Friday, July 17, 2015

Date Night

We have a standing date night from year to year.  “What night are we going to the Fair for a Pork Burger?”

Fair Food

I had my camera along and took a photo of Minnesota Fair Food that is NOT on a stick.

ALL of the Minnesota State Fair food is on a stick…not so much at small county fairs.

Homemade French Fries, Cheese Curds, a Pork Burger and a Coke.  We shared the fries and curds….uffda those curds were out of this world and the pork burger was awesome!

This was actually lunch and supper combined as we had been stuck in town most of the afternoon with a Clinic appointment and the Tracker needed some work.

We walked through the exhibits, visiting here and there.  It is a good place to see neighbors and family…my parents showed up for a pork burger too.

I walked through one of the barns.

Bunny Rabbitt

The sign said Pet a Bunny FREE!  He was ever so soft…I raised bunnies once upon a time.  I think this one wanted to go home with me…but I resisted.   The goats were tough to pass up also…I had a goat once…I love goats.

Shorthorn Cross Story

My Name is Peanut  My Story: I am a shorthorn cross heifer (girl) calf.   My mom had my brother and I on July 11, 2015.  Unfortunately my mom could only care for my brother so now I have a human mom her name is Stephanie.  I get fed twice a day around 8 or 8:30 in the morning and 5-6 at night.  I love to be pet and talked to.  Thanks for reading about me.  Enjoy the fair!

Shorthorn cross calf

Peanut the Shorthorn Cross

We walked through the Midway.

Gondola Ride

We checked out all the rides and talked with a few more people.  Far Guy asked at the Sno-Cone place if they had grape?  The answer was no…only Raspberry, Orange and Cherry.  So we went without.  If you are going to have a Sno-Cone it should be grape.

It was a warm day on the fairgrounds, there was a bit of a breeze but it was still warm.

The Tracker got new brakes and rotors…something was stuck and making a noise from time to time.  It was driving Far Guy nuts…he kept rolling down the window trying to listen for an intermittent sound…now it is fixed.

*** All about the Cheese Curds that we enjoy in the Midwest:

Cheese Curds are squeaky fresh, delectable cheddar cheese in its natural, random shape and form before being processed into blocks of cheddar.

Fresh cheese curds are a calcium enriched, low-carb, protein snack. They are a healthy alternative to junk food.

However when you dip them in beer batter and fry them up in a fryer…they become fair food!

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  1. What a fun post; I really enjoyed your pictures. Those cheese curds sound so good! Wishing you guys a good weekend.

  2. Oh our fair starts tonight and yes it is date night:) After hearing and seeing how much fun you had I cannot wait. Tractor pull tonight:) Have a nice weekend. hug B

  3. Our Fair started on Wednesday. Just like yours most food is on a stick or deep fried. We do have our famous Cream Puffs tho. Love the animal barns, no rides for me though. Have a great weekend.

  4. It is that time of year, isn't it? Looks like you had good weather for your date night. No cooking and no dishes to wash!

  5. Cheese curds (insert Homer Simpson drooling ;-). What a fun day!

  6. I have never heard of cheese curds but they do sound good! I don't usually go to the fair these days, but I just might this year. :-)

  7. County Fair time is approaching here, too. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend this year. Your meal looks pretty tasty!

  8. Gosh, that bunny looks scared. I hope a home was found for it!


  9. It looks like a fun day. I have never had cheese curds but we do have them. Things on a stick get to be ridiculous after while. A foot long hot dog with a tone of onions and pickles are my traditional thing plus there isn't a line for them. Our State Fair is around the corner. Bunnies are great and the little calf I bet was very bonded to people. I am glad you got rid of the noises in the vehicle.

  10. Neat! love cheese curds & we do the State Fair when we can thou avoid grease on a stick. Sadly our Fillmore County fair is just about defunct. Each year less & less . This year not even a Midway...:(

  11. So glad you enjoyed date night at the fair...a place close to my heart.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  12. I think all the food you buy at the fair is deep-fried. Looks like you and your hubby had lots of fun at the fair!

  13. I always enjoy our state fair and the animals, what a fun post and pictures.

    Hugs Diane

  14. Hard to believe it's getting close to fair time again. I would probably LOVE cheese curds! You should have brought the bun bun home. :)

  15. Nothing better than a date night at the fair. I don't know if I would eat fair food anymore. I've got fussy in my old age.

  16. Your photos brought back so many memories for me. It's been years since I've attended a fair, large or small. The only cheese curds I've eaten were on poutine (french fries, gravy and cheese curds, yummy!).

  17. Now that's our kind of date night ! Lovely photos and Peanut is a cutie ! Glad you guys had a nice time .Thanks for sharing , oh and Papa here also said sno - Cones should come in grape lol ! I like Orange lol ! Have a good weekend !

  18. I love the county fair! Brings back wonderful memories of when my kids were in 4-h and the fair was the highlight of the summer. What a perfect place for your date night.

  19. I love that you go every year. I enjoy the fair but my husband is not a fan so we only went the two years our daughter was selling the jewelry she had created. It sounds like you have a wonderful time - - - and that you both were feeling well enough to do this.

  20. I could tell those cheese curds were not the same as what we get at the Tillamook Cheese Factory on the Oregon Coast. Deep fried!
    Small, local fairs are fun.

  21. Glad you explained those cheese curds! Guess I'm too far removed from my midwest heritage--or it's too far to the east of your midwest!--to really know and love those cheese curds as they ought to be loved :)

  22. Very fun! We are going to our county fair on 8/2. We haven't ever been to a fair together, and I haven't gone to one since I was in HS! :)

  23. I love cheese curds and can only imagine how yummy they'd be dipped in batter and deep-fried!!

  24. We LOVE cheese curds and even better deep fried! Not just midwest - Tillamook cheese factory makes some of the best - alas you have to go there to get them tho! :)


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