Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Kitchen Gadget and Update

 We had way too many tomatoes.  Lots of yellow pear and two larger red tomatoes.  So I chopped them up and cooked them, used my antique food mill/strainer and strained off the juice free of seeds and skins. 

This old food mill/strainer hangs in the back room and only comes out when I make vegetable strain the tomatoes.  

It comes apart for easy cleaning...but that old wire mesh is another story...I have to whack it in the sink many times to get it clean. 

The tomato juice went in the freezer to be taken out when I make vegetable soup this Fall. 

I finally completed 30 plus days of antibiotics and I am beginning to feel like a real person.  I still tire easily and have some aches but for the most part I am greatly improved.  I am happy to put this miserable month of August behind me. 

Far Side


  1. I am so happy that you are starting to feel more like your old self again. Guess all my prayers are answered. i love your antique "strainer". Reminds me of the one my mother had.

  2. My Grandma had one of those strainers and I wished I'd had one. I now have a pretty nifty food strainer thing too. It is such a pain to clean though.

  3. I'm happy this month is behind you too, Connie. What a loooooong haul for you!! Sheesh!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. I'm glad you are starting to feel better!

  5. I have a food mill too and it is amazing for getting rid of the skins and seeds of tomatoes. Glad you are finally feeling better... take good care of yourself.

  6. For most of my life, I've usually just kept the tomato seeds in whatever I make from them. (The skins I blanche off and I emulsify everything with a stick blender.) But the last time I did tomatoes, I just quartered them up and used the old food mill. Honestly, I think I now prefer to use the food mill method.

  7. I do not really like tomatoes - - only the meat part if it is cubed really small and only a little added to a salad or soup. I say that to let you know I am unaware of the difference in taste of the colors. My guess is the yellow tomato has a different flavor than the red? Is it similar to the difference in colored bell peppers?
    I do LOVE good marinara sauce. I buy Paul Newman. I used to make sauce from scratch but Paul Newman is all natural with no additives - - - and is consistent in flavor.

  8. P.S. I, too, am very thankful for you that you are done with the medicine and are improved!

  9. It's great that those old gadgets still come in so handy.
    Glad to hear you continue to improve. Here's to a better September!

  10. Hooray for antibiotics! I’m glad that you’re feeling better.

  11. Glad to hear you're feeling some better.
    I recall seeing a food mill before but I don't own one. Definitely a good idea to get rid of the seeds.

  12. I'm so glad you are starting to feel much better. I hope September is a very good month for you

  13. Heading for September with a better outlook. I am glad you got so many tomatoes. I have been giving them away north and south neighbors. The north neighbors had crop failure. I want to suggest they buy some soil and cover up all the old stuff. My yellow pear are just now setting on as they were volunteers that didn't get seriously planted until late.

  14. Lynda, The yellow tomatoes taste much like the red ones but have a little less acid:)

  15. I'm so glad you are feeling some improvements. I'll be glad to put August behind me too.

  16. Glad you are feeling better! It's feast or famine with tomatoes here. None last week and a bushel on my counter waiting for me.

  17. Thank goodness you are coming to the end of your tick born petulance. That is misery you don't need.
    I roasted and sauced a bunch of plum tomatoes yesterday and today I made basil pesto. All went into the freezer.
    I have a food mill too, but mine is only about 40 years old. I bought it new. :-)

  18. So sorry about your illness. What trouble one tick can cause!

  19. You're doing well to get all that food processed.

  20. It's good to know you're on the mend after your most awful month of August.

  21. I quite like antique kitchen ware, and would love to try out your food mill!
    So glad you are finally feeling better - doesn't feeling more normal make life worth living again? I hate health scares :)

  22. So glad to hear you're starting to feel better. What a lovely bunch of tomatoes you that veggie soup will be delicious when you make it!

  23. I am so glad that you're feeing a bit better. That's a long time for antibiotics. I'm glad that August is behind you too. We've got so many cherry tomatoes this year. One plant and I pick a gallon size bag every day. Mom ate them like candy when she lived next door. Now that she's in her apartment, I didn't know what to do with them all. I asked the kitchen people and they said yes, they would love to have them for the salads! Mom is loving that place. The people are so sincerely nice.

  24. Wow, it's wonderful to hear you're getting better. That is a long time for a dose of antibiotics, but whatever it takes. :-)

  25. I hope September is better for you than August now that you are feeling better.
    I haven't seen a food mill like that before although over the years I have has several strainers without the turn handle that would be otherwise identical. Yes they are a pain to clean!

  26. So glad you are feeling better Connie! love your strainer. That would probably work for making fresh tomato soup! No chunks. That is the one of two soups (you know who will eat). after teeth pulled the other soup he did eat was my homemake potato soup. Otherwise Campbells tomato is it!

  27. Those old antique gadgets come in handy once in a while. One of my favorites is a wooden potato masher which I maintain makes the best mashed potatoes! Glad to hear you are feeling better and finished with the antibiotics. Now, stay away from those ticks and you’ll be home free … in a couple months.

  28. Soooo glad to know you are finally feeling better!! We've kept you in our daily prayers, and Far Guy also! What an interesting gadget. I may have to look around the thrift stores to see if one pops up someday. That sure would make short work of the tomatoes. Of course, I just mush mine up in the regular strainer... but I'd sure like to have the handle turning to make it easier!


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