Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 1st

 Welcome April...April showers bring May flowers!   We sure do need some rain as it is really dry here.  Fire danger is high.  I need to get out a water hose as soon as it warms up...just incase.   I think it was 2004 when there was an intentional fire set across the road from us, it was very windy and the sparks travelled a long way into our woods. 

We had snow in the air again, less sideways yesterday.  We didn't even bother getting the mail yesterday...with informed delivery we knew there was no mail...and if some flyer that was garbage mail was in the mailbox it could wait.

I worked on the new/old car seat cover. A few more days and it will be done.  I started watching an old season of Survivor on Netflix.

Today is grocery adventure day! 

Far Side


  1. Happy April First. We had snow in the air yesterday; didn't last long tho. We also had a very strong westerly wind and chilly temps. Good luck with your grocery adventure.

  2. It’s also April Fools Day. So watch out! (I’ve already been “got” so now I can relax and think of a good one on Himself.)

  3. I read the old blog post you linked - and OMG!!! I had never heard of people setting fires with toilet paper rolls. What is wrong with people? We get grass fires here, and in western SD there have been LOTS of fires this past week. We are very dry too, and those 40 mph winds we've had this week have hampered the fire fighters.

  4. I have never heard of "informed mail", Connie. How interesting! We've got snow on all the rooftops and outdoor surfaces today too... it started last night about 9:30pm. But it's April 1st... how long can it last, eh? Good luck on your grocery adventure today. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. You can sign up with the Postal Service to get an email and scans of what should be in your mail box.

  5. I can't wait to see the seat cover all finished!

  6. It's grocery adventure day here to, I'm sending Kevin since I'll be working late. I like that "April showers bring May flowers", we say that here too. Folks talking around town about this has been the dries winter they have known of. Karen

  7. Have a great day and don't be Fooled!

  8. Fire hazards are no joke. We are okay moisture wise here, but the winds have prevented us from burning a gigantic pile of debris that we inherited (and have added to) when we moved here. We are determined to diminish it this Spring, just never seems to be the right conditions/time. Have a good adventurous day!

  9. I hope all goes well with the grocery adventure. I have been reading about the S. Dakota fires and that I-90 was closed for a period of time because of them. That is worrisome as I had planned to take I-90 all the way to Sioux Falls. Also, I was going to stay overnight in Rapid City if I can get that far in one day.
    Take care with the wind.

  10. I do hope you get some is so scary. We have plenty of rain today and lots of puddly muddy messes around the property!

  11. I love Informed Delivery, especially on stormy days. Even with all the snow from the previous storm, it’s still terribly dry here and fire danger is high.

  12. Super dry here. 37% humidity. Guess I'll work on weeding in the pasture this weekend. Hopefully no wildfires come your way!
    There is a lot of dead stuff out there and I know the 4 wheelers will be tearing things up in the neighbor woods. If the wind stays west, no fire danger here.
    Stay safe!
    I can sign up for the vaccine starting MOnday!

  13. Fire and wind is a frightening combination! We have sure had a lot of strong wind recently too. The weather sure jumps all over the place this time of the year. We have not seen snow but we did have a hard freeze last night.

    I'm excited about the car seat cover! I imagine Far Guy is as well. Are you making a cover for the seat and the back both?

  14. Back when I lived in the country with a very long driveway I would have loved to have informed delivery for mail!! I didn't know that had such a thing now.
    Not good to have fire alerts and wind advisories together for days.
    Hope your outing day goes well. :)

  15. We woke up to all kinds of snow!! It will be in the 70's next week. We had a fire about 20 miles from here. They think it was intentionally set at a pallet business. Unfortunately it involved a lot of plastic, too. We had high winds and it kept jumping the road. It got to a trailer park before it was stopped and burned one home to the ground. Others have a lot of smoke damage to belongings with those noxious gases in the smoke. It was pretty scary. There are many posts with children's clothing sizes asking for donations while the insurances try to sort this out.

  16. I wish we could send some of our rain to you. Although I must admit we have had less than our usual deluge. :-)

  17. I didn't know of such a thing as informed delivery. Hmm.
    Whenever I hear that April showers bring May flowers I know that the saying did not originate here in the coastal PNW. Here March showers/rain bring April flowers, and then May, and then June and then.....
    I hope you get your rain. Fire danger is not a pleasant worry.

  18. We are waiting for something in the mail but it is the court house that needs to move its butt. When we first moved here the mail didn't come until after six o;clock or even later. I will be glad to see those seat covers on the seat. It is a big project.

  19. I've been wondering if I should sign up for Informed Delivery. You like it, so I think I will. It's a wee walk to mailbox and we have mailbox thieves in our neck of the woods. They catch them, but some more spring up.

  20. Good luck with your grocery adventures today! It's slowly starting to warm up....a little of the ice is off our lake....maybe it will look a lot better by Sunday! I see the 60's are coming our way! Did you know Henny Penny lost their little dog? So sad. Breaks my heart every time I hear things like that. Have a Blessed Easter!

  21. One can only hope you get a some very rainy days. That should lower the risk of fires.

  22. Well, I hope you do get some more rain! Fire danger is nerve-wracking. I'm surprised to hear you are concerned about the risk this early in the year. That is awful that some people are so unthinking about "pranks" that set off fires. After the fires we've experienced in California the past two years, people around here are highly sensitized to words like that. So much devastation. Of course, the drought doesn't help...


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