Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Today it is all about the yellow.

Canada Geese Family

Fuzzy yellow goslings protected by their parents.

Yellow Lady Slippers in the refuge

The Yellow Lady Slippers are a full two weeks late. They are just beginning to bloom in the Tamarac Wildlife Refuge.  They are small this year, in another week or so they should be in full bloom. 

Double Dandys

The Dandy’s are going wild in the rain that we have had. The ponds are filling up and the trees are soaking up the rain.  The mud puddles are ringed with yellow pollen and my car is covered in pollen.  The next time it rains all the pollen should be gone…well the majority of it anyway:)

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  1. Morning, love the baby`s at that stage, so cute......Beautiful Lady Slippers, I have the little Moccasins blooming now, so cute......Enjoy the day, Francine.

  2. Nice yellow's. The rains have started here and don't want to stop!

  3. Love the Lady Slippers. They seem so delicate. Dandelions are in full bloom here also, so are the pollen counts. My nose is going nuts. Have a nice day.

  4. Lovely! The dandelions are even a bright beautiful yellow.

  5. I know it's your favorite color, too. I love yellow and have learned to appreciate it even more, thanks to you! :-)

  6. Such beautiful yellow things... well, I'm thinking you can keep the dandelions - I have enough of my own!

  7. Yellow in your header too! I do love the dandelions against the bright green new grass. Ours are long gone, now it's yellow buttercups.

  8. A a choo!! All that pollen makes me sneeze!! I even have yellow furniture in the house. Probably should have kept the windows closed!!!

  9. I'm happy to say our pollen season has passed. It just chokes me to death in spring time. Beautiful photos.

  10. I like your yellows and we have plenty here too! :)

  11. Lovely photos ! All our Dandy's are done now ! We have a family of geese down on the river and the banks are covered in wild flowers ! I must get down there next time Miggs and I go for our walk and take my camera ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  12. We still have puddles ringed with pollen, it's just going on forever...must be the cooler spring.

    Loving your yellow.


  13. Hi Connie,
    Muffy sent me to your blog. I'm an RV volunteer at Tamarac NWR this summer, and also had pics of the lady's sliippers on my blog post last night. I was wondering if you could identify the first picture of blooms in that post?

    Muffy told me you were her go to person for wildflowers. :)

  14. I love the yellow...although, pollen is not my friend.


  15. Lovely yellows! Seems a lot of things are running a little behind schedule this year. I can't believe I've still been hearing and seeing geese traveling north the last couple weeks. They should be escorting babies around like yours are. Hope it's been warmer at work! ;)


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