Saturday, June 5, 2010

Long Lake Loons

One day we went by the Long Lake Public Landing,  we learned years ago that a public landing is a good place to walk Chance.  Of course he loves the water..and we always get to inhale the scent of wet dog until he dries out.
As we approached the landing, Far Guy said "Look at the loon!"   I took a few photos out the window of the car, then I got out of the car and watched.  It was one single loon fishing.
He or she was unafraid, and dove and surfaced many times before finally swimming off too far to photograph. 
 It was only after the loon was out of the area that we let Chance out for his walk..or partial swim.

I have been watching Larry Backlund's Loon Cam (the link is on the left).  I have watched for three years now, this pair of loons seems different from the previous years.  This set seems young and immature..not old and wise like the others.  Yesterday one of the eggs was rolled off the nest into the is the You Tube Video.  The eggs should be hatching any time now..many people are watching and waiting.
 Long Lake Loon
Straight Lake has at least two sets of loons this year.. possibly three..they are still nesting too.  I hope we get to see the babies ..from a distance:)


  1. now, your "of course he loves the water" is very surprising to me. boscoe has always *hated* water. he wouldn't even stand with his toes in a stream to take a drink until he was about 8 years old. i always thought that that was the border collie in him, because it's sure not the Lab---
    i thought border collies didn't like water. but clearly i'm wrong.

    and re the loons: ever since our trip up north last month, i have been thinking about getting a recording of loon songs to play in the evening.

  2. What a beautiful gorgeous day that you captured perfectly on film. You are good to keep Chance from going after the loon. Some people would have thought it great sport to see if their dog could catch the bird.

  3. Gorgeous photos, and I love watching the wild life, we have Heron's here all the time, and my Golden Retriever loves the pond too, and to chase the Herons, Hugs ,Barbara

  4. Great post -- thanks for the update on the loon nest.... I've been chkg on it... but hadn't for a couple days -- I better keep on it so I don't miss the hatching! If your other readers haven't checked it out - you must!

  5. Lucky Chance - gets to go for a swim. Don't know which is worse, a wet dog, or a dog that doesn't like water!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Beautiful pictures Connie. Loons are just magical to watch! We have never known if Harriet likes the water or not - my guess is "not!" Chance is a handsome fellow.

  7. I adore loons...they are so hauntingly beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing that gorgeous shot of one!

  8. Oh, what beautiful markings on that bird! And of course Chance should take a little swim... ;-)

  9. I love the sound of loons, they make me think of pensive times in my past. It never occurred to me that Chance might not like to swim!

  10. Hello my friend....sorry to be gone for so long. I see you are still blogging away! How you manage to get so many blogs in still amazes me! You're a busy girl! How's that beautiful dog chance doing? Obie says hello. We have loons here in Maine too and I absolutely LOVE the sound of's kind of haunting and soothing at the same time. Loving the look of your blog...very beautiful. Will be back soon...I hope!

  11. Ah the things a person misses out on when they live in one place and not another. I would love to enjoy loons on a regular basis, our side of the mountain just isn't their cup of tea. My brother used to live in just the right spot on the other side of the mountain. When we visited him, going to see but mostly hear the loons was always on the top of my list.

  12. What a nice day. Love the photos.

  13. ouch. I've got it marked on my favorites -- but haven't watched very often. so sad about the egg. Hope some other animal was able to make a good meal of it for their babies.

  14. The beauty of your world...where you live, that amazing state of yours is just jaw dropping.

    Thank you for sharing!



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