Friday, September 24, 2021

At retreat

 I had a busy day yesterday, grocery pickup and finished packing up.  I did the final sanding on six more ornaments before I left, the total is seventy six ready to paint someday.  Then I left and drove almost an hour to the retreat. The leaves are turning fast so we are almost peak fall color. There are eight of us here so far.  Nothing major is happening on my table yet.  However some gals are working hard.

All are having fun…lots of giggling.

Note that they all have phones. 

Far Side


  1. Lots of giggling sounds like lots of fun! Enjoy yourself :)

  2. Hah! Of course everyone has phones these days right? I generally have mine on me too. But not when I walk in our woods. It just dings a lot telling me there is no voice service so I leave it at home.
    Enjoy this time off!

  3. Giggling and crafts, no better way to spend some time together!

  4. Hope you have loads of fun at the retreat.

  5. I'm so happy that you're able to get away and enjoy some time with friends. The giggling sounds like a lot of fun!

  6. Oh how WONDERFUL, Connie, and thank you for taking us along. Post again from the retreat, would you? I love reading about it and about your good time!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  7. Oh that sounds like so much fun! Enjoy yourself with friends and lots of giggling.

  8. Enjoy to time to stay focused on crafting and not on other things.

  9. Oh that sounds like fun! Have a fantastic, productive time. :)

  10. What a fun time you must be having! Enjoy every minute of it!

    As far as the phones, I just read an article about a young couple that tried to not use their phones while on vacation. They got lost because they had trouble using a paper map and they seemed to have difficulty with almost everything they did without looking things up on their phones. After one day they went back to using them. For the young it seems to be a crutch. I have a smart phone but I do know how to exist without it! Enjoy your retreat!

  11. I know you will have fun, and teach those others a thing or two. :-)

  12. Not only do they all have phones, but they are right there at hand. We are terrible about that, aren't we.

  13. Sounds like lots of fun happening on your retreat! And your Christmas ornaments are really coming along. You'll have a lot to keep you busy when you get back home. Do you stay in a nearby hotel during these retreats? Do you know some of the people there from prior years? Have fun.

  14. The different card styles are interesting. The first one resembles Stampscapes. I have a bunch of those stamps, but not very good with the style. I bet the markers make the blending easier. I am so glad you are taking some well deserved time away at retreat.


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