Saturday, February 9, 2019

Clear but cold

We spent the morning at the Clinic, Far Guy got his infusion and then we saw his Doctor.  His Doc says his lungs sound good and to keep on keeping on what we are doing and that the ER Doc is not one of his favorites either as he also questioned the non treatment we got there last week.

Roads Feb 8

It was twenty something below.  The ditches are full and the roads were a tad slippery in places.

Last Tuesday on our way back from an up North Doctors appt the check engine light went on.  We stopped by the dealership and made an appt for Friday afternoon.


Park Rapids has some snow.

Well wouldn’t you know it the cold weather messed up a thingy magiggy that messed up the whatchamacallit and they had to tear half the car apart whilst we were trapped in the waiting room at the dealership.  I crocheted…Far Guy paced…we test drove a 2019 some kind of Chevy…an Equinox I think…it didn’t have a heated steering wheel and the seats were too short…your knees were not supported at all by the seat.  We missed lunch completely…I was getting hangry and tried to hold my tongue…we got home in time to fix supper…good thing we have vegetable soup and gumbo in the freezer…we could have stopped someplace in town but by that time we both just wanted to get home.  Besides that it was getting colder and colder as the day wore on.

We only missed one appointment this week due to weather…my Physical Therapy appointment for my injured Hamstring Tendon on Thursday was cancelled due to the blizzard. 

Snowy or bone chilling cold..repeat… that seems to be the weather pattern we are in.  Next storm is supposed to arrive on Tuesday.

Far Side


  1. That's what I get for opening my big mouth about Spring! It's 21 here this morning and 'freezing precip' tonight..oh joy! LOL! Glad you got everything taken care of and Far Guy is better. Stay warm and inside! Brr....even down here!

  2. The last time I had my watchamacallit thingy fixed on my 'Ru, the dealer sent someone to get me lunch. They also provide healthy snacks and other things in their waiting room. Huh. I hope it got fixed!
    We are going to have snow tomorrow and then Tuesday too. I'm on my own for plowing as the neighbors will be gone on vacation.
    Sad Face.
    Good news on FG doing better though!

  3. You managed to make all those appointments after all. The important one with FG getting his infusion got done, and it seems like he's make good progress at getting better. We have gale force winds outside, but it's only in the 20s, so I have no excuse for not going out and exercising this morning.

  4. Not a great week for you, at all. Here's hoping that the snow and cold soon move on.

  5. I get chills just looking at all the snow piled up no blowing across the road. Happy to hear FG is feeling better & got a good report from the doctor.

  6. Oh! Gosh! Winter is just hanging in there. We are cold here also and another storm coming in, but we have NOTHING compared to you folks!

  7. That is good FG got a good exam report from his doctor. The snow in your photo has a cold beauty to it, especially when you are indoors and warm.

  8. I’m glad Far Guy got a good report from the doctor. We are in that snow mode over here now too. Thanks for sharing! Not! Our dusting of snow yesterday ended up being around 7 inches and then it snowed another five or six overnight. Dennis is out snowblowing the neighbors driveways right now. Snow is also forecast every day for the next seven days. Yuck. I know I spoke too soon about our nice winter this year. I know better. February can be one of the worst months. Hang in there and stay warm my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  9. Good news re FG! Does the dealership not offer to drive you somewhere? I don't know what was close by, but a restaurant would at least have been a change of scenery and you could have had some food. You will be so glad when winter is done. We are getting the same winds as DJan, but we didn't get the snow that some of those south of us got.

  10. I want to find a dealership that provides healthy snacks and more in their waiting room.
    Sorry about your not-so-great week. Hopefully the next one will be better. We think we're freezing to death here with "Arctic outflow winds" giving wind chill temps of minus 20 but that's Celsius so for many folks it's not impressive.

  11. I guess we're all in the cold together. It's been very cold here for 10 days.

  12. Thankful that FG got a better report. Sorry you missed your PT appt. I hate that you are having such extreme cold. I know you have been such a source of comfort to L.D. and Della in the past few days. I know they will miss Barney so very much. When we all started blogging, you had Chance and I had Harriet. We miss them so, but they gave us so many years of joy. xo

  13. Reading this post and several previous ones about your weather sure makes us glad we visited MN in the summer last year😊. My car engine light also came on recently and the issue was a faulty oxygen sensor for the second time. I learned there are 4 so now I am 2 down and 2 to go. Hope your repair wasn’t too costly.

  14. Good to hear that Far Guy is improving still, it seems it is pretty damn cold there

  15. So cold to be out! That's all you needed was to have car issues. :(

  16. diane in northern wisFebruary 9, 2019 at 7:38 PM

    Sorry about your car...we have the same kind of thing going on now...but we can take it in on Monday, so don't have to spend all that time in the waiting room... although they do have free popcorn and coffee! Yup...we've got your weather...either snowier than heck or bone-chilling cold. Thanks for sharing it!

  17. Auto dealership service departments can be so frustrating! I had a couple go-rounds with our local Subaru dealership last fun at all. Stay warm out there!

  18. I recorded our latest snow dump. Our city is just about closed down. The mail man and the paper guy can't get here. But it was just above freeing all day, so nothing like you are experiencing. It's a wonder cars can operate at all in that cold.
    We shoveled snow today. But it may be undone. More snow is on the way.


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