Saturday, June 15, 2013

Long Week

It has been a long week, the programs at the museum seem to take up a lot of my time.  Making sure all the t’s are crossed and the i’s have dots.

Both programs were well attended this week.  We received good comments both days. Chance was the official greeter for “Flag Day” yesterday…he did an excellent job!

This week I met some new people, helped out with some research and organized a few things.  Cleaned some..dusted some..answered the phone and questions.

Google called numerous times this week wanting the museum to take out an ad.  I keep pressing two to be removed from their list.  I accidently left the phone off the hook after pressing two to be deleted yesterday..I was wondering why it was so quiet for over an seems I forgot to hang up the phone.  Oh well.

I managed to make an non friend when I was asked to appraise a piece of land that had ancient burial grounds.  I said a bunch of dead bodies wouldn’t necessarily make his land more valuable.  I referred him to one of the Tribe offices.  He wanted to know if someone on my staff couldn’t just pop out a number for him..ha ha ha staff.

Someone else was downstairs and came up shivering and asked why I didn’t turn up the heat?  “What heat would that be?” I asked.

I made up a batch of brochures to take to the Chamber office.  Two days later in the mail I got a critique of my brochure by a new business in the area..they felt they could do a better job and they were sure that their consulting fee and the printing would be well within the advertising budget.  (Little do they know that I have no advertising budget..I am lucky to have ink and heavy cardstock.)

This week we did get some good news/bad news.  We got a grant to purchase some UV filters for the windows in the Military Room.  The bad news is that we only got half of what we asked I will have to try to come up with donations someplace else to make up the difference..either that or the project will have to wait another year.

It ain’t easy working for a non-profit.

A pretty picture of a pink pansy:)


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  1. It sounds like you do a remarkable job with what few resources you have. I hope you are appreciated.

  2. The world of non-profits is rewarding but cheap, cheap, cheap. That pink pansy is absolutely gorgeous.

  3. The comment about needing to turn the heat up made me laugh, as I remember all those days of you bundled up and still being cold. Of course Chance is a good greeter. He's good at everything he does. :-)

  4. I don't think I've seen a pansy that colour.
    You do an amazing job with your lack of heat and lack of funds.
    Here, finding out you had ancient burial grounds on your land certainly wouldn't increase the value of it to the owner. It would just drown you in red tape and bureaucracy.

  5. It "ain't " easy working for non profit but there's a certain satisfaction to it which makes it worth it. Go back to the pushy guys who want you to order brochures and see if they'd like to make a donation. We have a company that pays for our news letter which is very nice.

  6. Guess who's back? I've really missed my daily dose of Far Side. You always make me smile. I'm catching up and grinning through all my reading. You are so ambitious - don't know how you do it all. Chance is the perfect Flag Day greeter. Can't imagine anyone more suited for the task. Bet he loved the attention.

  7. Yes, your week sounds like it was really busy!
    I love the staff comment - ha ha!
    Grants can be really difficult - all that work and the outcome isn't what you need, or has lots of strings attached. But... money is money!

  8. You're doing a really good job!

    What a pretty hot pink pansy!

  9. Keep up the good work - Connie, FarGuy, and Chance!

  10. Sometimes...ya just need a little bit of color in your life! :)

  11. Lovely pansy.
    Sounds like you did great with what little you have, Connie. Have a good Sunday. ♥

  12. That does sound like a busy, but productive, week. Fund raising is perpetual with non-profit. Will just have to wait until there's enough money, whenever that is.
    Nice that Chance got to put in a days work. Yes, had to chuckle at the turn up the heat comment--and "staff"--lol! I hope you're having a really nice weekend. :)

  13. It sounds busy at the History Center. We take the phone off the hook during our meals anymore and then try to remember to put it back on later.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie