Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cold Feet

The river is open in town and the Trumpeter Swans are hanging out.

Cold Feet

I start to shiver when I see their feet on the ice, of course they are well adapted and have a series of arteries and veins wrapped around each other, with the arterial blood being warmer and the venous blood being cooler it all balances out. Waterfowl only lose 5 % of their body heat through their feet.  They can cut that 5% in half by tucking up one leg and foot into the warmth of their feathers.

Cold Feet two

You can barely see that foot tucked up.  I am not so sure how they stay upright for great lengths of time on one foot but they do.

I get cold feet too.  It has been a long winter.  We are back to sub zero weather again.

socks from Nancy These beautiful knit socks will help keep me warm!  Thanks Nancy..they are wonderful!  I have not had a pair of hand knit socks in 62 years.  The last pair I had were knit by my paternal grandmother. So these are special socks and I will try to wear them and not keep them for good.  You all know how that goes…keeping something for a special occasion and never really enjoying it to it’s full potential cause you are saving it for good.

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  1. wow great socks. Fortunately at my place in 10 C probably spring is coming. Have a nice Sunday

  2. Brrr! Yes here in London it seems that spring has sprung. The birdies are singing and my purple plum tree is opening its pale pink blossom. It's a little odd as we haven't had any proper winter weather. Just buckets and buckets of rain. Lucky for us we are not under water but the garden is very squishy.

  3. We have snow on the ground right now here in Bellingham. Just a few inches, and it's just right around freezing, so the roads are probably all right. Those are great looking socks! :-)

  4. Wish I had duck feet. My woolies barely do the job.....

  5. Here in Western Massachusetts we're currently enjoying two tropical days in the 40s, but the snow is still two feet deep (no, that's not an exaggeration), the temp will drop back to the 20s tonight and there's more snow coming.
    And yes, I too am finally learning to use/wear something if I like it, and to stop saving things for some mythical event that probably will never occur.

  6. Yep... my feet are almost always cold, sometimes even during the summer months. Socks are my best friend. Love the blue knitted socks!

  7. Funny you should mention this cause my mum and I have always said we should knit wooly socks for the poor birdies toe toes lol ! Lovely photos ! It is sunny and chilly here and still have some snow on the ground but not that cold where it gets right through you ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  8. Wonderful socks. I envy the talent it took to make them.

    Stay warm...the thaw is coming.

  9. The swans are so pretty. How nice to have new, warm socks! Enjoy!

  10. Lovely looking socks, and yes, definitely wear them!
    Our snow just kept coming, so we have 4" or so of lovely looking stuff on the ground right now. Fortunately it has been at the freezing mark or above, so the roads are still clear. If we had been a few degrees cooler, I think we would have about a foot, and it's still coming down.

  11. Beautiful Swans, lovely pictures, warm looking socks too, think the swans might need a pair :) blessings Francine.

  12. I've never had a pair of wool socks, but if they kept my feet warm I'd wear them every day!

  13. We tend to think of our own feelings. You have given a good explanation of how swan feet keep warm. I guess the same thing happens with many more birds. i see the mallards doing the same thing.

  14. Once again I have learned something about nature from you. Warm socks are definitely appreciated in the winter. I have a couple of pairs that include wool in the blend. They are WONDERFUL. If my feet aren't cold, then the rest of me seems warm enough.

  15. Cool facts about swan's feet! My problem is cold hands and cold nose.

  16. The socks look warm and comfortable. I've never worn hand knit socks and I've never seen a swan!

  17. Know exactly what you mean. I hate to see the newness and specialness wear out of my favorite new things. So what do I do? Never use them! Yes, that does not make sense. But I do it anyhow. Glad to hear you are going to just do it and enjoy those comfy socks. What a treat!

  18. Looks cold again! Nice shot of the swans!

  19. The socks were made to wear, so wear them as much as you like. They only babying they need is to dry flat. Enjoy and keep those feet warm!

  20. A few thousand Canada Geese hang around near our north part of Des Moines. There is water there and they are mostly in the fields right now. They can darken the man made road lake though and yes I would think snow would be warmer than ice to stand on. I saw a group of cranes with them on Friday, which I have never seen before which probably will end up in Minn. and Canada.

  21. We have warmed up enough, and dried down ENOUGH that Terry is out disking the ends of the fields. Since we now have a neighbor who delights in burning every spring and it does always get away from him, he is hoping to stop the fire before it travels huge distances.


  22. Hand knit socks! Wow! I have never had hand knit socks. Never even touched a pair. How special. But--wear them! Yes, wear them! :)


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