Sunday, June 29, 2014

June is almost over

One more day and June is history.  Seems like it has rained lots in June.  Lots of rain means lots of lawn mowing….about every three days.

We went for a ride and let Chance hang his head out the window. 

Crp Field

We stopped at Steve and Jo’s  and enjoyed their deck.  Got to pet Putzer he is a sweetheart.  Odda wouldn’t come out of the house…it had thundered earlier in the day... and there were fireworks down at the lake in the late afternoon.

We are on the lookout for a pair of twin fawns that are reported to be in the hay field from time to time.


Hay field partially cut.   Many farmers have hay down and it is getting rained on.

We have a feral is white and brown…and a bunny rabbit.


Good to see rabbits again.   Must mean that the fox has moved out of the area.

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  1. Morning, rain and mowing, doind our fair share too here. Rained buckets yesterday, wow!!!!!! Sweet bunny, love the picture, Blessings Francine.

  2. We have twin fawns around here, too. I did see them once but not again. Hope July isn't so rainy for you. :-)

  3. Our rabbits are coming back. I think the abundance of Red-tailed Hawks is the reason rabbits were not as plentiful.

  4. We're doing the loon count this week, but can't do it in rain or high winds. I have seven lakes to cover, and sure hope the wind and rain quit long enough to get them done.

  5. Where did the month go? I guess I know why it went fast and I don't want to revisit that. We have a lot of rabbits that will live in the cornfields next door and then do come over to the yard. They feed at the feeders when the dogs have gone to bed. Barney can stay in the whole day if it has stormed in the night and I have to walk him to get him to go. We had sun yesterday but as of yet no sunshine in sight.

  6. I know Chance enjoyed his ride. That's a pretty big rabbit!
    Hope you both are enjoying this afternoon and getting some rest..

  7. It's been wet here but not too wet yet! We do have some crop that's under water. Some sun would be appreciated.

  8. June has been wet here, too. It's bittersweet for the farmers who are in the middle of haying.

    Your drive sounds fabulous, and I know Chance was happy to visit friends AND to hang his head out the window.

  9. From the weather reports we get here, it sounded as if Minnesota was being washed away in the rain. I was thinking of you, but now I'm glad to see that all is okay.

  10. There is something serene about this post - so simple, taking a ride in the country, stopping to visit neighbors, spotting wildlife. It's the stuff of a Robert Frost poem.

  11. Lots of lawn mowing? Well, consider the alternative...just took a walk across my "lawn" (hint: it's crunchy to walk on) to the garden. The back half of the property looks like hay! Being in a drought is no fun :(

  12. I'm always glad when the predators move on.


  13. July. Rain, rain, go away. ;)


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