Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Wild Roses and other stuff

The Wild Roses had fewer blooms this year as other years, perhaps I need to chop them off again.

Wild Roses

Perhaps they like a drier June.  At any rate there were a few blooms to enjoy.

I like Netflix, If I fall asleep during a movie I can just rewind…or slumber on into the next movie, I usually wake up when the noise ceases when the screen asks me “are you still watching”  …NO, I was asleep is not an option.  This past weekend I watched two interesting to me movies.  The Secret of Roan Inish a 1994 Independent Film…the Irish accent takes a bit of getting used to but I enjoyed the film. It is really a Scottish Tale but Ireland was picked as the filming site…go figure.  Then I watched Alive the 1993 film about the 1972 Andes Plane Crash.   I wondered why they didn’t cobble together some sleds and slide down out of the bad weather…but what do I know about the Andes….other than it looked freaking cold…it was a good movie to watch on a warm afternoon.  Not exactly the most appetizing movie to watch just before supper…they spent 72 days in those mountains.

I am still working on my join as you go afghan, I have several beading projects in the works and the Christmas Ornament count is at 37.  I can only carve so long before my thumb gets sore..pushing wood is hard work.

I have been putting off making a Summer “To Do” list. With summer half over I better start thinking about it. 

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  1. The wild roses sure are pretty. As hot as this summer has been, we are reading and watching movies/tv too. I admire that you can carve. You are making great progress on the Christmas ornaments. Look forward to you sharing the afghan too.

  2. Your wild roses are very pretty. Which reminds me that I need to prune back my rose bush. My To-Do-List fell by the wayside.

  3. I like Netflix, too. I've been watching a new series, Sense8, and I am not sure how I feel about it, but now I have to know what will happen to the people I care about! :-)

  4. I am the procrastinator of procrastinators. I too have a long unaccomplished list of summer projects to do. And summer is half over. What to do, what to do? Enjoy the beauty of this day!!!!

  5. But even a few wild roses smell like heaven!!! Phooey on the summer list - mine is still in progress as well but honestly - I'm running out of steam and am more in a mode of "enjoying summer"! :)

  6. We love The Secret of Roan Innish, after watching it on Netflix we bought a copy of it and have watched it several times.

  7. I don't seem to have time for TV this time of year. Well I guess it's either computer or tv and usually the computer wins out. Amazing Race Canada started last week though, so I make sure I am in for that:) We have Netflix and very rarely watch it. I read the book Alive many many years ago and certainly enjoyed that.

  8. I think to do lists are like New Year's resolutions. Either they get done or they don't.
    your roses are pretty, no matter how many you have. :-)
    God bless. ♥

  9. I just recently watched the Andes film.

  10. Maybe this summer the summer to do list is to rest and get well!


  11. My husband deadheads just about all flowering bushes. Then they continue to grow.

  12. That reminds me, I have no deadheaded my rose bush this summer...blahh..too hot to even attempt.
    I haven't watched either movie- we've been watching all things Alaska lately..in between naps of course!

  13. I loved the Secret of Roan Innish. We have Netflix and enjoy a little something most every night, a movie if we are wide awake or a short TV show if we're not. Many nights, probably too many nights, popcorn is involved!

  14. I like movies but I don't watch them for the same reason you don't see them. I fall asleep.

  15. I can't stay awake to watch a movie either. I fall asleep and miss the end and that drives me crazy! I love that wall of flowers at Ace Hardware! Glad you are feeling better.

  16. You have some great blooms even if they are few. I will be interested to see if mine will grow back. We bought Roan Innish as a vcr tape a few yeas back. With the switching of wires we can still use our vcr. There is another one you might like but I will have to research it. It is in a similar vein. We are not as hot but I didn't last outside any longer than a hour mowing. It is a hot sun and the temps are plenty high.

  17. My beach roses bloomed nicely and fizzled out quickly because rose bugs and now the dang Japanese beetles. Very disappointing this year. I had those dang things under control last year and didn't spray this year. That will teach me.

  18. I really liked The Secret of Roan Inish! You watched two very different movies. Fun! Hope you're staying cool.

  19. We enjoy our Netflix to especially on a hot summer evening or rainy day weekends . Papa always falls asleep whilst the TV is on as for me ? I cant sleep with the TV on lol ! Thanks for sharing . have a good day !

  20. beautiful color of those roses!

    We love Netflix too. Enjoying Longmire currently. :)

  21. Before our trip to Ireland last fall, I listened to Irish TV over the Internet. I was terrified I'd get over there and not understand one word they were saying.

    Turned out, it wasn't that bad at all. Or maybe all that Irish TV paid off, after all.

  22. I love Roses, wild or otherwise. Due to our dry Spring/Summer we are on water restrictions but I carry pails of water to my Roses. I wash my veggies in a pail so I can re-use the water and also in other ways save as much as I can. I remember watching The Secret of Roan Innish years ago. Must look if we have it somewhere because it was worth watching again.

  23. I remember The Secret of Roan Inish was better than I had expected and I loved Alive (because with movies like that I always wonder what I would do under such circumstances). If I died I would hope they would have eaten me. Blubber is supposed to be really helpful in cold weather. ;)

  24. How could it possibly be time for the summer to-do list???


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