Sunday, July 12, 2020


We ventured away from home to the Transfer Station to get rid of our garbage and recycle some batteries.   We were back in about 15 minutes...that was our outing for yesterday.  There is a coin shortage... we always try to have the exact change...from a stash in the cup holder of the car.

I mowed a couple of hours at the neighbors and the back road.  After that I stalked some ants and ant trails in the wild gardens and at Far Guy's resting bench  near the mailbox.   I got my two woodcarvings done after that I worked on my painting plan for them...I made a huge mess...option 1 and option 2 were I am at option 3 that has some problems...but I will get it worked out sooner or later.  It should not be that difficult!

I finished a shawl in the late afternoon instead of napping...I watched The Help on Netflix...I give it an 9 out of 10.

The skeeters are out in force after the rain this week... sitting outside after supper is a swatting adventure!  Supper was a  freezer meal...I had vegetable soup and Far Guy had Gumbo.  We attempted to bake a loaf of rose fine then collapsed...we baked it was a funny shaped flat bread but tasted just fine.

Here is another sculpture at Goose Poop Park.

It did not have a name...I would  name it Nobody's Home.

Far Side


  1. Nice to know I am not the only one who sometimes has disasters with bread LOL

  2. I make bread and have done that also! Uffdah! Change? Interesting. Of course with bank lobbies closed we can't take in our change jars to be counted. When I worked at a bank many moons ago, that is one of the ways we made up our rolls of change to sell to businesses.

  3. That is a very interesting sculpture. I would have the urge to knock on it. I think you nailed the Araignee

  4. Sounds like another busy day in Far-ville. You definitely nailed the name for the sculpture lol. I've been wanting to watch The Help, maybe I'll watch today. Happy Sunday :)

  5. We made bread at my gramma day camp this week. You mix the ingredients in a zip lock bag and squeeze to mix. The trickiest part was to divide the recipe into 3 equal parts, doubled for six children. Try dividing a packet of yeast into thirds when bulk yeast was left off your grocery order. But it worked! I think they were shocked when six mini loaves came out of the oven! Nothing like homemade bread, even if it is a little flat.

    A few years ago when we decided to cash in our many change jars hidden under our bed, we were surprised to find out that the change machine at my bank charged a percentage to count the coins dumped in. When we went to the grocery store and Walmart, it was either a bigger percentage or you got the money back in a gift card to restaurants not in our area. A friend shared this trick - take your coins to Walmart and use them in the self checkout machine. I would stand at my station and feed in as much as $25 (as much as I could carry) into the cash register. Prepare to spend some time to beat the system. Now our bank has removed the coin machine from the lobby and we are only doing curbside.

  6. I love the name you picked. Another great movie is Hidden Figures--about black woman who helped with calculations for NASA in space race against Russians. GREAT MOVIE

  7. Your bout with the mosquitoes reminded me about the question I had back in March. "Can mosquitoes transmit Covid-19?" I finally looked it up and am happy to say we're safe! Just a little good news during these times.

  8. We are battling deer flies right now... they are atrocious! I've noticed signs about a coin shortage too, but no one can tell me why. We roll our change and take it to the bank to deposit in our savings account. They don't charge us when we do that.

  9. While we don't have swarms of them, we do have mosquitoes here almost year round. They love me. I hate them. We can't sit outside very late into the evening.
    I actually like that sculpture, and I agree with your name.

  10. I don't seem to have mosquitoes on my balcony. I wonder if it is because I am on the 3rd floor but come to think of it, I don't run into any down in the courtyard, either. Interesting. I don't ever see them spraying and we have the pond... who knows!

  11. Nobody's home seems about right! Sounds like you had a very busy day.

    I saw The Help at the theatre when it came out - I'd read the book first and the movie, while good didn't do it justice.

  12. The park art is interesting this year. I like the rock better than the previous piece you posted.

  13. Our small town bank still doesn't charge to cash in our change, but I guess the bigger national branches in town do. Just one more reason to keep banking with the "little guys" I guess. When my parents died I discovered multiple 5 gallon pails in a closet full of change. That was 30 years ago - and my little girls were so thrilled to periodically dip into the pails and take change to the bank.

  14. The Help was a good movie!
    Love your name for the shell. :)

  15. We're having a problem with ants too. Millions of tiny black ones cover the paving at the back of the house. My solution is to pour boiling water on them. Each day there are noticeably fewer ants.
    My sons used to say any homemade bread, even bread that 'flopped'was better than bought stuff.

  16. Loved The Help, book even more than the movie. I’d be tempted no knock and ask, “anybody home?”

  17. Interesting sculpture. I would expect to see a head, tail and four legs pop out from it. I recently saw The Help and loved it. It's great to have meals frozen and ready to go!

  18. Baking my own bread isn't something I have ever tried

  19. Ha! Good name for that headless turtle at the park. I bet your bread tasted good even though it didn't feel like rising and shining! Sorry to hear about all your mosquitoes....but you keep on getting your carving done, so that's good. We had a problem with black ants earlier in the summer but they seem to be gone for now. Take care you guys.

  20. Sounds like you were very busy. Bread that doesn't rise properly usually tastes just fine, even if it's better when it does. At least, it's tasted just fine the times that happened to me.

  21. Good name! I was walking in the woods this morning early and I agree, the skeeters are definitely out!!

  22. One thing I love about our home here in Washington is that we rarely ever see a mosquito. Only twice in the 26 years we've lived here.
    We watched church on TV this morning and spent the afternoon at the house packing up some of the kitchen and finishing Alex's room. There is very little besides furniture at the house now. A few closets left is all and the canned goods. Oh, and the laundry room. We have so much "stuff". I honestly don't know where it all came from.
    Take care and stay well.

  23. That's funny about the sculpture because yesterday I saw something in the woods and thought it was a giant mushroom or fungi but on closer inspection it was a big turtle shell on it's back and "nobody was home" so I brought it home to polish it up. I'll wash it good first! LOL!
    Good for you finishing another shawl! You are fast. I read the book "The Help" but I don't think I've seen the movie. I think I may have gotten 1 mosquito bite since I moved here 14 years ago. Why they aren't here I don't know....probably too hot! LOL! But we have armadillos, scorpions, tarantulas and ticks and those invisible bugs that make you itch like crazy and you have to put calamine or benydryl on them plus all the poisonous plants and snakes. It's a jungle down here....literally!


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