Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Yellow Flowers

I like yellow flowers...betcha never would have guessed.

They are so cheerful can you resist a smile.

Rudbeckia 'Sonora' is in bloom in the wild gardens.   They reseed themselves.   My planting of Rudbeckia has diminished over the years but there are still some left.

I was busy all day...some laundry, painting Christmas Ornaments (21 are completely done) it may be awhile for more to be finished completely...hooks were ordered and will be here in a week or two. It was a cooler day so I made a pan of Chicken Enchiladas and six servings are headed for the freezer.

No time for a nap or movie time.  I sat outside after supper...the skeeters are getting more aggressive and larger.  All the ponds in the Corporate Farmers irrigation fields are breeding spots....especially since they irrigate in the rain.
Ohhhh crabbiness is setting in.
I need another yellow flower now.

More sunny yellow flowers this one a Rudbeckia with double petals...a seedling variation...nothing that I planted. 
There I feel better now!  Stay safe out there!

Far Side


  1. Good Morning, I love these pretty yellow flowers. So cheerful! Wishing you both a great day. Skeeters are bad here in GA too.

  2. I have some sunflowers and marigIlds getting ready to show off their nice colors! I like variations on all colors! But Rudebeckia is one of my favorites. I will look into planting some next year!
    The skeeters will be awful here for a bit. We had 2+ inches last night in a heavy 'gully washer'. Uffdah.

  3. I always loved yellow flowers best... I agree they're so cheerful.

  4. Lovely! I am waiting for my Black-Eyed Susans to bloom. I've got buds but so far no flowers. The deer made a snack out of half the barrel already. I hope to see something pretty before they get them all. Araignee

  5. I love the Rudbeckia flower. One of my neighbors has some . Yellow is such a cheerful color. Staying healthy but getting crabbier as this pandemic goes one. Have great day.

  6. I love yellow flowers, too. Mostly, I just love flowers. We have Black-eyed Susans and Whorled Rosinweed and Oxeye blooming. I like our red Royal Catchfly also.

  7. Self-medicating with yellow flowers is a perfect way to fight crabbiness.

  8. We got a little afternoon shower & those skeeters were out in the garden scavenging something fierce so I did my evening walk as quick as possible.

  9. Those flowers are beautiful. I always think of you when I see any yellow flower. :-)

  10. I really like them. Someone else planted them and I get to enjoy them.

  11. Pretty yellow flowers!! I'm feeling a little grumpy myself this morning and the flowers do make a person smile.

  12. Love all the pretty yellow flowers! Hope you have more nice weather today :)

  13. Very pretty!
    Have a great day!

  14. Love your Yellow...I have Yellow Lilies right now and I adore them!

  15. Those mosquitoes sound really awful. I hate biting insects, one spends so much time slapping at them that there is no time to enjoy being outdoors.
    Yellow flowers are so cheerful, they always make me feel happy to see them :)

  16. The Rudbeckia is lovely. I have yellow flowers too, they are dandelions. :( Not nearly as nice.

    Have a good day!

  17. ❤️ the double petals and that cheerful color!

  18. I think of picking Black-eyed Susans in wildflower bouquets from the ditches July in Minnesota. And getting covered with wood ticks and mosquito bites! Yours are pretty.

  19. I like yellow flowers too. And I hate mosquitoes ( but they love me).

  20. Ooh that last yellow flower is my favorite. So pretty! Sounds like another day when you've gotten alot accomplished. Good for you. Sorry about the mosquitoes.....ick! Your pan of chicken enchiladas sounds delish!

  21. I like yellow flowers too. They always seem so happy and cheerful. That's why we painted our house yellow in a street full of dark browns, tans and dark green. I wanted something happy. :-). I think I'm going to miss seeing it greet me when I come home.
    I haven't missed mosquitoes while living out here in the northwest. We don't have many here at all. It don't think I've seen any this year. Last year only one or two. As a child they never really bothered me much growing up in Iowa, although I know we had a LOT of them. I think kids don't notice so much.

  22. Those yellow flowers are sure cheery! I can see what you mean, especially with that second photograph.

  23. We have them growing wild here too. I've noticed about 3 different kinds and they do not look like yours. Yellow is my favorite color!

  24. I like yellow flowers too... black eyed Susan's are in my garden!

  25. Hmmm I don't have a lot of yellow flowers but I agree they are so cheerful! I do have a large False Sunflower that has deep yellow blooms- I'll post it on Facebook.


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