Monday, December 27, 2010

Three Years

Today I get flowers. Or maybe it is you the reader that deserves the flowers. Whatever..

IMG_3761 A Yellow Lady’s Slipper along the driveway.

IMG_3841 A big old bee drunk on the nectar of the Baptisia (Wild Indigo)

Three years and 1,100 entries. Thats why we get flowers. Me for writing for reading them.

Far Guy and I never plan too far ahead.  We try to be flexible.  There was a Train Show that Far Guy had been looking forward to a few weeks ago..the weather turned we stayed home. He was was I ..not for the Train Show but for the Antique Shops that we would have passed by on the way back.

I won’t plan too far ahead with this blog either..if it makes it to four years that will be fine and dandy..if it doesn’t doesn’t. My daughter Jen would say “Mother it is what it is.” 

I believe I have accomplished what I started out to do three years ago.  That was to leave some small part of me behind for the “Grands”.  I have a really good start.

I would like to thank my readers, and those who take the time to comment!  The side effect of having a blog is the connections you make with people of all walks of life all over the world. I have amazing friends..amazing readers who leave comments ..people who I could have over for coffee this afternoon and within minutes we could be in a comfortable conversation..but they would still have to bring their own cookies:)


  1. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I feel like we are old friends and I have known you and your family for years. I look forward to your posts each day. You make me smile, laugh, and once in awhile cry. Most of all you make my day. Thank you!! And I would be happy to bring the cookies.

  2. Normally I would say I would bring the cookies, but I appear to be a bit disabled in the cookie department this year - all year. The spell may have been broken on Christmas day, I managed to make a batch of my second daughter's favorite (well mine too). Love the treat of flowers this morning, brightened my world for sure.

  3. Congratulations on three years of blogging - you do a wonderful job of having something interesting to say each day!

  4. I have lots of cookies in which I need help in eating them. It is great that you have made the three year mark. I know the time that it takes to do this blogging. If it weren't for the friends along the way one would quit.
    I love Minnesota so you give me a view of the state year round. I haven't been able to visit this year and I never was up during the winter. Thanks for what you share,
    Keep up the good work.

  5. I feel the same way ,I love your two blogs and look forward to my visits with you and what is going on with your family.

  6. Congratulations! You're about 10 months and many hundreds of posts ahead of me.

  7. Congrats Connie. You and your family are very dear to John and me. What I love about blogging is that the folks we hear from daily are actually interested in each other's hobbies, family, ups and downs. Your photography of nature and flowers, family and pets are outstanding and I cherish each and every post you write. Wishing you and Gene a happy new year.

  8. congratulations and keep blogging,read and enjoy every day.From the Cass Lake area ,have a Happy New Year,and a hug for Chance.

  9. Flowers for you...and congratulations...job well done...or partially done anyway...

  10. Hi:
    I read your blog every day and only wish that Far Guy would write every day too. As another of your readers said, your blog makes my day. And I read the ones on the left side, too! All very interesting. I like all the pictures, too, both yours and those of the other bloggers.

    Wishing all of you a good New Year.
    Hugs to Chance.

  11. Well Far Gal, I for one are sure happy you stuck with it the the three year, "Congratulations"

    I may not comment every time , but I read your blog everyday. Your photos and words add to my life and since I only stated blogging this year, I have to admit I may have copied you a bit? I think you have more followers than you know.

  12. Yes, flowers to you, for sure. And congrats on sending the great old photo home to Norway (on your other blog). You live close to nature and close to family, and it seems you'll always have interesting things to talk about.

  13. Congrats to you and thanks for blogging. I, too, started it for family - - to keep in touch with those not in town - -- and have also made some new friends. I hope you continue to leave a legacy for the family. I would miss hearing from you and Chance!!!

  14. Congrats on completing your third year! I started mine to keep in touch with family and friends and have been surprised at all the wonderful people I've met online. I'm fairly new to your blog and hope you keep on going like the Energizer bunny!! ;)

  15. Happy anniversary! I've been at mine since 2008, time flys! If I came over, I'd be sure and bring some cookies for your Dad and for you to try.


  16. best wishes on this special day. i so enjoy reading about your life and love it when chance blogs. i think blogging teaches us that we are more alike than different. happy new year!

  17. What Rae said. I think of you as family, and since I don't have a dog because they won't allow it in my apartment complex, I always look forward to Chance showing up.

  18. Congrats Far Side! That is quite an accomplishment. Especially since you post every day. I come here every day and feel like I am part of the family. You are very special to our household. And yes, we will most definitely bring the cookies!


  19. Congrats on the big 3, sounds like you started blogging for the same reason I did, to leave some ideas of what this generation's life was like.
    Blessings to you and Happy New Year !!

  20. won't get rid of me!

  21. Congrtulations!! I hope it's become a habit and that you just have to continue. I enjoy following you although I've only followed for about 6 months.

  22. that is why I started blogging, too. To leave something behind.

    And right now, it is what is it. I said that the other day. sigh.

    I'm not giving up quite yet. Congrats on 3 years of wonderful "leavings."

  23. Blogging is a good way to find something everyday that's interesting to take photos of or write about. I think it makes you pay attention more to your surroundings and to people. Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!

  24. How you find something to blog about every day amazes me, and I teach the stupid writing thing. In two years you have only not blogged twice. Once when you were in the hospital and I blogged for you and the other when I was in the hospital. Congratulations, you should be proud of yourself for being such an inspiration to others. Way to go Mom

  25. Congratulations from me glad I stumbled upon your blog..your pictures uplift me and your take on things amuse me...! I am sure you will do many more years of blogging because we'd sure love it if you did!

  26. This my excitement for the day. Thank you for the piece of joy in my dayLove Conz GW

  27. Congrats to you!! Isn't blogging fun:)

  28. Congrats on your three years! And if you think you've blogged enough for the 'Grands', well just keep blogging for us:)please!
    That is one lot of posts you have done, and we all know how much work it is.
    I was getting excited about my next post being my 200th, but I'll probably never catch up to you.
    Good work Connie:)

  29. A friend recommended your blog because I am a wild flower lover. I 've read your blog every day for nearly a year. I hope you find time to continue it. As a diary keeper, I know that it is fun to go back, read old entries, and revive old mememories. I forget so quickly.

  30. Three years - what a wonderful feat! Here's to many more lovely years together... I'll bring cookies!

  31. A most happy blogiversary sweetie.

    BTW: I always have a boatload of homemade cookies frozen problem baby!!!

    I for one have so enjoyed all the old pics and great history you have posted.

    God bless ya and enjoy this day!!!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie