Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Summery Day in March

It was 60 F or 15C  eh! yesterday.  I put my good snow boots away but not my waterproof ones, I figure we will get some more snow and sloppy wet slushy stuff yet.  I was tempted to put away my parka…but then I reminded myself that it is March and I do live in Minnesota where sometimes a parka is needed in May.

I worked in the yard for a while, raking up twigs and winter debris.  Far Guy did doggie dew…or poop patrol.
Front yard
You can almost imagine a hint of green in the grass, and yes there is a bit of ice left where I throw shovels of snow off the patio.
Snowstick March 12
The water has disappeared from the snow stick, but there is still snow closer to the house.
Yard and sauna
The sauna and the wildgardens
It looks like spring, even feels like spring but is it really spring…probably not.  I am thankful that I got the majority of the leaves mulched or raked and pushed into the woods last Fall.  It makes Spring clean up much easier.

It was a pretty day, we went for a walk and sat out on the patio.  Chance and I went out and played ball until dark. Days like this don’t come along very often! I needed that sunshine to warm my old winter weary bones.

I like springing forward much better than falling back, but the time change still makes me a tad cranky crankier than normal.
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  1. Oh my goodness! Look at the grass! The warm weather has really changed your yard. The snow has melted here, too, but I heard we may see some this week. That's not much of a surprise.

  2. Glad you've had a warm up, it was 82º here yesterday, but we may still have some cold weather too.

  3. We won't see 60 degrees until sometime later, and there are are in Minnesota with it already! It can see a hint of green in the grass, all right. :-)

  4. Glad you are looking more like Spring at your place.

  5. Changing times can kill my good moods very fast.

  6. Looks like spring is almost there . It was 15C here eh ? or 60F in southwestern Ontario yesterday to quite a pleasant day a bit cooler today with rain on the way , because we had very little snow this year poop patrol was easy all season for me lol ! I am soo glad of the time springing forward I soo prefer it . So who got the snow stick date ? Glad you are both enjoying getting out and that all is better with Far Guy . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

    1. The snow stick winner was Sam she guessed March 10th. March 8th was the winner she was the closest guess. :)

  7. I'm glad it is Spring-like for you, even if it doesn't last. We seem to have had a very wet late winter, but are so looking forward to the sunshine and warmer temperatures predicted later this week.

  8. Your pictures sure look like Spring. There seems to be a difference in how the bare trees look in the Spring than in the Fall. Nice to see the snow pretty much gone.

    Shirley H.

  9. How wonderful for you. I know that good feeling of getting outside on a mild day and just cleaning up the yard, with time for sitting and walking.
    None of that will happen here. Our coastline is due for another brutal wind storm with heavy rain. I just checked weather underground it it looks like we will just be brushed by the worst of it here in Seattle, but it is a dark, damp, dismal day. Power crews will be putting in long hours in the Puget Sound and coastal regions.
    Enjoy your bit of spring. You've earned it.

  10. Just plain getting outdoors is enough to raise one's mood. when it's very pleasant weather things are that much better again.

  11. So good to get outside int he fresh air! Happy you are having/had a mild winter after the "doozie of a one" last year. Your yard looks nice even in the winter/spring. I have some catching up to do....rough week here but it cold be worse...lots worse!

  12. A warm day in March can lift our spirits. I hope we get a few of them real soon.

  13. Connie, your photos remind me that you have a lot of yard to care for! We went out for a walk yesterday, too, and I picked up a few sticks and whatnot around the yard. Had to keep reminding myself that it's too soon to transplant anything. The bleeding hearts are peeking up and I suspect they'll get frostbitten soon.

  14. I know how you are longing for a bit of green. Maybe for St Patrick's Day! I hope you've gotten out today and enjoyed it, too. Who knows what next week will bring!

  15. The time change is so annoying!!
    But we might be at actual spring--even if we might briefly get more snow or sleet--because I've been hearing the Canadian geese coming through already. So they believe it is spring and they are usually a sure sign. :)

  16. Spring has arrived here in Saskatchewan too - at least the robin I saw this morning thinks so. Our afternoon temperatures have ranged from 9C to 14C which is amazing for this time of the year.

    The cold is supposed to return next week with some snow to follow, but I know it won't get too cold and the snow won't last.

    I'm with you, I'm enjoying the lovely weather and grateful not to have to wear boots and a winter coat all the time but neither will be put in storage just yet. :)

  17. It's a trade-off: yeah, the time change is a drag, but we get spring in the bargain! Looking pretty good in your yard already!

  18. Glad you got some warm weather for a change.

  19. 15 C- that's almost summer! ;-)

  20. WaHoo! Warmer temps and sunshine always brighten a springish day.


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