Friday, June 18, 2010

Weathering the Storms and Wild Iris

Yesterday there were 35 tornadoes in Minnesota. The town of Wadena was hard hit yesterday, it is located about 45 miles south of us. We were in the grocery store when the Noah weather radio started going off. We headed home and just as we pulled into the yard it began to rain, we let Chance out..he made short work of his business. The thunder rolling across the area was continual. Far Guy said "Sounds like a freight train." We were joined a few minutes later by the neighbors, we enjoyed some snacks with the busy twins and Aubrey. Aubrey is talking more and more..she can now say Yucky ( That is what Chance's ball is after he drools on it). I think her speech is improving, although much of what she says is in her own language. The twins did lots of tornado talk..but the bad weather was the reason they were not allowed upstairs to play with the trains.

Daughter Jen sent us a photo of a snaky, tall and lean twister up in her area. I immediately wanted to know where she was when she took the photo..she was safely south of the tornado. Even though it was a cool photo, I wondered why she was not in her basement. Where were her children? Where were her nieces? Well, with her of course and they all got to see the twister.

Jen has her hands full, she is taking care of Maddie and Paige this addition to moving into their "new" old house two blocks from where they live now. We were supposed to be extra hands and support this past week, but Far Guy is ill, he has been to the Doctor,no exact diagnosis has been made, he has a temperature and aches all over and his normal (that is a terrible way to describe it) ..yes his normal pain level has been ramped up several notches barely tolerable. The Doctor "thinks" it might be one of the tick borne diseases that has exacerbated his Trigeminal Neuralgia pain. Think twisting a knife in an already present wound. Call back if he doesn't feel better the meantime he is to take doxycycline..just like Chance did awhile back for his anaplasmosis. Chance took it for 28 days, Far Guy for just a week..what is up with that? Darn deer..darn ticks..darn TN. June has not been a good month for Far Guy. This last more violent episode is a week old today, that is when he woke up with throbbing pain that has never left from the right side of his face. Maybe one of these days he will wake up with no pain..yeah right.. we would just settle for having the old pain back, this new pain is the pits. As Far Guy's Neurologist says..when you have TN anything is possible, as it seems to have a mind of it's own. We are "laying low" staying quiet, not venturing too far from home..Chance and I have had a few wildflower adventures. I feel sorry for Jen, I am sorry that we were not there to help her out, but you do what ya gotta do..and she understands that.
The Wild Iris are blooming. Iris versicolor or Blue Flag Iris is one of my favorite native plants, it is a good year for them. They are on the riverbank a mile away..
and they are in some of the swamps. They always look so darn cheerful:)


  1. I'm really sorry to hear about Far Guy. That is the pits, I agree. I hope it improves soon - as in TODAY would be good!

    Stay safe.
    The Duchess

  2. you and family were sure on my mine with the bad weather. So sorry about Far Guy and his pain.
    The Iris is a very pretty flower.

  3. Sorry to hear about the pain. Hope it is better tomorrow.

  4. The Iris are beautiful. Ohhh twisters, I used to have nightmares about them as a child. I am sorry to hear about Far Guy. I hope the drs can get his pain under control.

  5. Wow, you sure packed a lot into this post! I am hoping Far Guy is feeling better, at least somewhere more do-able on the pain scale. And those twisters! And last of all, those beautiful iris! (whew!)

  6. Sorry to hear the Far Guy is in so much pain...I hope it gets gone soon for both your sakes. Yikes on the twisters...they are something I NEVER want to see.

  7. Sorry your Far Guy in pain,this just doesn't seem to be a good month for a lot of my friends on here. Blessings and prayers to you and far guy

  8. Sorry to hear that Far Guy is having a tougher time. That really sucks.

  9. So sorry! Has far Guy tried an ice pack for the face pain?

  10. I am thankful you all are okay, too. I heard on the national news on the radio about the twisters and the death count - - - in the thirties? That is funny about your daughter and the picture. Some people like adventure. I would have been in a basement or digging a ditch with my hands if I saw a twister - - - and that would be before or after I had a heart attack when I spotted it? . . . . .
    And I am so sorry for your husband dealing with the horrible pain. It is so difficult to watch someone suffer and not be able to help make them better. I will try to remember to pray for him more frequently.
    As always, we love to hear from you all & Chance.

  11. So sorry about Far Guy and his pain!
    We have so many Flag Iris's in bloom here now too...some of the ponds have purple alllll over them..and I love it!
    So glad you didn't get a tornado where you are...but you came far too close to having one!
    Stay safe!

  12. I was concerned about you when I heard about all those storms yesterday. I am glad to hear you were unaffected. That is just plain awful that Far Guy is feeling so rough right now. I was going to guess a tick borne problem when I first started reading your post. I am most familiar with Lyme disease. Any of them can sure make a person feel bad enough without adding TN on top of it too. Nurse Far Side - take good care of that guy and make sure he finishes all of that antibiotic!

  13. Glad the storms passed you by, and sorry about Far Guy's pain. I really hope it subsides soon.

  14. Lovely iris shots.

    So very very sorry to hear about Far Guy. Sending you positive healing prayers...

  15. Wow, now that is storm watching!

    A two block move must be the hardest of moves. I'm sorry that you can't help, that is always a hard thing to do, not do. And mostly because of why, I'm so sorry that the pain is now ever so much worse. Rest well, the both of you.

  16. Those ticks cause so much trouble for people who don't have his condition, I can't imagine. It makes me wonder how he deals with any bug bite. I really feel badly for him. Pain is pain and no good.
    I had forgotten about what the wild iris looked like. Our flag iris are not comparison to the wild ones.

  17. Oh gosh! I'm so sorry for Far Guy! I wish something magical would come along and help him. I really do.



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