Monday, July 22, 2019

Tiny Daisies

We have a pretty tall flower in the wild gardens.

It is called Prairie Fleabane and it is an Erigeron of some kind. It is lovely but I suppose when it rains it will knock the plant down. 

We carved most of the day on Christmas Ornaments.  I made potato salad and we went to my baby brothers for supper...salmon and salad and sherbet for dessert. 

Far Guy has some terrible coughing spells.  He just cannot seem to catch a break.
Far Side


  1. Now this is interesting... those look exactly like the chamomile I have in the kids' gardens, but there's a very subtle difference in the petals. So very sorry to hear of Far Guy's coughing! That must be so aggravating for him. We continue with prayers for you guys! Blessings! ♥

  2. Thinking of you and Gene this morning. Sending prayers.

  3. Since Diana mentioned it, those flowers sure do look related to chamomile. Hoping FG does get a break one of these days. Hard times for so many of us. :-(

  4. Rain and wind takes out flowers just in one spell. I hope that Far Guy can get that cough slowed down. The weather is so humid and full of dust and pollen.

  5. Praying for Far Guy, hoping the cough will ease up. Pretty flowers!

  6. Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend - except for the coughing. Hope your week goes well.

  7. Such pretty delicate flowers.
    So sorry to hear about FarGuy's coughing spells.
    Glad you got some carving time in with the cooler weather. :)

  8. Sometimes just being outside in nature is a wonderful way to get calm. I love your tiny daisy's.

  9. So sorry the FarGuy is having some issues. Prayers

  10. I love the way those flowers look like tiny little daisies. It's good that you got some carving time in on the ornaments. Your Christmas ornament reveal is always an exciting occasion!

  11. I'm sorry to hear about Far Guy's coughing. Maybe the antibiotics are breaking up something and it will go away soon?????
    A very pretty flower and I have never heard of Prairie Fleabane or Erigeron. I'm woefully ignorant of flowers and plants.

  12. Praying now for FG. So sorry about the coughing spells. That's an interesting plant. Someone left us glads and cannas in this yard but the rain/wind take their toll on the taller plants, for sure. Sending my love.

  13. Poor Far Guy, and you as well as it must be difficult to listen to him cough and not be able to do anything to fix it.

    We have a similar plant (a weed) but I'm not sure if it is the same type.

  14. Poor Far Guy... now with a horrible cough. This must be beyond frustrating for both of you.

  15. We have an Erigeron with little flowers like that but it is short and not wild here. It is free seeding though and spreads.

  16. Thinking of FG and you...and catching up. We have fleabane all around us. My veggie garden went wild this year as I abandoned it this spring. It is now a small plot of fleabane.


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