Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Okay Ornaments

It is okay.  The ornaments did not go to option d...I am living with option c.  My CDO has to take a backseat this time.  (Compulsive Disorder Obsessive) Not everything has to be "just so."

Jen said they were OK and so did Far Guy (of course he would have reworked all of them IF I had asked him.)
A least they have a very pretty decorative hanger.

And a very pretty Christmas Box for storage of the ones completed.

I am a bit obsessive about the list...one little check mark for name and date in process...and then the color they were painted and the day they were completed.  I keep track of colors because too many of the same color in a family is not good...they should all feel special.

I carved my daily two ornaments and Far Guy did his also.  I painted some.  It is all a work in progress. 14 are completely done!  It is  a start.

The wind was horrid yesterday...but it kept the skeeters away.  The wind dried out my flower bed...so I watered and then it rained...go figure.

Perfection is over rated anyway.
 Far Side


  1. I used to be the same way....then I got sick and had to give it up and I have been much happier and healthier. I must admit I still cringe sometimes when I look at how far my standards have sunk! LOL! Congrats on 14 ornaments!!!
    BTW, I cannot use my old blog anymore...long story and I can't edit it. So, I have been forced to create a new one and the address is www.samsserenityacres.blogspot.com For some reason all of sudden it wouldn't let me reset my password for my old email so that's life. At least I still have all my posts out there. But no one knows unless they have a blog and then I can notify them. I hate starting over...I'm getting too old for that! LOL!

  2. I hear you about the standards thing. I was trying to make masks for my daughter and nothing I could make was worthy of gifting. I was making myself sick over them all weekend. Araignee

  3. My hubby is an obsessive compulsive person. Everything has to always be perfect. He even has a fit if I move an object when dusting -it has to be exactly as he left it -drives me nuts sometimes. I keep telling him "life will go on" even if it isn't perfect. Finally got an appointment to get my hair cut - hallelujah! I can look normal again.

  4. I'm not sure how my perfectionism is going to square with my surgery recovery. I will not be permitted to even bend over and pluck out a weed for quite a while. I guess I'll have to put on my rose colored glasses. :-)

  5. Sometimes when I am doing a project and it doesn't turn out just ...so, I let it be. I told my neighbor while we were talking that Nature isn't perfect and so I won't be either.
    However while making gifts I do try to make it as perfect as possible! I love your ornaments they are so unique and beautiful.

  6. The point is that you made them, that makes them special no matter what! Hope you and Far Guy have a great day :)

  7. I am just impressed with all you accomplish, perfect or not. :-)

  8. We are always our own worst critic, aren't we? I'm sure the ornaments will be just as beautiful and special as always - and treasured by the recipients. We are having a grey and windy morning here. It's even chilly, which is a switch from yesterday.

  9. My husband is a perfectionist too. Sometimes I'm glad, sometimes it frustrates me. Mostly I keep quiet and let him be what he is. I'm sure your ornaments are treasured by the family regardless of whether you think they are perfect or not. No matter what they are perfect in the eyes of those who love you. As are you.

  10. Good old perfection get get the best of us sometimes, can't it.
    Your work is always the best so no problem.

  11. I have eased up over the years with my OCD on card making and...well...with everything. Being chronically ill did it for me--LOL! I was lucky to get done whatever I got done so I learned (very reluctantly) to let go a little. They will be cherished. :)

  12. I'm sure the ornaments are lovely and will be treasured by those who receive them.

    Have a great day!

  13. I know the ornaments are lovely just the way they are. I've learned in my "older" age, not to worry about perfection so much. They will be cherished by the recipients.

  14. One of the good things about hand made things like your ornaments is that the effort and gesture of the person making them counts for so much that people aren't so bothered about it being perfect. Besides, sometimes it's that lack of perfection that makes something special.

  15. We always tell the grandkids, no matter HOW you make a craft project it's special just the way it is, and what they may think is an imperfection is actually a "blessing spot." Your ornaments are filled with love in every touch you guys put on them! Each member of your family will feel so special because you made it just for them! (I fight my own OCD every day lol.)

  16. Agree 100% with your last statement ( although at times I still struggle).

  17. You always amaze me with your attention to detail and your many talents! However, you are correct, perfection is over rated. Happiness and no stress is much more important! Congratulations on a great start to this year's ornaments!

  18. I agree with Bonnie. You two have so many talents and do such quality work. The important thing is to enjoy what you do and I know those that receive your gifts are appreciative. It is hot/dry here, watering some plants twice a day. ARGH!

  19. I love Homemade-With-Love that have little imperfections. Perfection reeks of factory-made and impersonal. When I bake biscuits I deliberately make them different sizes so that they don't look like bought ones!

  20. I find as mmany of us get older the just so is replaced with good enough more and more

  21. With all your projects you get a feeling of satisfaction every day.

  22. Well, glad to hear your painting is going better. I can see where you might be a bit of a perfectionist! You sure do get a lot accomplished in a day! Bless your heart. Love that picture of Chance in your header, standing in the water. Sweet old summer memories! Take care you two.

  23. I especially like the comment from Diana about the "blessing spots". I also agree with At Home in New Zealand that perfection reeks of factory-made and impersonal. I am glad there are other people who like Homemade-With-Love. Homemade is special always.

  24. I always hated all of my carvings...until I gave them away and could look at pictures of what I had done. Things look better in pictures...most of the time. I know I was not a terrible carver, but I could always spot the flaws. And that is what made me dislike them.

  25. That cord does look great. I didn't perfect things when I was young but now I drive myself with getting things right. I guess I chose my battles and somethings don't deserve the scrutiny.


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