Tuesday, July 2, 2019


You can tell July is here...it was like a sauna here the other day.  It cooled off some yesterday. The tourists are all here in our town...getting groceries, backing up in front of you, causing traffic problems...driving in the bike lanes...taking every parking spot on Main Street...but we have a game of saying the license plates out loud.   The furthest away I saw yesterday was Utah.

Hurry here hurry there...it is always like that around the 4th of July.  The 4th of July Parade starts at 11AM this year, usually it is in the late afternoon. Not sure if we will go...a quiet day at home sounds good to me.

Huge cardboard boxes on pallets line one aisle of the grocery store filled with supposedly seedless watermelon...and take out a loan for cherries are in the store.  Summer food.

Far Side


  1. Traffic seems to be picking up around here also. Your "tourist" traffic sounds like our everyday traffic. Must be why I really try not to drive much anymore.

  2. Oh, yes, happy July 4th to you.

  3. We have raspberries and blueberries coming ripe in the garden. Summer food indeed. I'll be picking some today. I hope you two have a very happy Fourth of July! :-)

  4. I think we will have a quiet Fourth of July, except for the firecrackers we hear from town.

  5. Last night the shelves were getting pretty sparse at Wally World - hope they have another truck coming in! We usually stay in town for the parade then to sit and wait (a long time) for the fireworks, we probably won't make the parade either to avoid two trips to town. Happy 4th to you both!!

  6. Last week the grocery store was packed with people shopping for their extended camping trips. Their cart(s) were overflowing and the line behind them at checkout was impatient.

  7. The highways here are full of people in a hurry. Which means the usual slate of long weekend accidents. Hope your 4th s uneventful!

  8. I like your wreath and flag. We celebrated more on the fourth when our kids were home. Now even the grandchildren are grown and doing their own thing. We'll probably stay in and watch Stranger Things on Netflix. Have a good week and enjoy our country's birthday!

  9. The last town we lived in had a lot of summer tourists; where we are now not so much. We will stay home, too but I'm afraid our pets will hear the fireworks.
    Cherries, berries etc. are so expensive and I've yet to taste a "good" watermelon this year.

  10. Will be here in no time. Staying quietly at home sounds like a plan after all the running you guys have had to do lately. ;)

  11. I hope to do my One Mule 4th of July Parade this year. I have to text some neighbors so I they can come out and pet my mule and take photos. Otherwise I think it will be very quiet here.

  12. We've been enjoying the summer foods here too - but I'm really waiting for the first ripe LOCAL tomato. No hydroponic or hothouse or shipped-in tomato can beat a fresh one out of someone's garden. I didn't plant any this year but will enjoy the ones in the local veggie stand when it opens. Same with the sweet corn.

  13. Amen to taking out a loan for cherries!

  14. Oh, cherries...I love them and raspberries and I could go on and on. We don't have as many tourists as you but we have 3 resorts in town and and an airstrip and 3 golf courses and 4 or 5 lakes so it does get busy starting in the Spring but I pay no attention to it. I'll be staying home per usual...like I do for every holiday but I treat myself to those unhealthy foods I'm not supposed to eat anymore....like ice cream! LOL!

  15. I went to the grocery store this morning and noticed that almost every cart had hot dogs, hamburgers, buns and chips in them! I thought I was beating the rush by going today. Ha!
    We were planning to be at the lake, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe it would be more fun at home. Saturday night I went to let Chloe outside to do her business before bed at the trailer. It was abut 10:30 and I was nearly knocked off my feet by the smell of pot. The campside across the street had about 20 people around the campfire smoking marijuana. I know it's legal here, but oh my goodness. It nearly made me sick to my stomach. I think this weekend will be worse because of more people and they have more days off. Oh well. Signs of the times I guess.

  16. Another blody cold day here and my back is aching so much

  17. We know about tourists! There are way too many of them here this week, too. We were wondering today if they all left their turn signals at home!!

  18. The tourists are here too.....Jim was at Walmart today and lucky he escaped with his life! A nice quiet 4th sounds just about right. Hopefully we won't have to listen to home-made fireworks going off for too many days!

  19. I like celebrating the 4th with a community parade in the morning, sharing some time with friends, a quiet afternoon, and then gathering by water for food and fireworks. We do have to deal with traffic, but we avoid the "big city" doings in favor of smaller gatherings.
    Tourists and all that spending are great for the local economy.

  20. You can enjoy your fourth of July just as well at home.

  21. Last year we got cherries for 1.99 lb.

  22. I think someone must have inadvertently pushed the button to send about 12 degrees of our usual heat your way. We've been enjoying a lovely 88 degrees this week, quite refreshing for us in sunny California.

    I hope you two can enjoy the parts about the Fourth that you like, and have a peaceful and quiet day for the rest of the holiday.

    P.S. That "someone" who keeps messing with our temperatures also ordered hail and rain right when our cherry farmers were harvesting. Not too many of them were happy about that temperature switch, either.

  23. I live near the beach, and the tourists are here too. I always enjoy living here best in the off season, when it's mostly just locals around.

  24. My son in Maine lives new Bar Harbor and it is the same thing like that in the summer. They are a ghost town until the weather starts to warm up in Early July. Stores also wait to open back up after being closed in the winter. When we use to go to Minnesota in the summer we did feel the negativity from some of the business people, like why don’t you just go back home.

  25. The only time we have any increase in people is during the Kansas State Fair in September. We've gotten to where we avoid all the streets that border the fairgrounds... out-of-towners just walk right out in front of you and there is absolutely NO parking to be found within a thousand... er, hundred... ok MILE (or two) radius of that place! Other than that, nothin' here. Happy {late} 4th of July to both of you! ♥


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