Thursday, February 13, 2014

Chance: Home Alone with Far Side

Far Guy took off with a friend of his to do “guy” stuff and left me home all alone with Far Side.   I cried…and I may have howled just a bit…she couldn’t stay sleep.  She said I was PATHETIC whatever that means.  I tried to cry silently but you know how it is, once you start crying the sadness just wells up inside you and you have to let it out.  I felt a little better after she was fully awake!

Maybe she will take me for my walk?  Nope she shoveled off the walk instead and threw my ball….many times. 

THEN she said “Okay Buddy, I need a model and your it. Hop up on the snow bank.”  It was warm enough outside to take lots of photos and work on lots of different settings and I was the guinea dog famous dog model.

eyes closed

Whadya mean open my eyes the sun is very bright.  Look at the cool shadows in the snow.

Chance so bored

I am bored…oh so bored.

Closing eyes and sticking out his tongue

Really…really bored…and getting nervous.  When dogs lick their noses they are nervous..did you know that?

so sad

She musta tried every possible setting on that camera.  Finally she was done and it was about time.

I had some squirrels to chase and I had to keep a look out for Far Guy.  Eventually I got so tired of waiting that I had to have a nap.  I had almost given up when he returned!!  We went for our walk and got the mail and everything was just perfect again in my little corner of the world.



  1. Cute post !! Love your beautiful Chance....

  2. You are a brave dog to model outside in the cold and then go for long walks.
    P.S. I'll be getting a new puppy in the spring and will send you pictures....:)

  3. Oh Chance, you still are the handsomest border collie I know. Even out in the snow and bright sunshine you look good. Thanks for the post this morning. PS. You make a great model.

  4. You know how she gets, she's got to use you as a guinea dog for those pictures. You were very accommodating, and I'm so glad to know Far Side actually didn't abandon you. Never know for sure :-)

  5. Chance, you are adorable. Be patient with mom! :-)

  6. Oh Chance - so gorgeous and loyal!

  7. Very nice of you to be so patient with Far Side- but you should have let her sleep in!

  8. Morning Chance, you could pay us a visit and play with Angel, but then again you might be buried in the fluffy white stuff, got snow????? Hugs Francine.

  9. Border collies definitely bond with one person.

  10. HI ya, Chance! You are so photogenic! Love these pictures. Glad you got to get the mail with Far Guy.

    Connie, thanks for your kind thoughts. We had more snow overnight but we still have power. We can't find our driveway and no way to clear it, so we are stuck for a few more days!

  11. Miggs licks her nose when it is running or she has snow all over it lol and she has a bond like this with both Papa and I but she gets over it . Miggs really gets upset when we both go out and she is home with Harley kitty she serenades the area lol . Nice photos . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  12. Poor Chance! It's a good thing Far Side didn't to try to get even with you and keep you awake during your nap!

  13. Oh Chance, you really are a famous dog model and you do a great job!

  14. They have their favorites don't' they? Huck POUTED, IM told …whenever i left the house.

  15. Dear Chance, you are such a good dog. You must watch out for everyone and not one person needs to abandoned the pack. Around noon time Barney finds his mom to be with and Button heads for the rocking chair next to the door. By two in the afternoon Barney joins Button One never knows when the one person of the pack will return and all must be ready. I am glad you are a boy dog model as you would have to have bright red lipstick on you lips if you were a girl dog model.

  16. Oh Chance, what can we say.

    You are very patient with FS....and very handsome.


  17. You have to wonder what dogs really think about us humans and our cameras. Both lip licking and yawning are dog 'calming signals.'


  18. It sure is good to get an idea of what dogs like you are thinking once in a while. I look at my cat, and I get nothing.

    1. LOL. I don't think there is much going on in my cat's head either!

  19. So chance , two buddies are far better than one!

  20. There is a way to get round it Chance - ask for an extreme weather allowance !

  21. I hope Far Side gave you a bunch of treats for being such a good model. You do pose quite nicely!!!

  22. least you got some sunshine :)

  23. Ah, I love the Border Collie shots. They're such amazing animals. Our grandpuppy is Border Collie/Springer Spaniel mix. She does all the drop and sneak gestures that I love. One of my favorite things is to watch Sheep Dog Trials and Border Collies in Yorkshire. Just spectacular. I don't see GFC here, so I'm going to be following you via Feedly.

  24. Get used to it, Chance. It's the price you pay for being so handsome and having adoring fans! You know, the paparazzi problem all celebs have?

  25. All of the photos are good and the last one is just perfect! Way to go, Chance!

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) Happy Valentine’s Day¸.-♥¨) (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  26. Chance - - You should have been thankful that Far Side chose to be with you so you weren't all alone! Don't you remember the song, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."? I am glad that you accepted your lot in life though and helped her out with photos and squirrels!


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