Monday, February 3, 2014

Chance: The Mississippi

While everyone else in the world was having a party before some foot game we went on an adventure.

Ready to come along?


Bridges to cross Gene and Chance

We headed across a bridge…to a place called The Headwaters of the Mississippi. 

Chance at the Headwaters

We had the whole place to ourselves.  We did share a bit with a couple of cross country skiers.  I greeted them.

There is a foot bridge across the Mississippi…actually a flat log across the water.

Bridge across the Mississippi ONE

I almost went across by myself.  It had some good smells.

Bridge two

There is safety in numbers.  Certainly if we all go across everything will be okay?  Far Guy why don’t you go first?  Wait…what if…what if…

You are gonna be cold if you fall in

What if you fall in and get wet?  You will freeze solid as a board while Far Side captures it all on camera.  I suppose once you are frozen we can put my leash around your neck and drag you back to the car.

Far Side are you coming or not

Far Side are you coming?  Nope..she ain’t and  if she ain’t trekking over that log neither am I.


Later we all walked over this bridge together, with me in the lead.  It was getting cold.  It was just a few degrees above zero…but at least it was above zero and we all got out of the house.



  1. I have a photo of my grandchildren on that log. They head up that way every summer for a family vacation and love it!

  2. What beautiful pictures. Don't think I would trust the log either. Good choice Chance.

  3. Brrrrrrrrr! Thanks for sharing, Chance! Now go have a nap by the fire.

  4. Wonderful photos ! A fun and lovely walk , way better then sitting inside watching sports which we are not sports fans at all . The temps here have been mild in the day but drop at night lots of our snow has melted from all the rain we had on Saturday . It is sunny out here today and mild and I am loving it spring is in the air here and my sigh of spring showed up in droves yesterday ! I posted about it 15 Robins in our berry tree ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  5. Beautiful scenery.

  6. Well, Chance - I wouldn't have walked across that log either! Not wide enough for me.

    Shirley H.

  7. :) I enjoy winter trips to the Headwaters ~ we go on snowmobile! Next time we go we may have to drive like you ~ the snowmobile trails are always so extremely rough we do it every couple of years and always regret it... Chance - you should have tried the small bridge!

  8. Morning Chance, loved the walk with you, even though cold, beautiful scenery, Hugs Francine.

  9. Brrr! Looks like it was a great walk though. Beautiful even if it was zero!

  10. Looks so lovely and silvery!

  11. Glad you were able to get out for a nice walk on a warm(er) day.
    There was a football game on? I didn't care either, I've never figured out the rules for football. A person or dog would NOT have wanted to slip off that log, don't blame you and Farside for playing it safe.

  12. I was there several summers ago. Is the visitor's center open in the winter?

    1. Hi Nancy, No the Visitors center was not open, but the paths to the Headwaters are maintained year round. The visitors center may be open certain timers for special programs.

  13. Thanks for sharing the beautiful scenery at the Headwaters of the Mississippi, Chance. I don't think I would have walked across the log either. Stay warm up there.

  14. I have seen and heard many stories of the headwaters but never ventured there myself. I think my kids have been there. I remember in a drought season that little water was traveling over those rocks. Above zero is still very cold but it does seem better if the wind isn't blowing and there is sunshine.

  15. We have always lived close to the Mississippi River. We lived in Texas for some years but now back close to the river. I always wanted to see the headwaters of the river, maybe some day. Thanks for the photo's.

  16. When I lived in Colorado, I always went out skiing on Superbowl Sunday, because the slopes would be almost deserted! Chance, you are a SMART dog! :-)

  17. Best way to spend a Sunday...that is what we did too! Some frisbee and a walk with some tree climbing!

  18. What a beautiful walk you chronicled for me. I enjoyed it from my perch in the house with the space heater on and a blanket around me

  19. I think I recall camping at a park near the headwaters of the Mississippi in 1986 on our way west. Is there a campground nearby?

    1. Oh yes there are campgrounds in and out of the park:)

  20. Awesome! The actual spot where the Mississippi begins? I love that river....spent a lot of time near it growing up by the Mississippi Palisades. That reminds me....when my kids were in school we had a neighbor/friends in town and the husband did carpentry work for us occasionally. His name was Tom Sippi....well don't you my children got a big kick out of his wife when they would see her because they would always say "hello Mrs. Sippi" and then of course they would laugh hysterically. I bet there were many days when she wished she'd kept her maiden name! I must admit...I laughed a few times myself...especially the first time she was introduced to me..I was impolite but I just couldn't help myself! LOL!

  21. What a great way to spend a Sunday. :-) We don't watch foot games either.
    Thanks for sharing that with us! ♥

  22. Smart boy, Chance! I'm with you. I like my bridges wide, preferably with sides!

  23. Terry is feeling housebound here today. So we are going to drive through slick roads and lots of snow to Grand Junction where he can pick up wire and different things Home Depot) for his garage door project!

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) Happy Valentine’s Day¸.-♥¨) (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  24. Cautious dogs live longer, Chance. ;)

  25. We lived 12 miles from the Mississippi River when we were in Dyersburg, TN. The river didn't seem that wide at that point and I don't know the depth of it there - - never had need to know. I am sure it is more impressive in other areas but we were a bit disappointed when we first saw it - - must have been summer cuz the next time we saw it, there had been lots of storms. The water had changed from calm to almost volatile. I probably would have avoided the bridge, too, since there was no handrail.


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