Friday, June 28, 2013

Potato Salad and Butter

Miss Paula  shoulda stuck a stick of butter in her mouth.  But she didn’t.  I understand..  us Scandinavians get a bad rap some times..but I take it in stride. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.  Remember that as a kid?  How about tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Sometimes what is offensive to one person is perfectly acceptable to another. 

Maybe I should shove a stick of butter in my mouth.

Has the world lost all it’s common sense?

Take the case of the potato salad, homemade non the less and the good kind made with Miracle Whip, just the right amount of onion and topped with slices of egg.  Covered in two bowls, with a sign on top that said “For Funeral.”

Enter a political fundraiser taking over that kitchen the night before the funeral that was supposed to have the yummy clearly marked potato salad made especially for the bereaved.

They paid no attention to signs and took the potato salad and served it at their political fundraiser.  They took what wasn’t theirs and gave it to other people ..(sound familiar?) After they realized their mistake, they dipped into the second bowl.  Late that night they called the potato salad lady and told her that they had served her potato salad and they were sorry, but it was delicious..the best potato salad they had ever tasted.…perhaps with the $10.00 that they sent over she could purchase some potato salad  from the deli of a local grocery store.  I.D.I.O.T.S.

Someone said the other day. “I hope Jesus comes to get us soon.”  Today I can only agree:)


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  1. You are not alone in being tired of IDIOTS. There are plenty of days that I wish Jesus would come and get us. We just had a "white" woman who was sitting on a sidewalk playing "Minnie the Moocher" by Cab Galloway who was beaten up by 3 "black" women just because she was playing that song. Not one of the "black" women was charged with a hate crime - only misdemeanors and assault. This happened in Milwaukee. What kind of idiot is it that can't distinguish between a person playing a song as a tribute and playing a song just to irritate a person of another color? Have a great weekend

  2. That was just the height of rudeness. How could they serve that potato salad? I would have been furious. They knew what they were doing and did it anyway. Grrr!

  3. I would like to know why they can't go after people that are really harmful to the public rather than go after someone who has a right to their opinions. Media should stick to real news instead of trying to find something to make news out of. Just a bunch of BS.

  4. I see you woke up on the wrong side of the bed - and in today's world, that is so easy to do!!

    I'm having pissed in Cheerios for breakfast.

  5. With fame comes stupidity ! I think it is all blown way out of proportion ! Lovely photo ! Have a good weekend !

  6. Now you know who not to vote for.

  7. I am just speechless that people would be such idiots. Not surprised, but speechless.

  8. It seems to be a common theme in today's world, If it's within my reach, it's mine.

  9. :) I love the sunset picture!

  10. " Lord help us"

    We are rolling fast down an extremely steep hill with a cesspool at the bottom. That took thousands of years for us to climb up out of.

  11. How rude and stupid. That's what happens when you deal with people in politics.

  12. Pehaps I should start watching "reality" TV or read the newspaper. I find it all to annoying so I watch the goats across the road. In any case, I don't have a clue what this post is all about. Salad issues?

  13. Yep, the world is full of them. Sad they can't see God's world or they would have read the signs!

  14. In today's world that makes it right?

    I would have been furious too.

    Have a blessed weekend. ♥

  15. I'm sure the same thing has happened many times.
    What are these guys fund raising for. You don't have elections until next year?

    1. Hi Red, They have dinners about every six months. I never go:)

  16. Whispering because I don't want to wake you from your nap....

    Where you the wonderful potato salad lady?

    Do people not have boundaries anymore?


  17. Typical politicians. Take whatever they want then offer a small amount of money to make you feel better.

  18. There are dunderheads everywhere and they keep getting to be greater in number.

  19. Well, for everyone who knows what they did--it really was their funeral.
    Idiots is the polite description. ;)

  20. I agree with Jen that people don't pay attention and have few boundaries...then they think it can be fixed with a little money...sad .....stopping over from Over 40 Bloggers

  21. It is amazing how rude some people are. xo Laura

  22. I used to be so interested in politics. I volunteered for candidates I believed in and fought what I thought was the "good fight". I have come to learn that politicians do little for others but plenty for themselves. Self serving and entitled I say, and the case of the pinched potato salad proves this to be true. Stopping by from our Over 40 group. Hope this coming week is a better one for you.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley


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