Friday, July 26, 2019

Busy Days

When you spent 6 hours a day at various medical appointments and "other" required appointments there is not much "me" time left.

For two days I have been trying to get that Enhanced Driver's License.  What a load of crap, I did not have a CERTIFIED copy of our marriage certificate.  Well that is in a city 40 plus miles away from where the appointments were.  Off we went thinking we would kill two birds with one stone...only to find out they only do Enhanced Drivers Licenses on Tuesday and Thursday mornings...and now it was afternoon.  CRAP.  Oh well there is always tomorrow.
Far Side


  1. There is always tomorrow.

  2. I just went through that too. But I'd helped a few others figure out what they needed and also have a file together with all of the for the VA...sigh, so it wasn't so hard for me to do.
    What a pain, right?

  3. I went through that CRAP last year and I also didn't have a certified copy of marriage license from 1967. I had to write to the County Courthouse in a different state. I lucked out as they had started to not keep copies from 1966 and earlier. Also the dumb DMV here wouldn't accept my expired Passport (which had expired the previous year). And to think we pay these extremely lazy, rude people at the DMV. Hope you get some "me" time this weekend.

  4. I just went through that, too! So many paper hoops. I wonder if we have to bring all that paperwork with to renew these?

    Grab the me time when you can. :)

  5. At least my passport is current, so I don't think I need to worry when I try to get my own. Or maybe I don't even need to, since the passport is good, right? :-)

  6. Yes, there's always tomorrow. Better luck next time.

  7. Oh Lordy. I am in the same boat. I never had a certified copy of my marriage license. Went to the courthouse, found out I had to dump out my entire purse after sending it through a metal detector. Made it to the correct office. They were very helpful. But did not have time to go to the license agency. Put the marriage license in a safe place . . . and can't remember where it is. I can't go to government buildings until I get it so I guess another trip to the courthouse, after which I will find copy 1. My husband has a railroad pension and the office is in a government building so I have to have one to talk about our pensions and health insurance. MEN don't need one! Is my married name really an alias when I have been married for 45 years and used my maiden name for only the first 18 years of my life?

  8. What is an Enhanced drivers license?

    1. I can go to Canada without a Passportwith an Enhanced License:) My passport expires in January.

  9. How frustrating! Our driver license exam stations in this area are only open certain days too. I got lucky the last time and got the right day, plus a time that wasn't too busy.

  10. Do you need the marriage license because you don't have a passport? My husband only needed his passport.


    1. I have a Passport, I needed the marriage license a certified copy because of the name have to have proof:)

  11. I I need an enhanced license if I have a current passport? I always keep that current since Alex lives out of the country and in an emergency I want to be able to get to him. Government red tape at it's finest, right?
    Take care my friend and try to get some rest in the middle of all of this.

  12. Goodness, what a hassle. Hope it works out the next time you get to the office...but seriously only Tues and Thurs mornings....what do they do the rest of the time?

  13. My husband just went through that and had to get a new SS card because his was laminated with clear plastic. He laminated it because it was so flimsy it was falling apart but they refused to accept it even though it was clearly visible.

  14. Oh my the appointments you guys have to muddle through. They take so much patience and good humor! Hoping they all work out and you get what you need before you need it. I got the most beautiful card in the mail today...turquoise and yellows and sparkles! Did I tell you my middle name is sparkles??? should be because I love them! Thank you for the bottom of my heart. Keeping prayers going for your dear far guy and you of course!

  15. Bureaucracy! It's there to make life difficult for us!

  16. I don't recall needing a copy of my marriage certificate to get my enhanced license here. We did have birth certs and passports.
    But really, why the restricted hours to get one? Does it take a special person and a special skill to process? i doubt it.

  17. We just got our enhanced licenses this week. Luckily, our DMV issues them all the time not just on special days. I think it's all a racket (as my dad would say} ust to get more money! Hope you have better luck next time.

  18. It was quite a process but we did both get our passports. We waited a month for them to send them to us from Arizona. Traveling in October.

  19. Boy do I ever know that! We spent from 9am to 2pm not including travel time in a pre op appointment, briefing, and all of the work that goes along with it. Including pre admission.
    I was exhausted and stressed out. The communication between the VA and the hospital we are having the surgery at is to say None.
    I'm working on that.


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