Friday, February 7, 2014

Snowy Roads

We escaped again, to run an errand and to go to the Post Office. Yes it is a big deal to get out especially if you are a Border Collie who is used to going for a ride everyday.  We missed a somedogs sorts were out.

Scenic Minnesota

There is a road that we take sometimes to make a huge circle around the lake to come back home again.  Looks like something froze over.

Tall snowbanks

When the snow blows off of a field unchecked by snow fence it makes huge snow banks.  Up ahead is a one lane corner.

Snow with texture

When you are messing around with settings on your camera and get a bad photo you can take it into Photoshop and give it some texture.  It was fun to learn something new.  Thanks to Sherry for the tutorial!

I guess we have to rename this road.  It used to be Joe and Vi’s Road now it is Ashley’s Road.  Some day her horses will be out when we drive by.

Ashleys Road

So that’s it from Minnesota.  It is still snowy and it is still cold.

We are trying to keep busy with projects.  Far Guy is doing some woodcarving and I am sorting through “stuff ” and trying some new settings on my camera and horsing around in Photoshop.  We are warm and comfy and we are thankful for heat and electricity which is better than some people out on the east coast.  I have a longtime blog friend who lives in Pennsylvania…he is without heat or electricity.  It seems like this winter’s weather is all out of whack.

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  1. Your wintry weather is similar to what I saw when I got off the plane in Dallas. It's also very cold back in my home town, but Florida was just about perfect. I'm sorry to hear about your blogging friend's lack of heat, what does he do when that happens? Go to a warming center or something?

  2. Happy to hear you are warm and safe. You sound like me , when you get to go outside it is a big deal. Very cold here again with deadly wind chills. Praying your friend gets his heat and electricity back real soon. Have a nice weekend.

  3. Still cold and snowy here too. Roads are so narrow with snow banks that there's no place safe to stop and take pictures.

  4. Still snowy and cold here to, when will it stop ? Lovely photos . I use Lightroom hubs uses Photoshop , we both photograph in raw not JPEG as raw is like a negative and you can do more with the photos in Photoshop or Lightroom , just a little info he he . In this crappy weather I have been playing around with photos to . Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  5. Great photos.

    You are very blessed even in the midst of this horrible winter.

  6. Your photos are gorgeous. PA is right across the bridge from us, and so many people got hit hard with that ice storm.

  7. The power came back on early this morning - and things are thawing out - The trees all look like a tornado blew through. Fallen trees and fallen branches everywhere - roads closed here and there - it was chaos. I think things are on the mend now. Thank you for thinking about me - it is most appreciated.

    1. Oh, glad to see an update here...I felt frozen in doubt about how you were doing after your post yesterday. Glad the power is back!

  8. Still snowy and cold here too! Love your photos. Duke is not used to a daily car ride, but certainly more than he's been enjoying lately. I feel so bad when I can't take him with me. But then, I've been hibernating a lot lately anyhow!

    1. The snow drifting across the road reminds me of when I lived in Saskatchewan.

  9. I agree about the weather being out of whack. We had heavy snow flurries in Alabama yesterday!
    Your pictures are beautiful... but I can sense the cold just in looking at them!

  10. Just think how wonderful it will be when Spring comes!

  11. Great snowy road pictures, still cold here with wind chills, Blessings Francine.

  12. It has been a wild winter. My sis moved to MO and has really had snow/cold.
    I like your photos. Glad you guys are safe and warm.
    Take care.

  13. The roads look so wide and desolate! I can't wait to see the horses in better weather. Cccccooooold here IN Chicago as well. I'm in for the remainder of the day. icicles everywhere

  14. How we wish for snow! I know, it's not often but we've had so much rain here in the UK we're nearly floating away. Some parts have been flooded since Christmas with no sign of a let up. The wettest January in 100 years and it continues into February. Your photos cheer me up. It's so pretty.

  15. It looks so white and cold there. I was trying to picture how it would look in July so I went back to your July posts. It is amazing! All green and lively! :) You even mentioned in one post that it was still a bit July! I do enjoy your blog!

  16. There is always something to be thankful for...I, too, have heat, electricity, and water. It has been 31 here in Texas, all day. The drizzle rain has turned to ice....not a good day to drive.

  17. We have had a cold spell, but I don't dare complain about it, as you would be considering it a heat wave:(

  18. When you live in the extreme, you have to know how to cope. You do,

  19. You can eat up quite a few hours playing around with all the bells and whistles on Photoshop! May as well do it now, when you can't do much else.

  20. I will have to try photoshop and then maybe I can resize my pics so ebay will let me list some items. We are below you in S WI..but in the city limits so we can get out most days IF we bundle up..The cold is almost worse than the roads..Spring is just around the corner (or so they say) and I am for sure counting the days :)

  21. I am trying to make my pictures bigger but can't figure out how to do that on photoshop..Tried to email you but wouldn't go through on here..Can you give me some pointers on how to enlarge my photos and then put them in my album on my computer. You would be a life saver if you can help me do that..I signed up and enlarged 1 photo but don't know how to put in my album..Thank you for your time (seems like that is all I have for now :)..Nancy

  22. I get out of sorts also so I have to take a walk every day, it helps me. The dogs don't care what we do as long as they get to do it with us!

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) Happy Valentine’s Day¸.-♥¨) (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  23. By the time I get here, he is home and has heat and electricity--LOL!
    Seems like there is no break in sight for the near future. Glad you and Chance got to get out for a ride. Chance really suffers from cabin fever, I think. ;)

  24. Doing projects and learning new things is one of the perks of being retired and a bit snowbound! We are enjoying the reports of your projects and newly acquired skills.

  25. We got out just to say that we could and traveled to Perry for a very small amount of groceries and dog biscuits. The temperatures while in the grocery fell five or more degrees and the wind started blowing. It was like not a good thing to be out but we did it anyway. I am tired of get a face burn from that cold air.


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