Tuesday, January 24, 2023

On the road again

I left on Sunday the roads and weather were good.  My Mom had a Doctors appointment to re assess the blood clot in her leg on Monday.  It seems stable for now and the Doctor reminded her to keep taking her medications.  We made a trip by the fabric store and the grocery store. 

Mom is depressed, I told her when she misses Dad then she should sew!  She is scheduled for a Mohs surgery on Wednesday and my baby brother and his bride will get her to that appointment.  She is not looking forward to that procedure. ( Skin cancer removal from her nose)

Monday on my way back it rained just like summertime and the temperatures dropped and it was very icy...those icy patches continued through most of my return trip.  Got back to Andy and Jens safe and sound.  I am tired and will have a low key day today. 

Far Side


  1. Surgical procedures are never fun...
    Hope she does well.

  2. Heartfelt best wishes and prays for your mom's surgery and other issues my friend!
    Loved the gorgeous image

  3. Hope your mom's surgery goes well. I can only imagine how lonely she feels after being your dad's constant companion and a caregiver - not to mention the many decades of marriage.

  4. No surprise she misses her sweetheart after all those years. I hope her surgery goes well. Glad you are back with your sweetheart and taking it easy. ;)

  5. Rain at this time of year leads to nothing good. You had to be mentally worn out. It's hard to lose a lifelong partner. Your mom has good family, that makes a big difference.

  6. Definitely hoping your mom's surgery goes well. My heart goes out to her as she continues through this time of grief.

    White knuckle driving takes a lot out of a person. A low key day sounds like the way to go.

  7. My heart goes out to your Mom. Grief is such a roller coaster journey.

  8. I hope your mom's surgery goes well. Glad you are taking a rest day. Enjoy your week.

  9. Great tune! "On the road again" Okay, I'm far off the topic.

  10. I'm glad to hear you made it home safe. I cannot imagine driving in such conditions, but I have enough to deal with when the sun is shining and it's above freezing. I hope your mom's surgery goes well and she recovers quickly.

  11. Your mother may or may not overcome her depression over losing her life mate. All you can really do is keep on connecting with her in your loving way.

  12. Sending good thoughts for your mom. ♥️

  13. Flowers look like they are injured and bleeding.

  14. Great that you got back safely in spite of icy roads.
    I hope your Mom's surgery goes well. It must be so hard to adjust to being alone now.

  15. You take care of yourself, as well!

  16. Oooh Connie, I hate the thought of you skating back to Jen's on those icy roads. Thank God you arrived safe and sound. Whew. I'm sorry for your mom and hope she will start to feel a little better some time soon....I think that Spring would help, but we're a long way from Spring right now. Hope she can do some creative projects to keep her mind busy these days. Time is the only healer, it seems. God bless her.

  17. Happy you got here and back ok. The roads tonight are snowy again, we had some big flakes come down. Hopefully things start looking up for your mom. Change is so hard.

  18. Hard to fight off The Blues anytime you have Health Issues stacking up like your Dear Mom is Dealing with. It's good she has a solid Network of Family which is always crucial when Dealing with the Issues of Life. Plus, the Missing of someone Dear to you has its grieving stages that can be prolonged as you Heal from Losses.

  19. Ice on the roads can be scary. You drive it well but you still get exhausted from guarded driving. Flowers will be welcomed in the summer again.

  20. I'm so sorry for your Mom....she's had to deal with so much this past year and now surgery. My Mother had skin cancer on her nose and had surgery on it. She th en had to put radioactive cream on it afterwards. I hope she will be okay. Glad you got home safe and sound! Ice is the worst! We've had our fill down here and there is no salting or sanding here in our town.


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