I was rich I would collect them.


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