Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14 2014

We had a set back, we both got the FLU.  Extreme sore throats, temperatures and body aches like you wouldn’t believe on top of the crud we already had…it was rough. 

JoLynn from down the road brought us a wonderful hotdish full of vegetables, all I want to eat is vegetables and potatoes…potatoes anyway I can get them.

Last night I could finally sit upright without being dizzy.  Far Guy drug himself to the Doctor yesterday, the Doctor said “There is nothing else I can do for you, getting better will take time, you may catch every bug out there until your immune system recovers.”

Chance is patient, JoLynn played ball with him one afternoon.  Most of the time he lays quietly waiting for us to get better.

Moms Iris last year

My Mom’s Iris last year 2013

 Blog Signature


  1. Sorry you're having such a rough time these days. Hope you're felling better soon.

  2. Boy, that's a double whammy!

    Chance is so patient.

    Heal quickly. Chance may just take the car for a drive.

  3. Oh no! You take care. Lucky thing you have such a good neighbour. x

  4. Funny when I get sick there is a food that is all I want. I think potatoes have done the trick for me now and then, too. I keep hoping one day it will all be back to normal at your place, Connie. Fingers crossed it's gonna be soon. Thanks for keeping me updated, even when you're feeling crummy. :-)

  5. Oh my goodness!!!! I am thankful you still have an appetite and are getting good foods to help you regain your strength. We blog friends would certainly be there to help with meals if we lived closer. So glad that JoLynn brought you tasty stuff. I admire that you had even a smidgen of energy to update us on your status. We will look forward to the day when life is normal for you again. Until then, I hope you both have pleasant dreams while you rest.

  6. I think it's dangerous to go to the hospital now a days. There's more bugs there! I'm so sorry you guys are "laid low"....especially both at the same's awful. I have no immune system and have 3 autoimmune diseases to thank for it! But insurance insists I see my doctor every 6 months and go to the hospital for lab work......dummies! I was told when I got these diseases to stay away from sick people, stay away from hospitals and doctor's waiting rooms as much as possible. I've been on Enbrel since 1994 so do I really need to see the doctor every 6 months? Rules and regulations will be the death of all of us. I do everything I can to stay healthy but the doctors and insurance don't! LOL! Anyway, try to stay out of hospitals...they're dangerous places nowadays and I'm sure that's where you picked up your second illness. The last time I went in they wanted me to stay in a hotel after my eye surgery (Graves disease)...what does that tell you?
    I hope you recover soon and I'm so sorry you've had to go through this ordeal. Prayers ongoing!

  7. Oy! Get well soon!! Chance is doing everything he can to help!!!


  8. It took The Bennie a long time to get back up and going.
    Sure hope you two will feel better soon. It was a hard winter.

  9. Well, Connie, you both take care, one day at a time, rest, rest, fluids, fluids.

  10. How horrible; I am so sorry. I hope you begin to recover soon.

  11. Oh my gosh this is not good. Your systems are really worn down. I hope this gets to turning around soon. I didn't return to the doctor as my insurance doesn't exist but I am getting more non doctors telling me that I had lyme disease. I did have a tick bite but it was a freak thing where I got the tick from some lumber. I was thankful that the high powered antibiotic that also gave me hallucinations did shut it down. I may go back if it lingers much longer.

  12. Hope you get well soon. It's hard when you are both down at the same time!

  13. You guys really got walloped with all this sickness. Figures -- you retire, have all that freedom, then get the mother of all illnesses. Please get well, soon!

  14. HI guys:
    This is absolutely awful! I think the doctor is right about what you have to do and that is get a lot of sleep and rest and eat good food as you can handle. I am so glad that you are getting medical attention. We all are so concerned about both of you and I am sure Chance is puzzled at the change in activity around his home.
    We hope you can keep us posted on how things are going or maybe Jen can help with that. Please drag yourselves to the doctor as much as needed!

    Shirley H.

  15. So sorry you got clobbered again. And I'm glad you have great neighbors and family to help you out. Keep resting!

  16. Well, that is just not fair at all! Take it easy and I hope you both feel better very soon.

  17. That's terrible! Sure hope you folks get to feeling better soon!

  18. I hope that you both feel better soon.

  19. Good grief! Enough is enough. Please take it very, very easy. Prayers and more prayers for both of you. Chance, take good care of them.

  20. awwww, mashed potatoes and rice are my tummy go to foods.
    Get better fast so you can enjoy the summer

  21. I do hope you both get well quickly and don't get anything more! God bless and have a good Sunday. ♥

  22. Praying for you both to get better soon!

  23. Oh My! Healing vibes sent your way. Take it very easy both of you. Get well soon!

  24. Oh, no! You waited so long to have summer weather, and now you are sick. Bummer. I hope the time it takes to get better is short.

  25. Ah, vegetables are good. Very healing. Wish I could send you some homemade chicken broth, long distance :)

    You two have really been through it. And now the flu?!?! Praying for you both, lots.

    Love your mom's irises. Beautiful photograph.

  26. Oh my- I think isolation would be a good thing until you two are back 100%. So many bugs going around right now. Feel better soon!

  27. Gosh, I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better very fast!!!


  28. Sorry to hear that these "bugs" have taken up residence in your house and refuse to leave. I hope you can give them the boot soon. Take care.

  29. Oh no! I'm so very sorry to hear that!! R&R, potatoes, and a patient dog will have to do for a while.


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