Sunday, September 12, 2021

Fall Y'all

 I put up some Fall decorations on the wreath outside the door. 

I mowed the front yard, it looks good again. 

Friday  I made two crock pots of Chili, my baby brother and Baxter joined us for supper.    Chili will be frozen in individual is great to warm up on a cool Fall day and will be appreciated when the Fall yard work begins.

Far Guy felt feverish and tired for about 36 hours after his third Moderna vaccination.    I am not due for my third vaccination until sometime in November. 

Friday we went for a Ranger ATV ride in the evening...around the block and saw ten deer.  We have my other baby brother's Ranger for a few days.   Saturday night we saw about twelve deer.   The cool evenings and mornings feel like Fall.

Saturday morning we had a power outage for about 4 hours.  We went to check things out and the breaker out on a pole by the road had been tripped.   When you call in an outage you get a message that says if the problem is on your side of the breaker they will charge you $400 to come out.   This is the second or third time that breaker has been tripped this summer.   I got out my book and read, Far Guy kept wanting to do things that used power.

Far Side


  1. Since you posted you must have your electricity back. We have been having fall-like weather, too. We are supposed to get a spell of summer-like weather later this week. Seems like fall came fast this year.

  2. I enjoy these early fall days with a mixture of cool mornings/evenings and warm days. And I had no idea there were breakers out on the power poles. Hmmm . . . learning something new.

  3. Chilli is a great meal for the cooler weather this time of year.

    Glad Far Guy was fine after the 36 hours of fever. Hope your shot goes smoothly when you get it in November.

  4. Do you know what trips the breaker? There is always reading for me, but Roger is lost without power since his stroke.

    I like your fall wreath!

  5. Been such lovely fall weather! I hope that breaker problem will get fixed or it could be a real issue come winter!

  6. It's still a little too dark to tell, but I thinks we had a sprinkle of rain overnight. Not enough to measure in the rain gauge, though. The nights are still warm, 58 degrees. I'll hold on to summer until the official day, Sept 22.

  7. I'm glad Far Guy got the third shot, even though he didn't feel well after it. He'll be safer having it in his system. Sounds like fun to ride the ranger and seeing so many deer! Plus maybe you can go fast enough to outrun the mosquitos!

  8. I'm loving the fall type weather too. Nice to see your fall decorations up!
    Glad your power outage didn't last too long.

  9. I love your wreath and how you change it each season. It always looks so nice. You sure saw a lot of deer on those two days. I bet your leaves are starting to change and will be beautiful soon. I love Fall but we still have days in the 90s here. You two have a good day!

  10. My 3rd Moderna shot is due in November too although there's been no county announcement. I wonder if it's something that we just get at our doctor's office, rather than the fair grounds like the first two? We'll see. I love your fall wreath, Connie, and yes... the new season is upon us sure enough. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. Sigh! Everyone wants MONEY for everything anymore. Gone are the friendly customer service days.

  12. I'm glad FG's reaction wasn't too severe.

    Chili is definitely something good and hearty to have in the freezer. I made a pot of chicken chili recently - my son wouldn't eat it, so it was all mine. While I didn't have enough for the freezer, next time I will.

    Enjoy the cooler weather.

  13. Sounds like the fall work is starting already.

  14. Our power company knows who is out automatically as they are notified by our meters. I can actually look a map up on my cell phone and tell how many houses and which ones are out.
    I have the electric company and an electrician coming out tomorrow to look at our breaker box to the house.
    I'm having it updated as it has shut off a few times this year. I just walk out and flip it back on.

    We are having a roast and fresh dug tators with fresh veggies from the farmer's market!

  15. Nice that you have your baby brother's ATV to enjoy for a while. Sounds like fun and seeing all the deer never gets old.

  16. Our power went out the other night - it was only out for about two hours, but it was driving Dave crazy. I had knitting so I was fine!

  17. I am praying for Fall weather. It's hot here but not humid. What a great idea to make chili and freeze for later. I need to put that on my menu although it's awfully hot here for chili right now. Far Guy had the exact same reaction after the shot. I had a great sleep though! LOL!

  18. I used to work for a farm dealership. We would lose power and/or internet for no rhyme or reason. They would "fix" the transformer in our parking lot. Finally one of the repair people traced the line up to a state route. There was a nest of squirrels where some lines were buried. They had been chewed. When bare wires touched, we would lose power until something nudged them. This lasted about 2 years, I will bet.

    It was wonderful here all week, temps got up to the high 70's. I started some fall decorating and today is 89 degrees. It is supposed to stay in the 80's and 90's this week. Boo

  19. Fall there spring continues

  20. I like chili a lot but my wife does not. I try to get it at cafes that serve it. I hope you can safely flip the switch.

  21. We had a night and morning of rain, it was delightful. Now it's sunny and cool again. Glad FG's third shot is behind him now. :-)

  22. Glad you got your power back on! I like your fall wreath. I used to love decorating for Fall. This year I don't know whether to do it or not, since husband says we're going south for the winter and when we get back, we'll want the decor up that's up now! So what to do!!!!!

  23. I like simple wreaths like yours. I keep a plain one and do it up different every time I use it. For June I filled it with craft butterflies I made, should've taken a photo but forgot, of course. Prayers Far Guy is feeling lots better by now and that both of you keep doing well. Blessings to you uys!

  24. My goodness, $400! We lost power for 16 hours the other week in the storm and we discovered all the batteries in the flashlights were dead and the portable generator wouldn't turn over when cranked! I think there is a morale to this story!💖

  25. I will get my booster when allowed. . I’ll probably get a little sick like FG as the second one made me feel badly for a couple of days. I didn’t tell anyone outside my family as I did not want to discourage anyone from getting the vaccine.


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