Friday, September 4, 2009

First Signs of Fall

One of the very first signs we get around here is a tree on the way to town. It is always the first to change color.. he will be done turning color soon and then he will drop his leaves to the ground and show off his naked branches first..I think he must be like a bratty little kid..thumbing his nose at summer and fall all at once. For years I thought this tree was under stress being so close to the highway..I always expected it to hasn't. This photo was a little hard to get, there is no close approach to park safely..there was one in the vicinity so I pulled over and waited for the traffic to have a lull..then I pulled out and drove right up to the tree and stopped.. and took my photo.

Yesterday was really a strange day outside, it wasn't cloudy but it wasn't clear either. We finally decided that the air was so full of grain dust and dust from the fields that it was filtering out the sunlight. After supper of corn on the cob, peaches, a sandwich and our very first tomato of the summer or fall..the rest will probably never has been a lousy year for tomatos.. anyway Chance and I went for a drive. We went looking for Fall.

The bean fields have turned color. No traffic to bother with can just stop in the middle of the road.

Most of the small grain fields now look like this..and in this photo you can notice the Smoky Hills in the background and a little clue how they got their name. No traffic here either. There was some Duck Traffic..flying North.

This is the lowest I have seen the Shell River in years. We met one car along this road..we had to wait for his dust to settle to finish our photographs.

We enjoyed the sunset from the end of our driveway. It did look like a fall sunset, so as much as I hate to admit it..summer might be over, and fall might be here:)


  1. We don't mind the fall too much, but we sure dread the rainy winters. What we wouldn't give to live in year round sunshine!

    Have a great Labor Day.
    Kisses for Chance,
    Emma Rose

  2. Pretty scenery you shared today. I hope you and Far Guy are feeling well and that you will enjoy a long, holiday weekend. Harriet sends Chance a smooch!

  3. Some of our trees are starting to turn just a little but you can tell it won't be long.
    Your series of photos are really nice and the sunset is gorgeous.
    Sunny :)

  4. There is nothing better than a drive in the country. I love looking at fields and smelling the countryside. Love the colorful bush. You captured a beautiful sunset. You are making me anxious for the fall color transition. We won't begin ours for another 3-4 weeks. Wonderful post Connie, as always.

  5. The infamous tree on the way to town -- I almost took a pic of it a couple of days ago.... But found another on the way to Fargo yesterday. Will be funny if we ever post at similar times and the pics would be similar! The sunset is beautiful - I've heard they've been awesome but haven't seen them --

  6. My ash trees are usually the first ones in the neighborhood to show color and the first to drop their leaves.

    I saw another "sign" of fall yesterday: Canadian geese flying in formation. They are in the area all year, but in the fall, they fly in huge "Vs" looking for harvested corn and grain fields.

  7. I noticed a blaze of scarlet today in our field -- sumac bushes. I'm thinking, No! Not yet! but I do love fall. Lovely photos.

  8. Pretty pictures. I'm not sure I'm ready for fall. I didn't get near enough stuff done outside this summer.

  9. What gorgeous photos. Autumn knows how to make an entrance, don't you think?

  10. is the air hazy from the california fires, do you think?


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