Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wildflowers: June 27, 2010

These are some of the wildflowers in bloom this week. 

I was greatly encouraged to see the first of the milkweeds in bloom.  The Oval-Leaf Milkweed or Dwarf Milkweed or Asclepias ovafolia is a native plant.  Milkweeds are the only host for the Monarch Butterfly Larvae.  I have only seen a few Monarchs flitting around.  This Milkweed bloom is white. Milkweeds have a milky sap inside their stems.

The Birds Foot Trefoil, is in bloom all over, it usually grows in patches..and unless you look closely it can look like a patch of other yellow plants..the dandy ones.  This is a non native plant which is also known as Lotus corniculatus.

American Dragonhead or Dracocephalum parviflorum is in the Mint Family, it has a square stem. The flowers on this native plant are on a very thick spike.

Last but certainly not least is Heart-Leaf Four O'clock or Mirabilis nyctaginea.  Its flowers open in the late afternoon and close before noon the next day.  It is a native plant that has opposite heart shaped leaves and tubular flowers.  There are many of these along the roadways.

Some of the sides of the roads are being mowed now..I hate it when they do that..but I suppose it is necessary.  So that people can see the freaking deer that cross the road in front of their vehicles.

Last evening the deer were out and about, with all the rain the mosquitoes are out and it being a full moon and all..the wild animals become more active.  I am sure you have heard the joke that the Minnesota Mosquitoes are nearly as big as birds..they chase the deer out of the woods in the evenings..into the fields where the evening breeze can chase the bugs away. 
 Far Guy and I argued about this one..antlers or not?  Far Guy said "Not"

Ha! I have proof that I was correct..there is a ravine in this field and this deer was walking in it..he would surface every so often..then he would totally was pretty cool..for a deer:)

Someones finger is still very sore, but she did sleep last night. She can still take photographs:)


  1. Totally antlers, yes, unless he has two sets of ears.

    I am so thrilled to see my milk weed actually looking like a milk weed this year. Last year the spindly little thing was a real disapointment.


  2. Very pretty wildflowers Connie. Hope "someone" continues to improve and sleep well.

  3. I thought perhaps someone's dog might have to blog today since his fingers are fine! Still praying for complete healing with no complications. Thanks again for the flower update. You have a LOT of them to report on in the summer. - - - - And about the mosquitoes, I like that about them being as big as birds. I read a biography about a teacher who moved to Canada and she talked a lot about the huge population of large mosquitoes.

  4. Looks like I have to buy some more milkweed, because I'm not finding any in my garden. Bought it once and it seeded itself for years after that, and I always had monarchs around. Hope your finger heals well, and soon!

  5. I vote for antlers in velvet.

    I have heard the milk of a milk weed can remove a wart.

  6. you're welcome. for stopping by (:
    (I just enjoyed the read, and didn't have any pertinent info to add)

  7. Hiked at Charleston Falls yesterday and found the prairie flowers starting to blossom. Took a few pictures, but none as good as these. Just sent your blog address off to my hiking buddy--she'll love these!

  8. Thank goodness 'someone' can still take photos. Those look like the beginnings of antlers to me.

  9. Yes, you can still take pictures AND you can still write posts, so you aren't doing too badly. I think those are antlers in velvet, too.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie