Monday, July 20, 2020

Shawl and a Visitor

I finally had the time to take the latest shawl off the blocking mats and take some photos.

Another one in the shawl box!
As I was finishing up we got company.

Our youngest daughter Jen drove down to have an early supper with us and to deliver craft supplies to me and to check on the elderly.

We had a good visit.  They are in the middle of their kitchen renovation at their new to them house.  So far she reports it is quiet (no trains) and she misses travel time in her why not get some car time in, listen to an audio book and visit her parents!

Far Guy and I did some wood carving and we now have 54 Christmas Ornaments completely finished.
Far Side


  1. Pretty shawl! So happy that Jen visited. Congrats on the Christmas ornaments completed. Hope you both have a good day.

  2. That was really nice of Jen to come down to check up on you and Far Guy and also to have a nice visit with her parents. The shawl looks very nice.

  3. What a nice surprise! The shawl looks great. I can't believe how fast you can finish them. Araignee

  4. I actually like thinking that people check up on me, considering that I am truly elderly. :-)

  5. You are so talented!
    Have a great week!

  6. Nice that you had a special visitor. It is always good to see our children.

  7. NOW! THAT is fun thing to have happen!

  8. The shawl is lovely, but I bet the visit with your daughter was even more special.

    How many ornaments will you make? Over 50 seems a lot, so there must be many lucky people in your life!

  9. I love the shawl! So glad you got in a nice visit with your daughter. You and far guy are going to town on those ornaments. Have a great week :)

  10. So nice to have a visitor!
    Pretty shawl.
    You will likely be done with the Christmas ornaments before a hint of fall! Wow!

  11. Happy that you had a delivery of craft supplies by a special person. I know you had a wonderful visit and supper.

  12. What a nice visit!! I'm amazed at the sheer number of ornaments you are making. Wow!!

  13. Pretty shawl. I now have yarn, the pattern, AND crochet hook so should just get started on one. I ordered yarn from one of the places you suggested. How wonderful to get a visit from your daughter! Especially these days when visits from anyone are rare!

  14. Pretty shawl. And how nice of your daughter to come and visit with you.

  15. Daughter visits are so special - I miss seeing my daughter, with her so far away. Your shawl is very pretty (again!).

  16. The shawl is lovely! What a sweet daughter she is! 54 ornaments finished? You 2 are amazing! What a team! Are they renovating themselves or are there contractors involved? How exciting! A new home!

  17. How wonderful that Jen was able to visit you! I hope their renovation is going well. She brought you craft supplies too - she knows her mother well! You and Far Guy are moving fast with the ornaments.

  18. What a nice visitor! And the shawl is lovely. I know what she means about missing travel time. I used to listen to an NPR show on my way to work every morning for a 30 minute drive. I missed it a lot when I stayed home with my dad.

  19. Hey hey! You were RIGHT! Those were American Hazel nuts! Now we will have something else to forage for. Now I just have to figure out what that Green lump of berries is and maybe it will be edible or usable for something in the future. ( Ok, I know this comment makes no sense to anyone else. It replaces having to comment on my own blog... which no one ever reads comments other than myself...) Anyway, thanks for the Identification. Cheryl says Blogger friends are the BEST! I agree.

  20. Another pretty shawl having a vistor is nice as well

  21. Jen's surprise visit must have made your day. Nice that she brought along more craft supplies!

  22. Another beautiful shawl. How nice to get a surprise visit from your daughter.

  23. I love the colors of your pretty shawl -- great job!! How wonderful that your daughter came for a visit and brought bonus craft supplies! Woot! Double goodness!

  24. What a beautiful shawl....and what a fun visit with your daughter, Jen. How nice that she brought craft supplies too! Sounds like you're making great progress with your Christmas ornaments. Take good care!

  25. I'm late tonight in getting online. I've been at the house packing up all day after the appraisal early this morning. It was HOT! 97F. We delivered furniture to two families from church that needed beds after Dennis got off work. Social distancing of course!
    Your shawl is lovely and I'm so glad that Jen was able to come visit. Craft supplies are a necessity of life and obviously she knows that. :-)
    You two are making such great progress on the ornaments. I know I cherish the one I received last year.
    Take care and stay well.

  26. Bet you were tickled to see Jan. Nothing makes me happier than seeing one of my girls pulling in the driveway. Your shawls are really beautiful.


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