Monday, February 11, 2019


It snowed again on Sunday.

Yard art

We spent the evening with friends enjoying their home cooking and playing games; Shuffleboard and Crokinole.  They served roast beef, potatoes, green and yellow beans, orange and yellow carrots with Kuchen for dessert. I had not tasted Kuchen before, it is a rich custard dessert with fruit and a sweet dough crust…Germans and Russians are credited with the recipe.

Today we will prepare for the storm coming on Tuesday.  Making sure the bird feeders are topped off, the vehicle is full of gas and the shovel is at the ready.

Far Side


  1. The storms just keep coming. We often get the edge of whatever Minnesota gets. Sometimes it's rain by the time it gets here.

  2. Nothing better than being with friends. That storm is headed our way also. I can't wait for Winter to be over.

  3. Oh my gosh, I haven't eaten Kuchen since I was a teenager! My mom's family was German & every holiday had the full German spread of desserts on the table. And there was peach & apple & cherry kuchens & German cookies ... Thank you for the delicious memories!

  4. Never had it myself. I wonder where I might find it just to taste it. We are also having snowstorms, one after the other. At least it's only 20°F and not as cold as you get. Still. I'm tired of it, too.

  5. Your week-end sounds wonderful, never had Kuchen, but have wanted to. we love feeding the birds at our place, stay safe and warm.

  6. I belong to a mostly German church. There is always Kuchen at potlucks! What a lovely dinner party. We woke up to another ice storm. No school today.

  7. I'm sorry to hear more bad weather is headed your way. Thankful you could enjoy fellowship with good friends last night. Stay safe and warm.

  8. Yes I am prepping for the bad weather also. We are good except for a few items I need to take care of. And I am doing the neighors' chores while they are out of town.

  9. Your evening and meal with friends sounds great. I haven't had Kuchen for years: it's tasty.

  10. So glad you could get out and have fun. Kuchen is the BEST! Jean

  11. Are you starting to wonder when it is ever going to end?

    Sounds like you are had a wonderful meal and a wonderful evening with friends.

  12. Our next snow comes by noon today. There are prediction of different amounts but 10 inches is more than we need.

  13. Kuchen is very common around this area of SD and it's even our state dessert. I like it but my husband doesn't so it isn't something I make.

    Stay warm and safe in all that snow. We got about an inch yesterday and expect a little more this afternoon. I don't mind the snow, but the bitter below zero temps are tough to handle.

  14. We are in a blizzard right now...sideways wind and nasty little flakes of snow. Of course, we have nothing like you. Still I am right sick of winter.

  15. The storms keep hitting us one right after the other here too. One winter storm warning ended at 7:00 this morning and we go back into another one at 2:00 this afternoon! Just enough time to shovel the sidewalks and driveway. Another 12 to 16 inches predicted by tomorrow afternoon. Yuck! Stay safe. Blessings, Betsy

  16. Good thing you got out of the house before the next round of white stuff. February is almost half over now. I’m sure you are counting the days!

  17. I've never heard of Crokinole or Kuchen--LOL!
    Sounds like you will be prepared. :)

  18. I grew up with Crokinole and Kuchen ( which I think must be what we called Platz). Good stuff!
    We had a good dump of snow overnight and will have more before the week is over. I doubt we'd ever have as much as you get though.

  19. The storm is a great event to look forward to after all the other nasty weather that has come along.

  20. I hope we are done for a while, but not sure what is predicted. I am ready for spring, but know it is a while before we get to it.

  21. It's so nice to spend an evening with friends. We are preparing for the storm too, this is going to be a good one for us if it comes as predicted... 12-15 inches of snow! Stay warm and safe!

  22. The way we are going, I think I need a snow stick.

  23. That's a lot of snow! Ours has melted quite a bit - I'm grateful because there was about 3 feet on the roof! Stay safe and warm.

  24. And toilet paper. Don't forget that! Our weather forecast is also for another storm coming in. The pass over thr mountains closed. Strange year. No winter until February here, then it even snowed at the ocean beaches, which is unusual.


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