Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall Color : Sept 23

Chance and I went out looking for some Fall color. We didn't go far ..just down our drive. I took the three wheeler and Chance ran along. It is a pretty safe place to it is a private drive, no one other than family or visitors should be on this road.

There were lots of deer tracks. Chance chased a Chipmunk. It chirped at him and he was off like a flash. He has good recall..most of the if I holler "come" twice..he should return to me. If not I beep the horn..he knows he is in big trouble then. He is usually pretty good with me, he knows that I am not a pushover and if he doesn't time he will stay at home. I know that some people use a leash with their ATVs, some dogs even ride on the back, with Chance we have always used it to run some of his excess energy off. Of course I don't drive very fast anyway, Chance can run way faster than me. Yes, I just putz along.

We found a little color, the days have been unseasonably warm for September. I still have a few things blooming, I do anticipate a frost any day now. I am hoping for an extended maybe right up until Christmas:)


  1. The Ozarks hasn't come into it's beautiful fall colors yet. But I know frost will hit this valley soon.

    Great pics and I'm fine if fall stays until spring!!! Have a super evening!!!

  2. Such a pretty road to explore on. Great pictures of Chance. Mostly our dogwoods trees are the only ones to have color so far. Hope all of you have a great weekend.

  3. The colors are going to be very nice when they have fully changed. I imagine that drive is a pretty one to take on a sunny autumn day.

    Border collies are so smart. They do have excellent recall and I swear they read thoughts. I miss my border collie. She was the best dog I have ever had. I love my stupid Lab but he can never compare. Like Chance does with you, she would run beside me when I rode a bicycle. You are right- it helps burn off their endless energy.

  4. It is too warm for Sept. Your trees are having some pretty shades of orange. I love this time of year.

  5. OH! How Beautiful! Thank you for taking me along! LOVELY!


  6. Fall is defiantly showing its signs! Great fall pictures!

  7. Nice. We have about 55% color right now. I went out on our lake tonight and it was beautiful. I hope to post some pictures in the next day or two of the trip out looking for color on my blog.

  8. Yep! Right up until Christmas would be fine with us too!!!

    Kisses for Chance,
    Emma Rose

  9. Leaving in the morning (Fri), so we should see some color on the way maybe. Home Sun afternoon. Hope all going well with Odda!!!!!

  10. Lovely pictures. I did a little 'leaf peeping' myself today with my dog Lucy.Autumn is moving right a long in our area!
    Sunny :)

  11. Very pretty, you're very lucky to have 4 seasons.
    God Bless


  12. Beautiful oak leaves. I plan to photograph the changing of my Minnesota birch tree. The yellow is so bright. You have a few I am sure. I have the only one in the entire town. I need a four wheel drive to go get Barney in the middle of the night when he decides to lay down in the cool dirt and won't come in to the house. The horn might wake the neighbors though.

  13. Wouldn't it be lovely with warm autumn days all the way up to December! Unlikely though in our neck of the woods...

    Great pictures.

  14. Ok, now I know that I really miss the change of seasons but to see it and to see it down your road like I use to have makes me really miss it. The road was many many years ago when my son was little and even then I knew how lucky I was no matter how broke I was. There is no beauty like the fall, none! Thank you for sharing it. Southern Ca, has none.

  15. I hope we have at least a couple weeks before frost as my tomatoes are just finally turning red!


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