Saturday, June 21, 2014

Roses and a walk

Chance and I went for a walk.


The skeeters are alive and well.

Wild Roses

The Wild Roses have just begun to bloom.  This rose is native to Minnesota.

It is interesting to note that some Wild White Roses showed up at the old school site near the cemetery. This is the first year I have seen them.


The ditch is just full of them…could be I have missed them other years …but I doubt it.

We mowed the lawn again.  I am cleaning the house one room at a time…I only have the dining room, kitchen and upstairs left to do.  Slow and easy does it.  Tomorrow I will steam clean all the tile floors.

I am improving.  Far Guy remains about the same…if there is improvement it is minor.  He is getting discouraged… I remind him to be patient…

My Dad has been in the hospital all week.   He was finally released yesterday.  He had a kinked bowel.  Back in 1986 he had surgery for bladder cancer and they used a tiny part of his bowel…and that part has scar tissue that is causing problems from time to time.  He is on a cooked vegetable diet for the next month.  I finally felt well enough to visit him yesterday.  I was staying away because I didn’t want him to get what I had.

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  1. The roses are very pretty; odd about the white ones showing up.
    Very sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope each of you improves soon.

  2. Remind yourself to take it easy. You sure don't need a relapse. Sounds like Far Guy and your dad need to take it easy too. Easier to say "Take it easy" than to do it.

  3. Hi:
    It is great to see Chance sitting in the road with green grass on both sides! Good riddance to all that awful white stuff. How fast the landscape can change. Please take good care of yourself but slow down on that house cleaning. Lots of things around a home can wait. Sorry your Dad is having health problems and hope he gets better soon, and Far Guy too. All three of you need to take it easy for quite a while.

    Shirley H.

    1. I so agree with Shirley! It's really nice to see the green stuff and the beautiful blooms! Chance acts like he is very glad to see green again also...and to be out on a walk! I am also sorry about your Dad and Far Guy...gosh it seems to have poured on you folks.


  4. I hope that FG gets better soon. I am also getting worried about him, but he's got you now who seems to be getting better by leaps and bounds. I'm glad to hear you are taking it easy, though. Happy summer! :-)

  5. You cleaning plans are daunting - way more than I plan to do in the next month, and I'm not recovering from a round of bad health. You certainly must be feeling better. And you've graduated from visitee to visitor!

  6. Sorry to hear about your dad, and hope all is well soon. I've put housekeeping on the bottom of my list.... too many more interesting things to do! My hubby helps out in crunch time.

  7. Morning, love the wild Roses, so dainty. Glad your improving, hope Far Guy does too. Sorry about your Dad, wishing well wishes, Blessings Francine.

  8. Sorry to hear about your dad and also Far Guy not progressing as well as he would like to. May the plague upon your family be gone soon!
    My prairie roses, which I've had for 25 winters, nearly didn't survive this past one. They are coming back from the roots, though--thankfully, and will bloom again in a few years, I hope. I love the old wild roses but have never seen the white ones.

  9. You'd better come see the lady slippers if you're feeling up to it.

  10. THe wild roses are just so lovely and lush.
    Sounds like oNE of you is on the mend.

  11. Glad you are feeling so much better....oh but please don't do too much too fast! Best wishes to your dad and FarGuy. Your dad sounds just like my mother. She had a small piece of bowel removed due to cancer and then later ended up with a serious twist and if I remember correctly had to have a piece removed that had died.

    1. PS The same or a very similar rose grows wild here too.

  12. I'm sure having something like house cleaning and walks with Chance is helping your recovery. Prayers for your husband and dad.

  13. I've never seen white wild roses - interesting. Love the roses; detest the skeeters!

    Sending healing thoughts to everyone in your family.

  14. The roses are beautiful and who wouldn't love to live where they grow wild...except for the "skeeters". For some reason we don't have many here or they don't like me. They used to love me up North though so go figure. I'm surprised we don't have more as it is so humid here. I do wear Deep Woods Off as perfume though since we have lots of ticks and chiggers and gnats and deer flies and wasps and armadillos.....well, that's enough.
    You'd think you wouldn't have any germs there with your deep freeze in the winter. I hope you all feel better real soon.

  15. We have pink wild roses in London which we call Dog Roses (don't know why) and wild white roses, less common, called Field Roses (again I don't know why). But so lovely to see them growing wild.
    We also have mozzies but not so many. Mostly we have invisible biting gnats which attack when you least expect. I got a bite on my foot and it swelled up for a whole week. Itch itch itch!

  16. The wild roses are so pretty. Never seen one that color. We have light pink and white. Glad you're feeling better. Hope your dad and Far Guy get better soon.

  17. Things will get better. a little old germ isn't going to keep you down. Yes , you don't want to pass anything on to your Dad.

  18. I love the wild roses! I took a couple pictures of some the other day.
    Glad you are feeling better. Take it easy. I hope Far Guy and your dad are better soon.

  19. I mowed most of the lawn this morning. Can't do it all in one time. I like the little wild white roses. I am not sure I have seen them before unless they are a wild floribunda. There also are a lot of lost roses out there that could have come from the cemetery.

  20. I love wild roses- we see the pink ones mostly around here on old barbed wire fences. Sorry your dad was out of sorts. I hope he is better soon.

  21. Well, it must be summer--the mosquitoes are back in Minnesota!

    Hope all of you get better soon. You, Far Guy--and now, your dad. Prayers and hugs.

  22. I, too, am glad to hear of your excellent medical progress but hate that it is taking so much longer for Far Guy. He did relapse though and that is harder to get over than the original onset, isn't it? As long as he doesn't regress, that will be encouraging.
    Praying your dad recovers quickly, too, with no set-backs at all. God knew you had to get better to help the men down the road to recovery. Chance is happy for the opportunity to have a walking companion again on your daily journeys.

  23. I love wild roses. We had then in the ditches in the Willamette Valley where I grew up too.
    Glad you are doing better.

  24. The roses are beautiful. I doubt the white ones would have gotten past you. ;)
    I hope all three of you feel much better soon. Sounds like you are improving a lot if you are busy cleaning--even slowly. :) Summer is here.

  25. The kinked bowel happened to me back in the 90"s and that was also from scar tissue.
    No trouble since.
    Wish Far Guy was feeling better and hope your dad will do good.


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